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After being sent back in time due to a major temporal rift, Sam Vimes must assume the persona of John Keel, the man he recalls as his mentor and hero.
3 Night Watch quizzes and 50 Night Watch trivia questions.
  Characters in Terry Pratchett's Night Watch    
Collection Quiz
 15 Qns
Ankh-Morpork's police force is widely known as the Watch.
Average, 15 Qns, gme24, Feb 16 24
gme24 gold member
Feb 16 24
88 plays
  "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
'Nightwatch' is a slighter darker book than most of the 'Discworld' series, in my opinion. But it is also fantastic and I hope you enjoy the quiz! Warning: Contains small spoilers!
Average, 25 Qns, Quiz_Beagle, Oct 24 09
Quiz_Beagle gold member
1527 plays
  Terry Pratchett's Night Watch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hope you were reading carefully? No, quick go and get your book!
Average, 10 Qns, djellibabe, Sep 15 10
1466 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In 'Nightwatch', what name does the Cable Street Particular sign when Vimes insists that he signs for the prisoners?

From Quiz ""Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett"

Night Watch Trivia Questions

1. In the opening scene of 'Nightwatch', what's the name of the young Assassin who's on a mission from Miss Alice Band - not to kill Vimes, but to get him in her sights and report back?

From Quiz
"Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Jocasta Wiggs

She finishes up in 'the old cesspit behind the gardener's shed', treading water. 'Well...treading,anyway'. All the incorrect answers are, or were, also Assassins in Discworld.

2. What flower were the 'City Watch' wearing to commemorate Keel's death?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Lilac

Taken from nearby trees, worn on hats, in buttonholes and tucked in pockets. Even the smell evoked his memory!

3. 'Now we sing dis stupid song! Sing it as we run along! Why we sing it we don't know! What is the last line of Detritus' erm..original marching song from 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: We can't make der words rhyme prop'ly!'

Naturally it finishes with a sound off, which goes 'One! Two!' 'Many, lots!' 'Er..what?'. But beware of thinking Detritus is thick! In the cold he is one shrewd troll!

4. Who are the 'agony aunts'?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Dotsie and Sadie

Don't mess with this pair, unless you can run very, very fast or you own roller skates!

5. In 'Nightwatch', what is the name of the troll who is the first troll to be initiated into the Hooms, an Ankh Morpork gang that goes around beating up trolls?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Calcite

As Carrot explains to Vimes, it's all right because young Calcite likes beating up trolls too. Carrot rather bewilderingly sees this as 'a step foward'. Vimes isn't too sure...

6. Wallace Sonky experimented with what?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Rubber

Bricks would have been more effective but cheesecake would have been more fun.

7. In 'Nightwatch', who or what look upon the 'exciting panorama' that is Ankh-Morpork as a sort of 'daytime TV'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The Ravens

That's what living around the magical atmosphere of Unseen University will do to you! Turn you into a couch raven? Or, given where the ravens sit, a gargoyle potato? All the incorrect answers also look over, or after, the city in their own peculiar ways...

8. After some confusion over Miss Battye's occupation, Dr. Lawn removed a crochet hook from where?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: An ear

Miss Battye, the best seamstress in the district!

9. The Agony Aunts appear in a few 'Discworld' books. What do we discover that Sadie can do terrible things with in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: A parrot-headed umbrella

The ladies of Ankh Morpork are no shrinking violets! All the above answers have been used to inflict a world of hurt on anyone stupid enough to cross them.

10. C.M.O.T Dibbler was referred to his business as what?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Dibbler Enterprises

Vimes suggestion for a different name definitely had a familiar ring to it!

11. In 'Nightwatch', what should NOT be in 'The Garden of Inner City Tranquility'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The beer bottle

'Some bugger always tosses one over the wall on his way back from the pub on a Friday night'. It really gets on Sweeper's 'thungas'. The cigarette packet 'invokes the element of air', the cat doings remind us 'that disharmony, like a cat, gets everywhere' and the used sonky (and cabbage stalks) tell us not to forget 'the role of the organic in the total harmony'. I wonder what the used burger boxes that turn up on my car mean?

12. What sort of adventures did Molly Clapper have?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Amorous

The title of the book found in Corporal Colon's locker.

13. How does Vimes know that the combination of Captain Tilden's safe is 4-4-7-8 in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The safe had still been there, on the same combination, when Vimes became Captain of the Night Watch

In case you haven't read the book, it concerns time travel, and Vimes 'remembers' the number from the future. Also, no one knows how to change it and all that's worth keeping there are 'tea and sugar and anything you particularly wanted Nobby to read.'

14. What is Wiglet's first name?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Billy

15. In 'Nightwatch', what name does the Cable Street Particular sign when Vimes insists that he signs for the prisoners?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Henry the Hamster

Strangely enough, despite the signature, Vimes asks for some ID as well... Henry the Hamster finishes up with a broken arm and 'John Keel' signs the cast. Hamish the Hamster is my hamster, who wanted to be in a quiz...

16. What form of torture forced Ferret's confession?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Ginger Beer

Scary, I know!

17. What are the names of Nobby Nobbs' parents, who are still alive in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Sconner and Maisie

Nobby was actually an abused - well, I suppose we must say 'child', as in later times he carries a paper to prove he's human. In 'Nightwatch' he's just an urchin, 'spiky, slimy amd smelling slightly of rotting seaweed'.

18. What happened to the man who 'got the bean'?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: Became king

A special dish served in the Assassins Guild, the finder of the bean being the lucky man.

19. What did Mr Salciferous of Terry Pratchett's 'Nightwatch' have in common with Mr Creosote of Monty Python's 'The Meaning of Life'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: They both burst

The short answer of 'He burst' from Dr Lawn curbs Vimes' natural inquisitiveness. This question is for my friend who always tries to tempt me into eating a 'wafer-thin mint'...

20. How much did Lawn earn for the birth of the baby?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett's Night Watch

Answer: One hundred thousand dollars

One very rich man!

21. In 'Nightwatch', what is the first question Vimes asks Gerald Leastways, aka Ferret, when Ferret assures Vimes he'll tell him whatever he wants to know?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: What's the Orbital Velocity of the Moon?

There are no details in how the Watch plan to use the ginger beer, but if your imagination's boggling, may I suggest reading Joseph Wambaugh's excellent 'Lines and Shadows', where the (no-doubt similar) Coca-Cola method of extracting information is given in excruciating detail...

22. What does Madam Roberta Meserole point out to Vimes about herself when they first met in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The intricately painted fingernails

Vimes notices her accent, her hair, her eyes and her dress. Madam points out her nails, but tells Vimes if he's trying to guess her weight she won't help him! Oh, those Ankh Morpork ladies!

23. How does Vimes find his way back to the monks in 'Nightwatch', despite the fact that he was 'blindfolded' when taken there?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: By feeling the streets through his boots

Vimes can 'read' the streets through his cardboard thin boots, like Braille. Of course, when he marries Sybil, he's got expensive boots, but he's always liable to look for the thin soles when times get tough!

24. In 'Nightwatch', Vimes muses that he's been on the street all his lfe but he's never met who?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The People

This is a very true and interesting passage. Those who are 'on the side of The People always ended up disappointed' because 'The People tended not to be grateful or appreciative or forward-thinking or obedient'.

25. Which Watchman from 'Nightwatch' is so short he was once once accused of navelling a sergeant?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Billy Wiglet

You've heard of people being 'eyeballed' haven't you? Well, Billy was too short to eyeball... Nancyball, on the other hand, was the first man in the squad to know when it rained.

26. '-we own all your helmets, we own all your shoes, we own all your generals. Touch us and you'll loooose' is a from what song in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: The National Anthem

The snatch quoted finishes up '...Morporkia, Morporkia, Morpooroorooorooooorrroorrr-' and, as the captain points out patiently to Hepplewhite, is in fact 'the national anthem sung very badly'. 'All the Little Angels' is a very different song.

27. In 'Nightwatch', what is Nobby carving himself a Watch badge out of? It's 'waxy, kind of like candles but you can't eat it?'

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: soap

Vimes advises him to remember the word, but as in later life Nobby can do party tricks with his pimples, I think he must have forgotten!

28. What does Carcer give Nobby in 'Nightwatch' for being a good boy?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Someone's ear

Carcer is one of the nastiest villians ever to appear in a 'Discworld' book. Nobby, however, is delighted with the ear - 'still warm' - that's kids for you!

29. What is the name of the siege engine that was supposed to carry away the barricades of the Republic of Treacle Mine Road in 'Nightwatch'?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Big Mary

It would have been disaster, but for Vimes, a couple of mallets, wooden wedges and two-pennyworth of fresh ginger. You just really don't want to know where Vimes put the ginger!

30. In 'Nightwatch', who was the first Watchman to die on the barricade?

From Quiz "Nightwatch" by Terry Pratchett

Answer: Horace Nancyball

Poor Nancyball gets hit in the chest by a grappling hook. Billy Wiglet desperately takes him to the Doctor but Vimes knows he's beyond help.

This is category 15756
Last Updated Sep 14 2024 5:49 AM
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