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At the beginning of Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages" and The Offspring's "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" someone says, "Unub gleeten glouten gloden." Does this mean anything?

Question #74100. Asked by darkpresence.

Related Trivia Topics: Vocabulary  
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
"Gunter glieben glauchen globen"

As far as I have ever heard, this is just a phonetic statement of nothingness.

As far as the internet yields...

Same consensus.

Jan 03 2007, 2:52 PM
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Rock of Ages is a popular hard rock song by Def Leppard from the 1983 album Pyromania. It takes its name from the hymn Rock of Ages. When released as a single, the song reached #1 on Mainstream Rock and #16 on the Pop Singles charts.

It begins with a German-like nonsense phrase, “Gunter glieben glauchen globen”, which was later quoted in "Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)" by The Offspring and "Call Me What You Like (If You Like Rock-N-Roll)" by Puffy AmiYumi. According to the official Def Leppard FAQ,

These four words that you hear at the start of "Rock of Ages", mean nothing in particular though, the band sometimes jokingly claims it means "running through the forest silently". It's gibberish, said by producer Mutt Lange during the recordings of the song, instead of the regular one, two, three, four.
The song proceeds to reference Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) by Neil Young with the lyrics "It's better to burn out Than to fade away."

The line "We've got the power, we've got the glory" is likely a reference to Matthew 6:13.

The album's title is mentioned in this song. The line is "Drive me crazier; no serenade, no fire brigade, just pyromania."

Jan 03 2007, 3:31 PM
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