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Subject: Bizarre occupations throughout history

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Sep 13 16

There have been some rather bizarre occupations throughout history. What are some that you've heard of?

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jabb5076 star

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Wouldn't you have hated to be the servant/slave at the Roman laundry whose job was to stomp around on the clothes soaking in urine in order to get them clean?!

Reply #1. Sep 13 16, 6:13 AM
Unless your master or mistress was kind to you, I doubt being a Roman slave would have been a very nice job.

Anyway, here's a bizarre occupation from Ancient Egypt. Who wants to be a....Shepherd of the Royal Anus!

Reply #2. Sep 13 16, 6:27 AM
If being a Shepherd of the Royal Anus isn't your cup of tea, how about a trip to England in Tudor times for a job as a Gong Farmer?

Reply #3. Sep 15 16, 7:14 PM
C30 star

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I wouldn't have thought that being a slave in ANY society was exactly a bundle of laughs!

Then a Roman Gladiator probably saved on life insurance!

How about from my nautical past, "Captain of the Heads" (not a job I ever had, I hasten to add).

Reply #4. Sep 16 16, 12:39 AM
Mixamatosis star

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In Roman times you couldn't put any Roman citizen on trial without having tortured his or her slaves first for evidence. It wasn't acceptable to get evidence from them any other way.

Reply #5. Sep 16 16, 1:59 AM
Mixamatosis star

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And Roman slaves could also be used as sex slaves. They could not say no to any request however bizarre, unpleasant or humiliating.

Reply #6. Sep 16 16, 2:01 AM
Mixamatosis star

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A saggar maker's bottom knocker.

Reply #7. Sep 16 16, 9:00 AM
Being a Roman slave would not be fun. Your day would start at dawn. Your first job would be to fire up the Hypocaust (heating system). When your master finally decided to get his backside out of bed, you'd be expected to help him get dressed. You'd also have to help him take a bath if he wanted one. During the day, you and the other slaves of the household, would have various jobs to do: taking the kids to and from school, washing the clothes, tidying the garden, cleaning the house, doing the grocery shopping and cooking all the day's meals. If your master was hosting a dinner party, you'd have to make sure there was a constant supply of food and drinks for the guests and if it was dark when the guests left, you'd get the job of escorting the guests home.

Sounds great, doesn't it? No!

Reply #8. Sep 19 16, 2:25 AM
flopsymopsy star

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"A saggar maker's bottom knocker."

I've got a saggar! It has house leeks growing in it. :D

Reply #9. Sep 20 16, 6:58 PM

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