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What was the last mass-manufactured car to require a cranking handle in order to start?

Question #63646. Asked by gmackematix.

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As a reserve measure Renault 4s had them, they stopped around C reg whenever that was (mid 80s) and as far as I know Citroen 2cvs would have as well.

Mar 18 2006, 8:52 AM
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21 year member
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Answer has 1 vote.
That sounds about right. The Renault 4's went up to C-reg (1985-6) according to the conversation cited in the site below.
Citroen 2CV's were made up to 1990/1. There is also a lot of discussion about when various Land Rovers and Range Rovers had them without reaching any final decision.
Someone also claimed that Morris Oxfords were still made in India, although that might be confusion arising from a TV advert.

I must admit I have never seen a car started with a handle, but it sounds as if it could be a little dangerous.
By the way, I warn that if you Google "cars with starting handles" you are likely to find chat sites full of old geezers waxing lyrical about trams, tin baths in front of the fire, outside loos, respect for elders, playing outside all day without parents worrying, etc., etc.

Mar 19 2006, 7:40 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
Answer has 2 votes
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Answer has 2 votes.
A version is of the Oxford is still made -
Unfortunately, this page seems to be viewable only in IE. I can't get it in Firefox or Netscape. I hate going into IE. They've got new engines for it including diesel and LPG, and from the picture there's no starting handle.

Mar 20 2006, 5:09 AM
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Answer has 1 vote.
Actually, the last one to 'require' a starting handle would be very long ago. Charles Kettering invented the electric starter in 1912, so it won't have been all that long before everyone had to offer it on their models. So, there probably weren't many mass-produced cars that didn't have electric starters. The Ford Model T would be one, coming in in 1908.

Mar 20 2006, 7:59 AM
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