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Which U.S. state has no natural lakes?

Question #65579. Asked by myjoey.
Last updated May 17 2021.

Answer has 6 votes
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Answer has 6 votes.
I ran into more than one site that claimed the answer is Maryland.

West Virginia seems to have one natural lake, though it's called "Trout Pond."


May 11 2006, 8:28 AM
Answer has 8 votes
Currently Best Answer
18 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 8 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Q: I read somewhere that Maryland is the only state in without a natural lake. Is it true?
– Katie S.

A: Maryland has 4,000 ponds, several reservoirs and that big bay, but it's true the state comes up dry in the natural lakes department. But is it alone?
MFM called the U.S. Geological Survey, where experts scoured their data, pooled their knowledge and reached this conclusion, announced to us by research hydrologist Don Rosenberry: "There are natural lakes in every state in the country except Maryland.
"And maybe Delaware."
Never content with "maybe," the MFM talked to Robin Tyler, an environmental scientist with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources. He said the First State has at least one body of water "that would be indisputably" a natural lake. That would be Silver Lake, which covers about 25 acres just north of Rehoboth Beach. (Delaware has a second Silver Lake, in Dover, but it's man-made.)


May 11 2006, 10:51 AM
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