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How many types of kryptonite are there and what effect does each colour have on Superman?

Question #43373. Asked by supermary345.
Last updated Aug 21 2016.

Related Trivia Topics: Colors  
Answer has 13 votes

Answer has 13 votes.
There are five distinct varieties of kryptonite (green, red, gold, blue, and white), the first three of which are toxic to Superman.
Green kryptonite, the only variety potentially fatal to Superman, induces lassitude and inertia followed by death if not removed in time from Superman's presence.
Red kryptonite inflicts bizarre and unpredictable - albeit temporary and nonfatal - symptoms, as when it divides Superman into twins or transforms him into an infant or a giant ant.
Gold kryptonite would permanently rob Superman of his super-powers were he ever to be exposed to its radiations.

Response last updated by Shadowmyst2004 on Aug 21 2016.
Jan 15 2004, 3:16 AM
Answer has 31 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 31 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
This is the following list with names and effects:

Green Kryptonite: The most common form of kryptonite, created by the "radioactive chain reaction" which destroyed Krypton, and "scattered throughout space as meteors." In superpowered Kryptonians, causes immediate physical pain and debilitation, reduces their powers, and kills within hours. Green kryptonite is a radioactive substance and as such, prolonged exposure to green kryptonite can cause cancer in humans.

Red Kryptonite: No two chunks of red kryptonite have the same, "unexpected," effect on Kryptonians. In one episode of Superfriends, 3 Kryptonian criminals exposed at the same time were all affected differently. Effects are typically depicted to last for 1-2 Days, after which the Kryptonian in question is always immune to that specific chunk of red kryptonite. However, in some incarnations the effects of red kryptonite last only as long as the Kryptonian is exposed to it.

Blue Kryptonite: Blue kryptonite is the Bizarro analogue to green kryptonite. Using Bizarro logic, this, in general, hurts Bizarros while having beneficial effects on ordinary Kryptonians.

Black Kryptonite: Kryptonite with the ability to split the personality of Kryptonians and split physically the bodies of humans.

Gold Kryptonite: It permanently removes superpowers from Kryptonians, by destroying the ability of Kryptonian cells to process solar energy.

White Kryptonite: Kills all plant life, whether Kryptonian or not. Induces decay immediately upon exposure, with a range of about 25 yards.

Orange Kryptonite: Gives superpowers, stronger than Krypto's, for precisely 24 hours to any animal that touches it; ineffective on humans.


Jan 11 2009, 6:00 AM
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