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Posted by: Terry
Date: Dec 20 22

Trident and I are putting together a new fun collectible artwork game to go along with authoring.

Each month we will present a "painting" that you can earn and display in your own personal art gallery. Over time you can collect and gather more and more works of art.

The limited time January 2023 painting will only be available for that month, never to appear again on FunTrivia.


Each month there will be 3 mini-challenges that will change month to month. ex. "author a sports quiz" or "author a photo quiz" or "complete an authoring title challenge".

Complete ONE of these mini-challenges during the month on ONE quiz submission and you will earn the painting... unframed. Complete ALL THREE mini-challenges spanning at least 2 different quizzes that you create in that month and you will get the painting with a lovely frame.

Examples: Complete mini-challenges #1 and #2 on quiz 1, and #3 on quiz 2. Or, submit one quiz that satisfies all three #1 #2 #3 and a second quiz on any topic. Or, one quiz that does #1, a second that does #2, and a third that does #3.

Here is a sneak peak at how it works, and what you can aim for starting January 1, 2023:



For the January painting, only quiz templates you create (or adopted) from January 1 to January 31 will be considered.

BUT: you get up to a month's grace period to get the quiz(zes) online, to take into account the variable editing process. So a quiz you create January 17th, but that goes online February 19th still counts for (only) January's painting.

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I love the Old is New topics because it gives me the opportunity to write in some subjects that I love, but that I thought other authors must have exhausted long ago. Hence the "Star Trek" movie quizzes. ;)

Reply #61. Feb 02 23, 2:42 PM

player avatar
One thing that I'm reminded is that despite the idea of authors 'exhausting' a topic, a lot of players-- especially ones coming to the site for the first time specifically searching for those topics-- simply don't mind. They're there looking for those quizzes, and if they get bored, then that's all them. We don't really suffer from people seeing a similar question a couple times (though we'll usually call it out if it's being beaten into the ground).

Reply #62. Feb 02 23, 4:21 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Also, none of the new formats existed for all of those old is new topics.

Pretty much any new quiz using a new format is completely novel in these categories.

Reply #63. Feb 02 23, 10:18 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
reedy with the first framed chess game!

Reply #64. Feb 06 23, 1:21 PM

player avatar
Congrats reedy!

Reply #65. Feb 06 23, 5:21 PM
reeshy star

player avatar
Hi folks, the Author Gallery is pretty interesting and I'm hoping to get some inspiration over the months. I have an issue with my first template: I created it from the Old Is New page only to discover that the category is limited for new quizzes. I have re-used the template to meet another of the requirements but it is still listing that template for the Old Is New requirement even though it is no longer a suitable category (or at least I imagine Authors Q-S *must* have had quizzes in the last 8 years :P). If I remember correctly, it is better to re-use a template than to delete it outright but am I better doing that for the moment or is there some way to fix the issue with the Gallery requirements?

Reply #66. Feb 07 23, 12:26 PM

player avatar
In general, yes it is okay to repurpose templates. Of course, this doesn't apply for certain circumstances, such as quiz adoptions. I would imagine the Old is New designation would also be a circumstance in which this practice would be frowned upon.

Since the Old is New concept is relative recent, I don't know if there are protections built in to warn against repurposing templates that have been tagged from that page. In your situation, I would recommend asking an editor to delete the template if you no longer have a desire to write in that specific category.

This might be something Terry wants to take a look at to help prevent it from happening in the future.

Reply #67. Feb 07 23, 5:19 PM

player avatar
We still have some old "this category is restricted" tags around the site, that no longer apply. So if you stumble on one, it's worth your time to check with an editor in the category to see if it does apply. We actually have extremely few closed or restricted categories.

Reply #68. Feb 08 23, 10:22 PM
pollucci19 star

player avatar
Concur with agony... I stumbled into one and wrote to the editor and got the thumbs up to proceed.

Reply #69. Feb 08 23, 11:32 PM

player avatar
Limited or restricted doesn't mean you can't use it - it just means that (for example) we don't want to see quizzes full of "What is the Roman name for Zeus?". However, if it were in one of the new formats, there would almost certainly be no problem. Even Harry Potter has room for innovative quizzes!

As an editor, I just realised recently that a category had been marked as closed before I started editing in that category, so I never removed that tag. Once someone asked me about it, I worked out how to remove it. So don't give up when you see a restricted category message, or even a closed category. Except serial killers.

Reply #70. Feb 09 23, 3:09 AM

player avatar
pollucci, it might be you I'm remembering - an author coming to me for permission to write in a category that still had a tag. A tag that should have been taken down ten years earlier but somehow got missed.

Reply #71. Feb 09 23, 9:54 AM

player avatar
There might be quite a few missed Restricted tags in Movies. We had so many of them at one time it was hard to catch them all.

Reply #72. Feb 09 23, 1:07 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
It might be worth us removing all of those "closed categories" and putting back just the ones that truly are closed. I'm thinking serial killers, weapons, etc. The actually closed categories are very few.

Reply #73. Feb 09 23, 7:30 PM

player avatar
Riddles in Brain Teasers is also closed. The answers to many are too subjective to make good quiz questions.

Reply #74. Feb 09 23, 7:34 PM

player avatar
I think I've found all mine now and removed them - I went on a search after that last time.

Reply #75. Feb 09 23, 8:24 PM

player avatar
I'll take a run through Movies and see what others might still be there.

Reply #76. Feb 09 23, 8:52 PM
reeshy star

player avatar
Thanks, folks, that's just what I found out after getting in touch with a Movies editor so I am happy to go with my original idea and there's no problem now with the Gallery requirements. :)

Reply #77. Feb 10 23, 3:14 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
I just submitted a quiz that is listed on the painting page.
Assorted Children's Literature (offline) Req#3
So, does that mean the framed Vermeer will appear on my profile once the quiz goes online? Or do I need to return to the painting page when it goes online?

Reply #78. Feb 13 23, 6:21 PM
reedy star

player avatar
I do believe you have to go back to the page after it goes online.

Reply #79. Feb 13 23, 6:48 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Right, that's what I thought. Thanks, reedy.

Reply #80. Feb 13 23, 7:35 PM

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