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In what movie did the quote "Strong like bull" originate?

Question #55965. Asked by an alias.
Last updated Mar 26 2017.

Related Trivia Topics: Movies  
Answer has 1 vote

Answer has 1 vote.
I believe the quote originated from the series finale of the t.v show Quantum Leap entitled "Mirror Image." There is a Russian character in the episode who says he can move 24 tons because he is "strong like bull."

Apr 26 2013, 9:37 PM
gtho4 star
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gtho4 star
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Answer has 5 votes.

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Link for the above post:

"Mirror Image"
Leap Dates:
August 8, 1953
April, 1969
Episode Adopted by: TVNewsCam
Additional info provided by: Carly Lappini

Broadcast Date: May 5, 1993

The door opens and Al points to a new individual entering through the door, who is kind of hunched over and wears a hat. Al asks if he knows anyone named Stawpah, to which Sam says no. Stawpah points out that Sam is not a miner, and Sam introduces himself saying that he's passing through. Al sets a beer in a bottle down in front of Stawpah. Stawpah mentioned that he was a miner, and the best one in Mariana. He loaded 24 tons a shift. Today, 16 tons seems like a big deal. He mentioned that is bubba could load 16 tons. Al clarifies that bubba means grandmother.

Sam laughs in surprise, but Stawpah asks if Sam thinks that he's lying. Al intervenes, telling Stawpah to let Sam enjoy his beer. He then mentions what might be on Sam's mind . . . wondering how a cripple could load that much coal. Stawpah mentions that he was bigger, and strong like a bull. Sam mentions that he's sure that Stawpah was like that, but Stawpah continues on about how being in the mines soaked and rusted his bones. Stawpah notes that he's lucky if he'll see 50. Al mentions that he thought it was 40, to which Stawpah replies that he was 40 in March. Al laughs. Another person walks through the door.


Apr 26 2013, 10:21 PM
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