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In the novel "Moby Dick" what was Captain Ahab's full name?

Question #11960. Asked by billfay.
Last updated Oct 14 2016.

Related Trivia Topics: Literature  
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.
Captain Ahab Ceely.

May 14 2001, 3:03 PM
Answer has 4 votes
24 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
If you'll look in Melville's book, Ahab is the only name he has!

Ahab was just Ahab - no 'first' or 'last' name, just like Ishmael, Queequeg, Starbuck, et al

May 14 2001, 9:07 PM
Answer has 12 votes
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24 year member
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Answer has 12 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
The only instance I can find of a last name for Captain Ahab in Moby Dick is from the 1930 movie starring John Barrymore as Captain Ahab Ceely.

link also lists Barrymore playing Captain Ahab Ceeley (note the different spelling) in a 1926 movie called The Sea Beast.

There is no indication that Melville's character in the novel had any name other than 'Ahab.'

Apr 11 2003, 8:59 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
In the book, before the ship sets sail, one of the owners, Capt. Peleg, says the name Ahab "'Twas a foolish, ignorant whim of his crazy, widowed mother," which would make Ahab a first name.

But all of the characters of authority in the novel -- Capt. Peleg, Capt. Bildad, Capt. Gardiner, Capt. Boomer, Father Mapple, Starbuck -- are addressed by their last name. Indeed, there is today a family of Starbuck, father and son both whaling captains, buried in the Nantucket graveyard, as you can discover on-line.

I think just about everyone who reads the novel takes these names as last names. And even if those names generally were not last names, when it comes to such a forbidding and domineering character as Ahab, who is the very opposite of intimacy and comraderie, I think everyone in Nantucket and on ship would name him by his last name.

I suspect almost all readers take the name Ahab as a last name. Thus in my opinion Melville erred in the content of this little speech to Capt. Peleg, and ought to have given Peleg a speech whose content dealt in some way with the fact that Ahab was the family name of Capt. Ahab's father.

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 14 2016.
Nov 18 2008, 12:44 PM
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