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Subject: It's Qmel!

Posted by: Qmel
Date: Sep 18 08

Tjis is where I'll blog about the lighter stuff in life.

Watch for my musings on the lighter side of life.

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terraorca star

player avatar
How does he/she even get Eurovision on the TV, he/she has Iowa listed as home on her profile page.

Reply #381. Sep 21 18, 5:07 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
This post explains it for this year. I think in previous years, she's watched it online. Believe me, I've asked since it would come in handy for ALL the Eurovision questions that come up:

"I planned my vacation so I could celebrate a high scholl graduation, Mother's Day, and Eurovision this year! I actually get to watch Eurovision on TV this year! Europe's favorite show is being broadcast on Logo TV!

Now to get plenty of snacks..and alcohol!
Reply #373. May 04 18, 9:02 PM "

Reply #382. Sep 21 18, 5:31 AM
Hey you people, it's me, the fabulous Sectie.
Whoa! Am I good or what? Never called myself Sectie before, is that a fantastic name or just a really, really, brilliant one? Phew! I'll pause to watch you all clap and cheer at how amazing I am, but don't even think about replying, I'm too caught up in being the one, the only, Sectie! Well gotta go, that Euro thing's on and I have to switch channels and watch the football replay, in case there's a shot of me in the crowd, waving a banner about me, me, me!

Forgot to tell you all.... I'm the best!

Reply #383. Sep 22 18, 12:58 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Those Knockout Fantasy guides are *all* like that, not just Qmel's. It's tongue-in-cheek.

Reply #384. Sep 22 18, 1:51 AM
Unfortunately, it doesn't read as tongue in cheek. Unless you're in the know, it reads as self aggrandising. My response was tongue in cheek too. Which you should have been able to work out if your omniscience hadnt precluded you from getting at least a tiny laugh out of it. Perhaps you'd like to try your hand at humour too, it's very cathartic and alleviates the rather serious nature of a far too serious world. My partner told me to write this, any complaints must be addressed to her. Sorry, but that's the way it is. Well okay then, address complaints to me and I'll pass it on. Regards to QMel. The male AND female version.

Reply #385. Sep 22 18, 2:34 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Are Regular Members even able to read the Fantasy Knockout guides? It has been so long since I was a Regular Member that I don't know. But their tongue-in-cheek nature is extremely obvious. And they aren't written by the player. They are written *for* the player by mixing together certain prewritten phrases in a random manner, including the his/her, because the computer that writes those can't tell if the player is male or female, even if it is obvious to human players. So if a player has a username of, say, BarbaraXYZ, even though everyone knows the player is female, the Fantasy Knockout guide will still say his/her.

Reply #386. Sep 22 18, 2:59 AM
I have no idea what a Fantasy Knockout guide is. All I can see is that this is on Qmel's thread and it therefore appears to have been posted by Qmel him/herself. As I tried to explain, you may know what it all means, but others will not and the first thing they'll think is that it was posted by somebody who wants to boast about his/her results in whatever it is he/her is boasting about. You can attempt to explain this a thousand times, but I don't see anything remotely tongue in cheek on there, and I'm sure others won't either. And besides, tongue in cheek is overrated. Foot in mouth is much more fun.

Say hi to the Fantasy Knockouts. Are they chorus girls or backing vocalists?

Reply #387. Sep 22 18, 12:30 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
You asked for an explanation. I gave one, and I'm sorry you don't know what Fantasy Knockout guides are. They are the very heart of understanding this whole thing. But when I post something, it is not visible only to the person that asked the question, it is visible to any interested reader. And those who know what Fantasy Knockout guides are understand what Qmel's posts are and why they are the way they are. It really isn't something secret. They are fun reading, and a hoot, actually. I believe it was WesleyCrusher who wrote the recurrent interchangeable phrases that the computer splices together.

Reply #388. Sep 22 18, 12:55 PM
Only when you post something? Are you sure? I always thought postings are visible regardless of who posts.

Hey Elle, can you help me out here? I think this will just end up going round and round in circles if I continue with it.

Reply #389. Sep 22 18, 1:24 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I could give it a whirl, but if you don't know what Knockout is and you don't play Knockout, and you don't know what the Knockout Fantasy option is, it won't make any sense. And as a regular member, I'm not sure you have access to Fantasy Picks.

Brian's explanation made perfect sense to me. It would really help if Mel leaped into this, since it's her Blog, but I don't think that will happen. Posting about her Fantasy Blurb is really all she does in here, so it must seem very foreign to you. And since it really is random (I don't take my own seriously, at all,) they really are pretty funny.

Brian gave explaining all of this a great try. I vote we just drop it and leave Mel to her Blog. She doesn't really seem to welcome input, and it is her Blog, after all.

What do you say?

Reply #390. Sep 22 18, 1:47 PM
I think it was once her Blog, doesn't seem to be anymore.

Apologies Qmel, just a bit of fun. I'll leave you to enjoy upcoming glories.

Reply #391. Sep 24 18, 1:04 AM
hickorystick star
Simply amazing how posts disappear, poof!!

Reply #392. Sep 24 18, 6:23 AM
Qmel star

player avatar
Time for Knockout again...

There are 4 letters in "Qmel". Since the lucky number of Oct 09 18 is 4, clearly this is a sign. Qmel has 492 knockout points and 20 weekly wins. His/her last finals victory was on 14-Apr-18 over jmac11. Against players in this week's tournament, he/she has beaten player goobas and has lost to players debbitts in the finals in the past. Qmel was eliminated on Tuesday (round 1) last week by Despair.

Amazingly, Qmel has sprinted to level 113, and has earned 7,576,670 team points.
In Qmel's trophy case: Hourly Mix Winner (Awarded to the player with the highest score across all divisions in the hourly intermediate mixed game.), 80 Days (Awarded to a player who completes 80 quizzes in the 195 Day Bus Ride daily challenge.) and The World Quiz ( Awarded to the player with the highest score in each Daily World Quiz question set.) Qmel's most recent challenge victory was Ruby Knockout, on Apr 14 18.

Reply #393. Oct 09 18, 4:08 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Oh. My. God.

Ha! Haha! Hahaha!

Vroom! Right over the old noggin! Completely oblivious!

Reply #394. Oct 10 18, 2:41 AM

Reply #395. Oct 10 18, 9:43 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Non-gold members can read the player tournament blurbs. Sectant, the links to the tournament blurbs are on the same page that you play from. Look a little bit up from the link to play. You will see seven selected tournaments. They will be listed like this Tourn #6 (Program). Click/tap on the Program link to read the blurbs.

Reply #396. Oct 10 18, 10:03 PM
Qmel star

player avatar
It's Fantasy Knockout time again!

Qmel has 496 knockout points and 20 knockout wins. His/her last finals victory was on 14-Apr-18 over jmac11.

Qmel has gotten to level 114, has completed 128 challenges, and has answered 23,700 monster quiz questions.
Achievements include: Armchair Champ (Awarded to a player who scores 3000 points cumulatively in the Gold Member fantasy knockout mini-game.) and Obscure Knowledge (Awarded to a player who scores at least 9 correct in the Obscure Hourly game within 120 seconds.)

Reply #397. Dec 04 18, 9:35 PM

Qmel star

player avatar
It's been a while since I have done this...

The good people of Iowa,USA will turn out in droves to support Qmel this week. Qmel has 513 knockout points and 21 weekly wins. His/her last finals victory was on 19-Jan-19 over davefarm. He/she has lost to players toadette in the finals in the past. Our records show that Qmel scored 1395 points during a knockout game last week.

Qmel has pushed aside opponents all the way to level 116, has racked up a total of 4,401,020 FunTrivia points (dude!), has answered 23,760 monster quiz questions, and has played 6005 quizzes.
Some of his/her best moments include Chatterbox (Awarded to players participating actively for long periods of time on the FunTrivia chat boards.) and Fantasy KO Winner (Awarded to a player who scores the most points in a week in the Gold Member Fantasy Knockout game.) Qmel's most recent challenge victory was Wordsmith, on Feb 06 19.

Reply #398. May 07 19, 7:08 PM

Qmel star

player avatar
Thought I would get my trivia done before watching Eurovision...and I am in the Fantasy Knockout Game this week again!

How do you solve a problem like Qmel? Good question, as his/her vanquished foes have found out the hard way. Qmel has a heaping pile of 513 knockout points and 21 weekly victories. His/her last finals victory was on 19-Jan-19 over davefarm. Qmel was eliminated on Tuesday (round 1) last week by llhannah.

But that's not all... Qmel has celebrated the acquisition of level 116, and made it to division 3 of the current global challenge.
Some of his/her best moments include Atomic Brain (Awarded to a player scoring 2000 brains.), Monstertastic! (Awarded to players who make it to question 10,000 in the FunTrivia Monster Quiz.) and 80 Days (Awarded to a player who completes 80 quizzes in the 195 Day Bus Ride daily challenge.) Qmel's most recent challenge victory was Wordsmith, on Feb 06 19.

Reply #399. May 14 19, 9:04 AM

rubytops star

player avatar
One my fantasy picks was a no show the week. I hate it when this happens. I know it can't be helped sometimes and a player may have something urgent which happens that stops them playing. I always sign up for knockout on a Monday and am not presigned in advance.

Reply #400. May 16 19, 2:56 AM

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