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Did the two most famous Charles D's of the 19th century ever meet and do we know what they thought of one another?

Question #59559. Asked by gmackematix.

Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.

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I'm assuming you mean Darwin and Dickens.

I can't find any specific evidence that they met, but certainly they would have been aware of each other. The article below points out that Dickens made no open comment on Darwin's theories (about which he had every reason to know.) This might be explained not by simple reactionary rejection, but rather by his preoccupation with more immediate social and moral problems and their relationship with increasing industrial and technological development, to which science seemed to bear a important, but also malevolent, kinship. Examining evolution would have raised hugely complex issues with which I don't think Dickens was prepared to cope in the context of his own concerns and his audience.

But I'd just love to find evidence that Darwin was reading "Hard Times" or something while putting the finishing touches on "The Origin of Species."


Sep 24 2005, 8:47 PM
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