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Danger By Design Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Danger By Design Trivia Quizzes

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3 quizzes and 50 trivia questions.
  Nancy Drew: Danger By Design   best quiz  
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 20 Qns
This quiz is about the 14th Nancy Drew computer game, "Danger By Design".
Average, 20 Qns, 13erin22, May 08 07
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  Deeper Into Danger   great trivia quiz  
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 20 Qns
This is a quiz on the Nancy Drew computer game, "Danger by Design". Be forewarned: it will be harder than most!
Tough, 20 Qns, china_girl, Sep 12 07
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  "Danger by Design"    
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 10 Qns
"Danger By Design" is the fourteenth Nancy Drew game installment. This is a PC game for Windows 98, XP, and/or 2000.
Easier, 10 Qns, VickyODeer, Aug 26 10
473 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who was the culprit in the end?

From Quiz "Nancy Drew: Danger By Design"

Danger By Design Trivia Questions

1. Nancy Drew is going over to Paris, France, for what purpose?

From Quiz
Deeper Into Danger

Answer: To do undercover work

Nancy's false reason for traveling abroad is working as an intern to Minette, an eccentric fashion designer. Her real purpose, however, is to discover the reason behind Minette's strange behavior.

2. Who is the first person you see in the game?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Heather McKay

Once you get to the windmill, Heather comes out of the office, leaving a screaming Minette to calm down. Minette has a process she goes through to manage har anger, and it seems it works.

3. Where does Danger by Design take place?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: Paris, France

"The Curse of Blackmoor Manor" took place in London, England. Jane Penvellyn's mother and father were staying in Rome, Italy.

4. What is the second stage in the process of Minette's method of controlling anger?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: Six seconds of sobs and tears

When Nancy first arrives at Minette's studio, she is greeted by screams of rage, a flying potted plant, and a slamming door. Heather McKay, Minette's current assistant, explains to Nancy that all that was quite normal.

5. What were you almost hit with when you first came to the windmill?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: A potted plant

Although it was meant to hit Heather, you are greeted with a plant flying past your head when you enter. The plant lands under a tapestry, and the next day it will be cleaned up.

6. Who is Heather McKay?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: Minette's assistant

The editor of Glam Glam Magazine is Jean Michel Traquenard. Minette went out with the photographer, Dieter Von Schwesterkrank.

7. Where does Minette keep her threatening letters?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: dodo box

Nancy opens the dodo box when Heather is out. Minette gets a threatening letter under the door that Nancy opens.

8. What does Minette say her favorite color is when you make the tea?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: Red

Minette's tea must be brewed a certain certain way. Her "tea therapist" has written down all the stipulations that must be met in order for Minette's tea to operate to maximum potency. Knowing her favorite color helps in figuring out one of the requirements.

9. Who is Minette making a dress for?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: The First Lady

Marie Antoinette was being studied by Professor Hotchkiss in "The Treasure of the Royal Tower". Nancy Drew find out at the end that the dress has to do with a crime Minette might be committing.

10. What is the first reason that Deiter thinks Nancy came to see him for?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: She lost her passport and is looking for the American consulate

Deiter tries to guess why Nancy has dropped by, but guesses wrong. Eventually, Nancy has to develop the photos she came to pick up - by herself - because Deiter is too busy.

11. For which magazine does Jean-Michel Traquenard work for?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Glam Glam

Jean-Michel writes reviews for Glam Glam magazine, and it seems he isn't very well liked, although many people look up to him. He's one of the top magazine writers in France, and one of the most well known.

12. What do you have to do to knock out the culprit?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: karate punches

Nancy almost shot the culprit in "Secrets Can Kill". She has trapped culprits in "Message in the Haunted Mansion", "Treasure in the Royal Tower", "Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake", "Haunted Carousel" ,"Secret of Shadow Ranch", and "Curse of Blackmoor Manor".

13. At some point in the game, you have to win an online game to make Minette get back to work. It says the creator of the game is Jane. Hmm...What other mystery have we seen Jane in?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: The Curse Of Blackmoor Manor

In most of the games there is a little something or other that is from a past Nancy Drew game. Sonny Joon is also mentioned in this game; he's from "Secret of the Scarlet Hand".

14. What are some tasks you must do?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: Fix the plotter, make parfaits

You do call Minette's rival, Hugo Butterly at one point. You don't bribe Dieter at all in the game.

15. Who needs you to get Jing Jing's autograph?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Zu

In order for Zu to tell you where the secret passageways are, he wants Jing Jing's autograph. She won't give it to you willingly though, so you have to trick her using hangman. :-)

16. What is Minette's login name for the online games that she's obsessed with?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: Carol

Nancy has to win "Model Match", an online game, under Minette's username before she can give her the stuff from Pont Neuf. She finds the username and password in an old notebook of Sonny Joon's, Minette's previous assistant.

17. What item does Heather need you to pick up from the vendors in the park?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: A stuffed parrot

When you ask her what it's for she just says it's 'a Minette thing'. You also have to get some strange items in the park for Minette.

18. What object outside Minette's door must Nancy disassemble?

From Quiz "Danger by Design"

Answer: Paint bomb

Minette throws a potted plant in the beginning. In "Stayed Tuned for Danger" you must disassemble a regular bomb by cutting the right wires in the right order.

19. How much flour does Nancy need in order to make the mint cookies so that JJ will go help Minette?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: 2 1/4 cups

Minette starts screaming for JJ and Heather sends Nancy to go get her. However, when Nancy gets to JJ's house, JJ is making cookies and refuses to go unless Nancy promises to finish the cookies for her. Nancy has to go to either Pont Neuf or the Cafe Kiki to get mint for the cookies because JJ's sprig was moldy.

20. When Nancy finds out that Heather sent Minette a threatening letter, does she turn her in?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: She can choose whether or not to do so

Nancy discovers this with a little detective work (i.e. snooping) and putting two and two together. When she finds a letter among the cut-and-pasted letters in Minette's dodo box, she is suspicious. Later she finds the fonts laying on Minette's desk with a note from Heather on them and then she knows that Heather sent the note.

21. When you see Deiter in the park, he leaves behind a clock and what else?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: An obituary

The obituary is for a woman named Noisette Tornade, who turns out to be a big part of the story. When you ask Deiter about these items later, he tells you to keep them.

22. Heather asks Nancy to go buy a parrot at Pont Neuf. What is the lowest that the seller will take for the bird?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: 5 euros

Nancy comes to her desk one time to find a note from Heather requesting the parrot. Nancy never learns what the parrot is for, because (in Heather's words), "It's a Minette thing. You wouldn't understand. No one would..."

23. What was splattered all over the wall in Minette's office?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Paint

The paint covers the dials that you need to see to set the M380 decoder. In one of the letters in the dodo box, it hints that the person who sent it was the one who threw the paint.

24. What color was the substance that was splattered on the wall in Minette's office?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Red

The paint looks a bit like blood, but from what everyone tells you, it's not. You later get a picture of the dials from Jean-Michel.

25. How does Nancy get JJ's autograph for Zu?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: She plays Hangman

JJ is very paranoid about anybody having her autograph. In order to obtain it, Nancy has to play Hangman with her and guess the letters that Zu wants written out: "Z U M Y L O V E J I N G."

26. How many euros do you make from painting one reproduction in the park?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: 15 euros

Although you start out with quite a bit of money, you'll need to make money at some point to get everything you need from the vendors. There are two reproductions you can paint.

27. What color do you need to set the windmill statue in the park to?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Purple

After you set the mouth statue and the windmill statue correctly, you can go to the drinking fountain and you walk through a long tunnel leading to a key. Unfortunately though, you have to set something up so a pesky squirrel won't keep messing up the windmill...

28. Decoding the "red left... green" cipher gives Nancy what strange message?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: Sous Lorraine 4154

This leads Nancy to the Cross of Lorraine in the park where she eventually finds her way into an underground tunnel. In the tunnel she finds the key that she needs to win the game.

29. Jing Jing has you make some cookies for her. What do they do that makes them differant from other cookies?

From Quiz Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

Answer: Their edges curl upwards

As soon as the cookies are done Jing Jing will call you, and if their edges don't curl upwards, you have to make them again. The mint makes the cookies' edges curl upwards.

30. "In Europe, near the new bridge, Snow White lives in a red castle..." Where is Nancy when she utters these puzzling words?

From Quiz Deeper Into Danger

Answer: In the catacombs

Nancy finds these strange French words engraved on a lock in the catacombs. When deciphered, she is able to get from the lock a propeller type key. Yes, very useful, Nancy...

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