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trivia game Who's the Smartest?
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Who's the Smartest?

This is our difficult trivia hourly game. Give it a go! - View Game Details
trivia timedThis harder hourly game ends in 7 minutes.
trivia game players 12 player(s) have played this hour in Div 1
51 players over all divisions.

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Top Scores: Division 1
( See scores from last game )

PlayerRankTeam CorrectTimeAwardScore
1. gracemercy1 91 The White Angels 989s +222 (*) 722
2. fgrozalen 106 The Devil's Advocates 870s +166 (*) 660
3. trivia player DHANI12 92 Raised in the Sixties 872s +141 (*) 656
4. trivia player lacybear 112 Children of Terra 894s +111 (*) 612
5. trivia player MilkDrinker 116 The Devious Demons 753s +109 (*) 594
6. trivia player jonathanw55 191 No Team here... 760s +88 (*) 580
7. daveguth 5 --- 8111s +88 (*) 578
8. Guest-9371 1 Just visiting 786s +83 (*) 528
9. nerzack 142 European Players 645s +81 (*) 510
10. opusone 53 --- 7115s +77 (*) 470
11. trivia player ozfei 185 Australian Players 7148s +40 404
12. Gruntasan 119 The Calculators 370s +16 160

* Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: gold member = Gold Member. editor = Editor. ]

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