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What is the longest book in the Bible?

Question #1349. Asked by Beggar.
Last updated Aug 29 2016.

Related Trivia Topics: Literature   Religion   The Bible  
zbeckabee star
Answer has 30 votes
zbeckabee star
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11752 replies avatar

Answer has 30 votes.
The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible.


Response last updated by Terry on Aug 29 2016.
Jan 24 2008, 3:39 PM
Answer has 35 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 35 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
The number of chapters does not matter, the number of words is what counts. Actually, the number of letters would be even better.

This question is actually interesting and gives you a chance to consider how the Bible was compiled. Psalms is actually a combination of many books, maybe as many as five. The question is what is the longest book in the Bible. That depends... What are you considering a book? Are you following our modern version or origional? Also, consider that many books and many have been split into a 1st and 2nd, but were origionally a single book.

Consider these points, at something like 43,000 words Psalms is the longest book in the Bible. However, since it is actually 5 books combined into one, I would not consider it to be the longest. It would easy to combine multiple books into a single, or split a single book into multiples. So I think you have to go back to the origional books to do a valid comparison like this.

At 42,000 words and being a single book in every version of the Bible, Jeremiah is actually the longest single book in the Bible.

Apr 08 2013, 8:34 PM
fado72 star
Answer has 12 votes
fado72 star
15 year member
107 replies avatar

Answer has 12 votes.

Psalms with 150 chapters. It contains the longest chapter 119 with 176 verses and the shortest chapter is 117 with only 2 verses. Now the middle verse in the bible is psalms 118 verse 8.


Apr 17 2013, 1:23 AM
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