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Subject: The Weather Blog

Posted by: terraorca
Date: Jan 11 18

This is the place to tell all of Fun Trivia what your weather is today or was yesterday. It doesn't have to be extreme, although extreme is...well, extreme, just tell us temp, precipitation, wind, lightning, hurricane, cyclone, monsoon, typhoon, tornado, flood, heat, cold, all of your weather related phenomena. Nothing is too mundane. We pray that it isn't too extreme, as in extremely dangerous!
I am a certified severe weather spotter here in SW Ohio. I would love to find out about weather around the FT World.

Thank you!

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terraorca star

player avatar

I like your new avatar. It fits the wild man that you seem to be.

Reply #21. Jan 14 18, 11:12 AM

SheldonsTShirt star
I am central England and my weather app today is: partly cloudy with high of 5 degrees and low of 3 degrees (Celsius). I really appreciate living here because although all us Brits do is talk about the weather (because it's very changable day to day) we certainly don't seem to deal with extremes. The seasons tend to behave as they should and although we would all love a bit more sunshine, as soon as it arrives we all wish it would cool down! (And I'm talking about we moan if it hits 18-20 degrees c in the summer for more than 3 days - but then we moan that we didn't get a good summer) Don't talk to a Brit about the weather - we'll keep you talking all day ;)

Reply #22. Jan 14 18, 11:31 AM
postcards2go star

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Kev, have you tried weight-lifting gloves? They are fingerless and have a grip.

22 F, at this hour. No precipitation.

Reply #23. Jan 14 18, 11:32 AM
sadwings star

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Yeah, Postie, I have worn fingerless gloves from the very beginning, about 25 years now. They are perfect for giving me the grip I need but my fingers have no protection from the cold and I can't wear gloves with fingers on them because I can't get the grip I need.

So I seem like a WILD MAN, ay, Mark? Hee hee! I didn't know I came across that way, but yeah, I guess I am a bit wild by nature. Of course, my wildest days are well behind me now, and even at the height of my wildest days I never really did any harm to anything or anyone, except finishing a few fights that I never started in the first place. Sometimes people take the wrong action with the way wrong guy.

Other than that, most of the wildest stuff I ever did were things meant to get a few laughs, not things meant to cause harm or destruction or anything. I have always had way more respect and common sense than that.

Anyway, that hardly has anything to do with the weather! :-p Carry on, everyone!

Reply #24. Jan 14 18, 2:38 PM
terraorca star

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On point Kevin!

Reply #25. Jan 14 18, 3:56 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
We received another 3-4" of snow last night, but no ice underneath this time. Temps still in the teensF. Stay safe everybody.

Reply #26. Jan 15 18, 12:24 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Let me ask you this, Mark. Actually two questions.

First of all, you know how they say the earth goes through a global climate change like every 10,000 years or 100,000 years or whatever - do you suppose the earth is in the process of going through one of those changes right now? Lots of strange weather phenomena happening all over the world for quite some time now. Could it be that the carbon monoxide emissions and all of that really is the main culprit behind all of it?

Secondly, considering weather-related situations, what is the scariest and most dangerous situation that you have ever been in, and how did you react?

Reply #27. Jan 15 18, 2:00 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
Second First,
1)Tornado completely destroying a community less than a mile from our home 1974
2) Tornado bouncing over the top of me and my family, 1994
3) waterspout, maybe 100 yards away while I was 1/4 mile away from shore 1996

First Second
I believe that our environmental issues are and have been caused/influenced by humans in other words, anthropogenic. Go ahead Google it.

How about you?
How about Elle?
How about our other blog readers?

Reply #28. Jan 15 18, 2:47 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
I was BORN knowing what anthropogenic means, SON. No, I'm just clowning around. Those events you mentioned sound like they must have been pretty scary indeed.

I guess I have never been in any kind of weather-related event where I felt like my life or my safety was in danger. I'm sure I have been through a few storms where my life could have very well been in danger if I had been outside at the time.

Elle is actually the product of a tornado. One of them formed and went around doing its thing, and during the process Elle just came flying out of it and landed in a hayloft. Scientists have still not been able to explain her true origin, but some have actually speculated that she is some kind of cyborg from the future just like the Terminator.
Just playing, Elle! :-p

Reply #29. Jan 15 18, 3:52 PM
terraorca star

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Single digit temps again tonight.

Reply #30. Jan 16 18, 12:16 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Couldn't be any closer to that over here with a low of 10 this morning and a high of 18 this afternoon. Then by Friday they are forecasting a low of 50 and a high of 57. Is that crazy or what?

Reply #31. Jan 16 18, 1:42 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
We received 3 more inches of snow overnight here. First day back to school, delayed two hours.

Reply #32. Jan 16 18, 7:49 AM

terraorca star

player avatar
9*F here right now, wind chills below 0*F.

Reply #33. Jan 16 18, 12:12 PM

terraorca star

player avatar

Have you tried racquetball gloves? Little protection from the cold, not lined, but have full fingers and plenty of grip.

Reply #34. Jan 16 18, 12:14 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Nope, never tried those. I'll have to keep that in mind.

This is Kevin reporting to you LIVE from Weather Central here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Right now the sun is shining and by the looks of the sunlight that is hitting us, it looks as if the light was originally generated about.......oh, I would say about eight minutes ago. Back to you, Mark..........

Reply #35. Jan 16 18, 3:02 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Just checked the temp, 2*F this morning. You wouldn't think it would get that cold this far south but it does.

Reply #36. Jan 17 18, 6:51 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
Snowing again....hard.

Reply #37. Jan 17 18, 11:14 AM

Today has been incredibly hot (tomorrow will be the same), yet people are still making the mistake of leaving their pets and children in cars. In two separate incidents, a 3-year-old boy in Sydney was rescued after his dad forgot to drop him off at school whilst in Perth, despite a desperate rescue attempt, a dog has died after it was spotted locked inside its owner's car.

Reply #38. Jan 18 18, 2:36 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
That is so awful when things like that happen.

Reply #39. Jan 18 18, 3:51 AM
Had another winter weather advisory. Winds are frigid. Sleeping with heat on at night (my bed is next to vent) so bird doesn't freeze. Sometimes need to open bedroom window that's how steamy it is inside. I call the heater "blast furnace" and the apartment "heat trap." At least the heavy duty winds are gone for now; wind tears through this place and makes you think the heat isn't on. Poor birdie goes "boop" all day then and doesn't sleep.

Reply #40. Jan 18 18, 7:32 AM

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