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Subject: How is geography taught in your country

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Oct 31 08

Over the last 20 years or so geography teaching seems to have taken a step away from the traditional topics that I covered when I went to school in the dim and distant past. My children, at least in secondary school, were taught more about local traffic plans and town planning than rivers lakes and mountains. Most kids today seem hard pressed to be able to identify where other countries are on a map. Is this the same in your area?

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Geography - a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface (according to merriam-webster online dictionary). Such a shame it was excluded from your science program, pureliqing.

Reply #21. Apr 01 11, 9:27 AM
I agree with you, houston. The majority of my education took place in Florida as well and I think negligent is a word that sums it up very well. The history "lessons" were even worse than the geography.

Reply #22. May 24 11, 4:52 PM
geography isn't offered at my school. i wish it were though

Reply #23. Jul 09 11, 8:34 PM
izzy50 star
in school

Reply #24. Dec 26 11, 10:08 AM
I live in Mauritius, the island is found in the Indian Ocean. Geography has always been an important subject in schools of my country. It is taught from primary school to secondary school with exams done at the end of the year.

Reply #25. Sep 10 12, 5:16 AM
The intentional dumbing down of an American generation succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of its architects. They understood that all you need to do is wreck one generation and let nature take its course and wreck the subsequent generations.

Reply #26. Sep 11 12, 1:22 PM
george48 star

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I've learned more geography playing on this site, than i ever did in school. Sad, but true.
The quote attributed to Mark Twain,'Never let your schooling get in the way of your education' seems apropos here.

Reply #27. Sep 11 12, 4:11 PM
Yes, I'd say that quote fits perfectly.

Reply #28. Sep 11 12, 7:45 PM
In India, usually till class four, Geography is taught differently in different areas. In five/six, we were taught the climatic zones and various Indian features (only a glance). Classes seven and eight covered Africa, North America, South America and Australia. In nine, we were taught about oceans, rivers and time zones in detail. In class ten (which, for me is going to start on this April 9th) we are probably going to learn in detail about India's climate and other features as well as perfect ourselves in the study of Topographic maps. I hope it isn't too tough :)

Reply #29. Apr 06 13, 9:38 AM
brm50diboll star

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Here in the good old US of A, geography is mostly taught in middle school. Then it is agreed upon never to mention it again unless you're a liberal arts major in college (slightly, only slightly facetious).

Reply #30. Oct 21 13, 5:41 PM
I'm in ninth grade in a South Carolinian high school, so I'm taking AP Human Geography (people who aren't on the AP track are taking World Geography). This is the only year we do anything with geography, and even then they don't do a good job teaching (half the kids in my grade don't even realize Europe and Africa aren't single countries).

Reply #31. Nov 17 13, 7:28 PM
1nn1 star

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Infrequently (sigh)

Reply #32. Apr 25 14, 3:36 AM
Mommakat star

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Unfortunately it is not only geography that is suffering in the education system of today. Today's children in the main can't spell properly and have you notice the awkward way a lot of them hold a pen or pencil. We would have gotten a swift rap over the knuckles for that.

Reply #33. Apr 25 14, 5:17 AM
blindcat78 star

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When I as in scool, we learned about maps, rivers, & how different cultures lived & did things.

Reply #34. Apr 27 14, 9:41 AM
Mixamatosis star

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The Geography I was taught at school was very traditional. It included countries, map reading, localities, capitals, rivers, weather systems, irrigation systems, main exports, agriculture etc etc. I gave it up at 14 as soon as I had a choice because I disliked the teacher who made the subject unenjoyable, and I preferred other subjects more. (The teacher once threw a girl out of class for fiddling with her pencil. No warning was given).

At degree level I did a course called social geography. (As I was doing a Social Studies degree, you could put the word "social" in front of every subject within it). It was interesting with theories about how centres of economic prosperity (cities) grew, drawing in economic activity at the expense of other surrounding areas. You can see that in England in terms of how London has grown and dominates the economy and the further from London, the poorer the economies are (though within those areas there are also cities which are more prosperous economically than the surrounding areas).

Reply #35. Sep 12 16, 10:04 PM
Creedy star

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I just wish they'd teach students that Austria and Australia are two different countries entirely :)

Geography for me at primary school was learning about other countries and their products etc. At high school, it was more to do with land forms, reading maps, geology and so on. Quite interesting really, but I preferred History and English.

Reply #36. Sep 12 16, 10:29 PM
Creedy star

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I forgot - today I'm not sure what they teach in primary, but at high school, it's very competently taught indeed, and covers world countries, the great sites etc etc.

Reply #37. Sep 12 16, 10:30 PM

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