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How did the song "How Dry I Am" come to be associated with drunks?

Question #107399. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated Aug 23 2016.

Related Trivia Topics: Music  
looney_tunes star
Answer has 9 votes
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Answer has 9 votes.
"'The Near Future' is the name of a song written by Irving Berlin in 1919. It is better known for the small part of its lyric that took on a life of its own: 'How Dry I Am'.

The term 'Dry' in that time period meant abstinence from alcohol, and support of Prohibition. Those who took the opposite approach and/or view were often called 'Wet'. Prohibition became fact in 1920, in 'the near future' after the song was issued.

This portion of the song...

How dry I am, how dry I am
It's plain to see just why I am
No alcohol in my highball
And that is why so dry I am

...became known for its ironic use, by people getting drunk and singing it, sometimes in harmony, in all manner of popular media, especially Warner Bros. cartoons. That usage necessitated removing the parts that overtly denied drinking, which tended to reduce the song to these two lines:

How dry I am, how dry I am
Nobody knows how dry I am... Hooow dryyy I aaaaaam!"


Jul 26 2009, 2:58 AM
Answer has 11 votes
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Answer has 11 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
I remember a different version of the song from my long ago youth:
With sincere apologies to Mr. Berlin.....

How dry I am,
How wet I'll be,
If I don't find the bathroom key,
I find the key, I open the door,
Whoops, too late, all over the floor!

Jul 26 2009, 12:24 PM
Answer has 4 votes
18 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
The melody originally came from a Christian hymn," Happy Day ". I recall singing this one in church a time or two as a child when we attended the Methodist Church.

Found another link with sound

Response last updated by gtho4 on Aug 23 2016.
Jul 26 2009, 2:50 PM
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