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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Head Honcho

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A friend of mine had no idea what water polo was about. He had heard of it but had never actually seen a game.

One day we were discussing the Olympics and he asked me (completely seriously) "how do they get the horses into the pool?"

I didn't laugh that hard for quite some time after.

Reply #1. Aug 24 12, 1:39 PM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
I have an "I'm frustrated" story to tell.

I'm taking a couple of continuing-ed classes at my local community college, and had to phone in to ask a question about part of the scheduling process. Instead of being sent to a secretary or really ANY real life person, the community college has the most ridiculous system of communication that I've ever seen. You have to call in to a general, which then has you type in a number corresponding to the department you want. This then leads you to an answering machine which asks you to leave a message. You then have to wait for someone to call you back, which happens to never be at a convenient time, or on the day you leave the message. This all for a question that a secretary or someone could have told me in 5 seconds if I'd just been sent to real person in the first place. Grr.

Reply #2. Aug 24 12, 1:45 PM

player avatar
Today, went to FanExpo, a horror/sci-fi/anime/comic convention in Toronto. Walked around for five hours until three people dressed as different Pikmin showed up. Way to make my day!

Also-- met LeVar Burton. "Reading Rainbow", for real. ;)

Reply #3. Aug 24 12, 1:45 PM
Aussiedrongo star
I took a sickie from work last night. Nothing wrong with me, just want to have a long weekend to brick edge my front garden beds.

Do I win a prize?

Reply #4. Aug 24 12, 1:45 PM

player avatar
I had the unique opportunity to revisit my city of birth, where I also lived out my first 10 years, on a two-day business trip this week. I've not been there for over 15 years, so I was expecting a lot of changes - what I did not expect however was that small details - a single ice cafe, some rather nondescript signs on a wall, a shoe store that already looked old back then - were absolutely like I left them when moving out over 30 years ago. Enjoying a spaghetti ice every little bit like I remembered it from my 11th birthday surely was the special treat of the week :)

Reply #5. Aug 24 12, 1:58 PM
salami_swami star
For lunch today, I tried to eat a barbecue pork sandwich. It was gross. I think I let it go too long (leftovers) before I ate it. I sure hope I don't get sick!

Fortunately for me, I had a backup lunch, so I didn't starve. :)

Reply #6. Aug 24 12, 2:00 PM
flopsymopsy star

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I suppose that the most exciting thing that happened to me recently was that I went to the Olympics, oh yes. We had tickets for the Women's Hockey Final which took place on the last Friday of the Games; the match was in the evening so everything was floodlit. The final was between The Netherlands and Argentina and the arena was packed; half of the spectators were wearing orange so we guessed where they came from, and as there were only a few waving Argentine flags the British often cheered for them as much as they did for the Dutch.

Anyway, the place was buzzing, the teams had a brief warm-up period, and then we settled down for the start of the game. The crowd held its collective breath, the referee blew her whistle and a brass band leapt to its feet in the stands and started to play a rousing Dutch tune! They did this throughout the match - when the Dutch team weren't doing so well, they played tunes with increasing tempos as soon as they got the ball, when they were doing well, they played happy songs, and at other times they played some British tunes to keep everyone on their side. Though I think the meaning behind Auld Lang Syne may not quite have got through the online translator. ;)

One thing still puzzles me about it. If you went to the Games you had to go through airport type security, operated largely by British troops. Only 100ml of liquid allowed. Tick. No large umbrellas. Tick. Three trombones, two trumpets and a euphonium. Eh?

Reply #7. Aug 24 12, 2:23 PM
We sold our house to my father in law and we're moving to the ocean! We've bought an older house with a wrap around porch in Beaufort, South Carolina that is only a few miles from the ocean. It's a beautiful area. We tried to get a place right on the ocean but that didn't work out. Still, I'm completely thrilled because I lived very briefly with my family on the ocean in Florida as a kid and absolutely loved it and it's been a dream of mine to get back to the water ever since and now it's going to happen! Beaufort was voted the best Southern city to live in by Southern Living magazine and I can believe it. They've got waterways you can walk to and fish, kids are playing outside, the historic architecture has been totally preserved---it's perfect!

Reply #8. Aug 24 12, 2:51 PM
I am a HUGE baseball fan and love seeing new stadiums. So it was just my luck when I was in California and the Dodgers were in town. The atmosphere was great for a 50 year old stadium and you can tell everyone was into it, especially after singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". It was a great game, but despite 10 strikeouts from the Dodger starter, they lost 2-1 to the Giants. Still, it was a lot of fun :)

Reply #9. Aug 24 12, 8:30 PM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
I hope one day to be designing baseball stadiums. Maybe you could come to mine!

Reply #10. Aug 24 12, 9:17 PM
You tell me where, and I'll see if I can come ;)

Reply #11. Aug 24 12, 11:41 PM
Mariamir star
Okeydokey, am cramming in a story just before there is no use since the new day is starting.

I am up to my neck in work, probably won't be getting on FT more than a few hours a day. Been on almost all the time these few days. :) The reason: the cat is back, and the mice need to stop playing.

Reply #12. Aug 24 12, 11:50 PM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
There's no team like the Llamas
They're good and funny and kind
But we don't really have many dramas
At least none I can summon to mind.
So this is a poem that doesn't say much
About llamas or badges or tantrums and such
We are a good team but boasting is out
And unlike others we don't like to shout
So all I will say in this odd little ode

Reply #13. Aug 27 12, 1:17 PM
I am from St. Maarten, a small island in the Caribbean. However, my girlfriend is from France. One day i was trying to get as many badges as I possibly could. She on the other hand want to spend time with me. She felt I was talking to someone online instead of communicating with her. When she came over and saw I was on Fun Trivia and answering a question about her homeland, France. She left me alone for the rest of the day. She thought I was doing research on France.

Reply #14. Aug 27 12, 1:23 PM
alexis722 star
Don't disabuse her of that notion!

Reply #15. Aug 27 12, 1:58 PM
If there had been nude women on the screen you still could've told her you were researching France.

Reply #16. Aug 27 12, 2:32 PM
I live in the Southeastern New Mexico desert. On Saturday my husband and I left to drop of my son at the roller rink less than 5 minutes away. In that time my central air decided to kick the bucket. When we got home the HEAT was on and wouldnt go off. We had to throw the breaker and wait for a repairman. Since I rent when the repair guy comes is up to them since they pay for repairs. So long story short he finally came and replaced the thermostat. After sufffering for 2 nights and a day. When the air came back on it was 92 in my house. It was only 90 outside.

Reply #17. Aug 27 12, 2:43 PM
Finally got home yesterday. But not before a LONG flight delay. At least we got the inflight movies for free. Besides the delay, everything was really comfortable ;)

Reply #18. Aug 28 12, 8:17 AM
kaddarsgirl star

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So I haven't seen my best friend in months because I graduated from college in June and moved back home. I still haven't seen him in person, but I had the chance to Skype with him for 2 hours this past Wednesday. It was soooooo good to see his face and to catch up on everything that has happened since June. Some big things to talk about. Got two new kittens, turned 22, rock launched at our window, trees fallen down, job search, continuing ed classes, he went to Japan...anyway, TONS to talk about and so very nice to see him. I miss him so much when we're apart, I was smiling the entire time :D

Reply #19. Sep 02 12, 9:14 AM
fontenilles star
Nippers poem
My auntie Tanya has gone away,
All it took was one more fight,
my human made her choice,
And then me mum booked the flight.

When my human left,
she held me and she cried,
for knew she wasn't coming back,
I went to hide,
in a quiet place,
and then I cried.
At night when I lay me head my paws,
I listen very hard,
Although she's far far away across the sea
I'm sure, as sure as I can be,
she's saying she still loves me.
Be a brave and good little dog I seem to hear,
Brave is easy, I'm a Jackie, I never fear.
But Good, wot's good?

Reply #20. Sep 04 12, 5:40 AM

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