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What is the mushroom capital of the world?

Question #67172. Asked by Babba06.
Last updated Jul 02 2021.

Related Trivia Topics: Geography   World   World Capitals  
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.
Kennett Square, PA. or Richmond, MO. depending on who you ask. I say Kennett Square. I know all about Kennett.

Jun 20 2006, 12:59 AM
Answer has 6 votes
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24 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 6 votes.

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I'm finding one in addition to MyAlias' two who claim this illustrious title.

Mushroom Capital of the World

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

No U.S. state produces more mushrooms than Pennsylvania. So it makes sense that here, in the heart of mushroom country, one would find the Phillips Mushroom Museum. Established in 1972, the museum chronicles three generations of the mushroom-farming Phillips family beginning with Pennsylvania mushroom pioneer William W. Phillips, a man who really knew his shiitake.

Richmond is an ever-growing community located approximately 35 miles northeast of Kansas City, Missouri along Missouri highways 10, 210 and 13. It is known as the Mushroom Capital of the World due to the abundance of morel mushrooms in the area and the popularity of mushroom hunting.

- In tiny Mesick, Mich., self-proclaimed mushroom capital of the world, the population swells in mid-May during the annual mushroom festival, which includes a week-long hunt for the biggest morel.

Response last updated by satguru on Jul 02 2021.
Jun 20 2006, 4:19 AM
Answer has 4 votes
18 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
capital as in: "A city that is the center of a specific activity or industry: the financial capital of the world."

Response last updated by CmdrK on Aug 31 2016.
Jun 20 2006, 2:24 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
Kennett Square, PA is known as the Mushroom Capital of the World because there is no other place in the world that grows as many mushrooms in a concentrated area as is done in the KSQ,PA region. Agaricus mushroom volume of sales for 2010-2011 totaled 845 million pounds, up 9 percent from the 2009-10 season. Pennsylvania accounted for 65 percent of the total volume of sales and second-ranked California contributed 14 percent.
2010-2011 Mushroom Crop Report Released
Released August 19, 2011,
by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),
Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Cultivated mushrooms were first introduced in the US in Kennett Square, PA in the late 1800s.

Jan 19 2012, 4:04 AM
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