The United States Coastal Pilot lists 136 islands.
Caldwell, Bill (1982). The Islands of Casco Bay. page 3
"The islands in the bay are also called the Calendar Islands, based on the popular myth there are 365 islands. This was first reported in 1700 by Colonel Wolfgang William Römer, an English military engineer, who reported there were 'as many islands as there are days in the year.' The United States Coastal Pilot lists 136 islands. Robert M. York, the former Maine state historian said there are 'little more than two hundred islands.'
Regarding Robert York, "The Maine Answer Man" and state historian:
York tried, without success, to burst some of the myths about Maine history. One is that Casco Bay has "calendar islands" -- one for each day of the year. In fact, he says, there are a little more than two hundred islands, not 365.
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