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Did Andorra have any involvement in World War 2?

Question #109712. Asked by unclerick.
Last updated Feb 13 2017.

Related Trivia Topics: History   World  
Answer has 3 votes
Pejikr avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
During World War II Andorra was neutral, it was an important smuggling route between unoccupied France and Spain.

Oct 12 2009, 11:19 AM
BRY2K star
Answer has 6 votes
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BRY2K star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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Since Andorra and Germany signed no peace a defacto state of war existed between the two countries until September 25, 1939 (some sources incorrectly state 1958) when a reparation-free treaty was signed, finally ending World War One.

The fact that World War Two had started twenty four days before on September 1, 1939 has been largely lost on historians. Andorra, after living in a state of bloodless world war for twenty five years, decided to sit out World War Two.

The French garrison that had been in place to watch Franco withdrew in early 1939 and Andorra policed its own borders again. With the fall of France in 1940 and the rise of the Vichy regime Andorra again felt threatened. In 1942 when the Germans occupied southern France a German unit was sent to occupy the country but they were beat to the punch by Spanish Civil Guards.

However a Sonderstab F (Special Staff F) processing station was set up for Spanish volunteers for the Blue Division which fought on the Eastern Front against the Soviets. With the 1944 Allied invasion of southern France and the subsequent German withdrawal Andorra interned trapped German troops. By an odd twist of fate Andorra fought Germany in World War One and never saw German troops but was occupied by them in World War Two, where it was obstensively neutral. The end of the war left Andorra free of foreign troops again and since then has remained so.

link no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on Feb 13 2017.
Oct 12 2009, 12:25 PM
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