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Subject: Your home town

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Mar 29 19

Without naming the city/town/village, tell us what it is best known for. My home town (the city in which I was born in the UK) is known as a centre for the jewellery trade, and gold- and silver-smithing..

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UmberWunFayun star

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Foundries and metalworks. I live in the Black Country, which was so named because of the dense black smoke that constantly hovered in the air here during the Industrial Age.
We're also known for our colourful colloquial dialect, which still contains many words and phrases from original Old English, all said in an unintelligible accent which is considered to be the least intelligent-sounding accent in the UK.

Reply #1. Mar 30 19, 1:58 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Where in the Black Country? I was born in Brum.

Reply #2. Mar 30 19, 2:42 PM
C30 star

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Burial place of St Edmund is where I was born, but spent childhood in, or around, England's oldest recorded town.

Reply #3. Mar 30 19, 3:00 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I guessed Brum from your description. I'm not far from there, sort of in between Wolverhampton and Walsall. I was born one county over in Staffordshire, but I've lived here for a long time now. Our 'yam-yam' accent is the one people tend to do when they think they're impersonating a Brummie, which they're invariably not.

Reply #4. Mar 30 19, 7:19 PM
Cymruambyth star

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When my sister and I were small, we took great delight in annoying our dear old mum by demonstrating our fluency in Brummese. My Welsh mother was not impressed. Even after living in Brum for 16 years she couldn't understand a word of the lingo.

Reply #5. Mar 31 19, 8:20 AM
Cymruambyth star

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C30 - Colchester?

Reply #6. Mar 31 19, 8:21 AM
C30 star

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Cymruambyth - that's the place.............aka Search Results
Web results
Camelot - Wikipedia

Camelot is a castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur. Absent in the early .... The name of the Romano-British town of Camulodunum (modern ...
First appearance?: ?Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart
Notable characters?: ?King Arthur?, ?Uther Pendra...
Created by?: ?Chrétien de Troyes
?Locations associated with ... · ?Camelot (disambiguation) · ?Camelot (musical)

Reply #7. Mar 31 19, 8:40 AM
C30 star

player avatar
Please disregard the above load of *******, I tried to copy something and made a pigs ear of it.

Yes - Colchester - aka Camulodunum to Romans.

Funny things accents, I had an Uncle from Lowestoft, who used to work the Herring Drifters between the wars and in spite of me being East Anglian born and bred, I couldn't understand half of what he said. Yet my ex-wife who hailed from North Wales could understand him with no problems.

Reply #8. Mar 31 19, 8:48 AM
Mixamatosis star

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J R R Tolkien lived in my hometown for a while - before I was born.

Reply #9. May 02 19, 1:24 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Cym, I was born in Brum and lived there until I was 18. My best friend at primary school lived 5 doors away from me and was half Welsh. She still lives at the same address. I think there are quite a few Welsh people in Brum and Liverpool, those cities being not far from Wales. I spent 5 years in Liverpool but have now lived most of my life in London.

Reply #10. May 02 19, 1:27 PM
LauraMcC star

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My home town is right next to a loch on which there is a ruined castle, and Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned there in 1567-1568.

It also used to be the site of a rather large musical festival, if you can call it music. That's pretty much all it's famous for.

Reply #11. May 02 19, 1:38 PM
Mixamatosis star

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That sounds very picturesque. Loch Leven?

Reply #12. May 03 19, 10:33 AM
LauraMcC star

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That's the one! :-)

Reply #13. May 03 19, 11:16 AM
nasty_liar star

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Birthplace of Rugby League, textile town.

I guess there are many of us with a connection to Birmingham and surrounding area. I lived there for four years for university.

Reply #14. May 04 19, 11:52 AM
Mixamatosis star

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They used to have a Tulip Festival every year in Brum in Cannon Hill Park. Much of the park was planted with different tulips in swathes of different colours. I'm pretty sure they has people dressed in Dutch clothes offering samples of Dutch cheeses and they always had a fair too. You walked past the tulips on this long approach to the fair. My friends and I used to go and it seemed quite exciting at the time. There was some sort of buzz in the atmosphere (and it wasn't just the bees). Anyway I've recently found out they stopped it in 1973, a year after I left Brum. I don't know why. What a shame.

Reply #15. May 04 19, 11:58 PM
Mixamatosis star

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* had (I hate typos).

Reply #16. May 04 19, 11:59 PM
sadwings star

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A swinging outlaw country music cat by the name of Merle Haggard wrote a song about the town I grew up in until I was 9 years old, then we moved to a town a little less than an hour away where the hanging gallows of Judge Isaac Parker from the late 1800s still stand and are available for tourists to see and learn about.

Reply #17. May 11 19, 10:21 AM
sadwings star

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Jo, don't be shy about the real claim to fame that your area holds within its immortal soul - the magnificent birthplace of heavy metal. All hail! :-)

It started many years ago, out of the black country
The seed became the embryo, for all on earth to see
Like stealth the word spread mouth to mouth, all corners of the land
And soon the thing began to grow and get right out of hand

From the concrete jungle
The smoke, the dirt, the grime
Could not contain the hunger
It grew and grew in time, into a

Monster. Monster of rock! :-)

Reply #18. May 11 19, 10:38 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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Not just me, Kev - Mix and Cym, too. 'Brum' is short for Birmingham. We have nicknames for just about everything around here. I was thinking about maybe writing a quiz on our unique language, but you Americans probably wouldn't stand much of a chance!

Reply #19. May 11 19, 11:46 PM
sadwings star

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I say go for it, Jo. Nobody knows what they know until they learn it from somewhere.

Have you ever seen Mike Meyers do his impressions of Keith Richards? It is SO hilarious! Anyway, is that about how you Brummies talk over there? :-)

Reply #20. May 12 19, 6:57 AM

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