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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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Catreona star

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Thanks so much, Agony!

Reply #21. Nov 17 20, 5:47 PM

rubytops star

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I hope the bed has arrived okay and you have been able to get your mom settled in downstairs. It was good that your cousin Cathy came to visit her and it perked her up.
Still thinking of you all and praying for you.

Reply #22. Nov 18 20, 10:44 AM
Catreona star

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The hospis company reported us for elder abuse and refused to provide service. That means the state Dept. of Elder Services is now involved and, naturally, no other company can start service until the investigation takes place and we're cleared. IOW Mom is not receiving care.

She had a moderately restless night. I went in a couple times to soothe her, which seemed to help; but, neither Sis nor I think she got much sleep.

We think the end is near. The priest didn't answer his phone, which just figures. It's been that kind of day. I left a message. wLike Sis said, what else can you do.

Thank you, friends, for all your prayers and support. It means so much to me and my family. Please carry on, so she may have a peaceful end.

Reply #23. Nov 18 20, 12:39 PM

LadyNym star

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I have been following your blog, but have never left a comment before. I am so very sorry you are going through this. Sending you warm and comforting thoughts at this very difficult time.

Reply #24. Nov 18 20, 1:05 PM
rubytops star

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So sorry this has happened for you and your family. I pray for you all. I pray for peace for your mom.

Reply #25. Nov 18 20, 1:34 PM
postcards2go star

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Cat, like LadyNym, I've been following this blog. Being there for your mom is everything. I'm sure that having loved ones with her is comforting, even through the restlessness. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Reply #26. Nov 18 20, 2:03 PM
Catreona star

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Fr. Mark was in Boston today for a doctor's appointment. He'll be here ASAP in the morning. Not sure Mom will make it till the morning, but it's possible. She's been restless and talkative for the last hour or so. Resting now.

I won't be able to give any more updates till tomorrow - need to be downstairs near Mom.

Reply #27. Nov 18 20, 6:07 PM

Catreona star

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Thank you, everyone! ♥

Reply #28. Nov 18 20, 6:10 PM

MiraJane star

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Cat, I've been reading this too.

I'm sorry your family has the added stress of that ludicrous report to deal with. I'm sorry your family hasn't received the help you've begged for.

You are all in my thoughts.

Reply #29. Nov 19 20, 4:56 AM
Catreona star

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Apart from a restless period around 3:00 A.M., she had a quiet night. Fr. Mark arrived promptly at 10:00. Though he couldn't stay long - "Gonna love ya and leave ya, as he said - just hearing his voice was a comfort to me. From what Mom said, she recognized him and was pleased to see him. He gave her the blessing for the sick and left the Body of Christ (that is, a few consecrated hosts) for us to give her when she wants them. Donno whether it was seeing Father or because it's a sunny morning, but she's somewhat brighter. Asked for and ate a fair amount of oatmeal. So far, so good today.

Reply #30. Nov 19 20, 10:09 AM

Duchess716 star

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You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Reply #31. Nov 19 20, 11:12 AM
rubytops star

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Glad father Mark arrived to see you all and you were comforted by it. You know you are in all our thoughts cat.

Reply #32. Nov 19 20, 2:28 PM
Catreona star

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After some restlessness this afternoon, Mom settled down at Sis' suggestion to listen to music on YouTube. She wanted Christmas music and did very well, wise cracking and singing along with all the songs. It was wonderful and at the same time terribly sad, because she almost seemed like her old self, only rather tired. It was tiring for her though, and eventually Sis got her to settle down listening to Sinatra CDs. I don't know if she has eaten supper.

I'm worried about Sis. She's marvelous with Mom but OTOH when not with Mom she's a jittery wreck. Doesn't sleep and can't settle down to rest. I don't think she eats anything other than coffee and tea. She can't carry on much longer.

Dad's holding up remarkably well under the circumstances, which keep getting worse. Late this afternoon he received a message from the insurance company. He played it several times on his speaker phone but neither he nor I could make out everything the woman was saying. Something about Spectrum having notified them that 'the insured' had been discharged and so Dad had to tell them whether 'the insured' would be receiving further home care. By the time he got the message, it was too late in the afternoon to call. So, now he has to face explaining the whole unholy mess to the insurance company.

To top it all off, every time the doorbell rings we all think it's the inspector from the Dept. of Elder Affairs. And we're terrified that the inspector will substantiate the claim of abuse and take Mom away by force. If the people at Spectrum wanted to make sure that this most difficult time was also one of uncertainty and anxiety, they certainly succeeded.

Reply #33. Nov 19 20, 4:50 PM

Catreona star

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It's a great comfort to know all you guys care so much! Thank you♥♥

Reply #34. Nov 19 20, 4:52 PM

Catreona star

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Mostly quiet night last night. Quiet day so far today. She drank a whole if small glass of OJ. Has been sleeping for some time.

Sis has been napping, which is why I haven't been able to get to the computer till now.

Dad talked to the insurance people first thing this morning, but only a secretary type, who said she'd pass the word up the chain. Who knows? No sign of any inspector thus far today. IIUC they had 48 hours. Presumably that means if they don't do anything by end of business hours today we're in the clear. Whoopee. That means all weekend till Dad can start again trying to get nursing help.

Please continue the prayer campaign. It helps so much! ♥♥♥

Reply #35. Nov 20 20, 1:39 PM

Catreona star

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♥ Mira and everybody! You are all such a comfort!

Reply #36. Nov 20 20, 1:42 PM

rubytops star

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Love the thought of your mom wanting Christmas music. Yours music is therapeutic. Glad your sister has managed to get some sleep. Hope things can get back on track with sorting out care soon.
I am still praying for you all. X

Reply #37. Nov 20 20, 3:01 PM
LadyNym star

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I am so glad to learn things have improved. It felt terrible to read what was happening. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Reply #38. Nov 20 20, 6:07 PM

player avatar
Yes, music is so comforting, especially the music we've known all our lives, which so much Christmas music is. I hope you are all getting a little peace one way or another through your day.

Reply #39. Nov 20 20, 7:19 PM
Catreona star

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Overnight Mom was massively incontinent. When Sis found her in the morning it was everywhere, all over Mom, her hands, under her fingernails, on the bedding. Apparently she was barely aware of what happened. Never called out for help or in pain or anything. When Sis asked, she said she didn't need help. I feel responsible. What's the point of staying up all night if you can't work out something's terribly wrong and go for help. Sis has been very nice about it, but I feel terrible. In any case, that's neither here nor there. Mom had another massive accident a short time ago and Sis is totally overwhelmed. Dad is helping. I'm staying out of the way.

A nurse from Dad's church is coming over tomorrow to see if she can help. Donno how much help it will be, since she can only work two hours in the morning. Still, it's something, maybe. Sis has a lead on someplace to try for nursing care. Though it tears me apart knowing how desperately unhappy it will make her, I think it's time to put Mom in the hospital. Sis is in way over her head. We'll see how it goes and what Dad decides.

Reply #40. Nov 21 20, 11:41 AM

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