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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Quiz_Beagle star

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I had a chair stolen yesterday. I needed a new computer chair and found one in the second-hand Hospice shop. When I got home I found I'd left my keys in the flat. I left the chair on my front step while I went for help. When I got back, the chair was gone :-(. Thieves are everywhere.

Reply #121. Oct 02 12, 7:44 AM
rossian star

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The wildlife in my garden has been ganging up on me this year. One of the local squirrels decided that my loft was the perfect home, which cost me a lot of money to sort out. Then bumblebees decided to nest under my shed, which wouldn't normally matter, but I'd arranged for it to be demolished so a new patio could be built. I've had to wait over three months for the bees to go so the work can be done.

Reply #122. Oct 02 12, 8:02 AM
I've hiked 101 hikes so far this year.

Reply #123. Oct 02 12, 8:14 AM
EYanyo star
I had a new roommate move in over the weekend. He started working for the company I work at yesterday in the same role as me, so I was thankful that we already had something in common. Then, when I was helping set up the internet connection in his room, I saw that he had a bookshelf full of science fiction and fantasy novels, plus a few video games and anime DVDs, so I know I've really found a kindred spirit and should have no trouble at all getting along with him! Now all I have to do is introduce him to FunTrivia... ;)

Reply #124. Oct 02 12, 9:16 AM
BxBarracuda star
I went to the Queens County Fair the other week. My mother in law and sister in law were in town with us this year which was nice. My wife and her sister won some ribbons for baked goods, flowers, flower arrangements and photo's, while I did the Amazing Maize corn maze at the Queen's County Farm where the fair is held, which is always fun.

Reply #125. Oct 02 12, 10:19 AM
There are fourteen years difference between my two sons, which can be a blessing or a curse! When the youngest was a toddler, his older brother nicknamed him "Marvin" (or "Marv") after a cartoon character in a daily paper. This was because they both had red hair! In return and because he couldn't pronounce his elder brother's name, the eldest was "Bruv". To this day that is what they still call each other despite being 37 and 23 years old.

Reply #126. Oct 02 12, 11:21 AM
stevebarker star

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After 6 attempts to get an entry into the London Marathon, I finally received the good news 7th time lucky
Now for the hard part the training for 26.2 miles on the 21st April 2012.

Reply #127. Oct 02 12, 2:09 PM
silkdragon2011 star

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Earlier this morning, my lovely, fluffy, white Persian pussy cat bought home a dead baby bird. He is notoriously lazy, so I felt a weird mixture of revoltion and pride! To my horror, half an hour later, he bought me home another one. Turns out Kitty isn't silly; why chase birds when you can just rob a nest?

Reply #128. Oct 02 12, 6:38 PM
Amtrak saga cont. After 11:00 PM there is quiet time, so people can sleep. After 3 hours of Little Rock as the next smoking stop I was amazed to see people come out of a sound sleep. to stagger to the platform at 4:30 AM to have a smoke. Two passengers got on our car. One in a wheelchair and the other with a 3 wheel scooter. That just would not go over the crack. 3, of the smokers handed their smokes, to someone to hold, and picked the scooter up and onto the car. A well done from the car steward.
Next real stop for me was Dallas where I had arranged to meet my daughter I haven't seen in 13 years. No I did not recognize her at first. But we did have a nice 20 minute chat. then bact to the train. A long time at Fort Worth, and the long stretch to San Antonio. Which was a really big deal.

Reply #129. Oct 02 12, 8:06 PM
darkgnome101 star

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My neighbors dogs occasionally bring me things and leave them on porch or in yard. Tools, bags, hats, clothes, air filter, wires, basket, bucket, collar(not theirs LOL), pipes, roll of tape, knife, belts, bag of bolts, thermos, bowls, cups, glasses(the kind you wear), glass, Sun glasses, head phones, glove(darn just one), rugs, ball of yarn, roll of string, distrubuter cap and wires(GM), and a few days ago one antler( 6 Point slightly chewed ) and I live in mountains not really near anyone LOL they must really like me to wander so far to find me presents LOL.

Reply #130. Oct 02 12, 10:17 PM

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I play pub trivia with my kids every Tuesday. Tonight we were in the lead for the entire time but the brand new quiz mistress did not seem to know the rules and let everyone choose the category of the final question after we had stated our preference. Of course, they all picked the opposite question and we lost. Just a game but still irritating. Thanks for letting me vent and win a challenge also

Reply #131. Oct 03 12, 12:46 AM

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I live in a London suburb. Last Saturday afternoon I was pottering about in our garden when I heard an odd noise next door. I looked over the fence and saw a kestrel on the lawn struggling with a pigeon that it had obviously just caught. I just had time to rush indoors and get my camera, and as I was snapping away there was a rustle in the bushes. The kestrel looked up and flew away - then a fox leapt out of the bushes, grabbed the pigeon and ran off with it!

I lived in the country for 20 years before moving to London, and hardly ever saw a fox or a kestrel. Now they are on my doorstep!

Reply #132. Oct 03 12, 2:03 AM
In August I caught an Eddie Vedder solo gig at the Apollo in Hammersmith. That'd be cool enough, but then he brings out Roger Daltrey and Neil Finn to play with him. AWESOMES.

Reply #133. Oct 03 12, 5:42 AM
dcpddc478 star

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I am spending the morning before work sitting with my pregnant golden retreiver who is due any day now...drinking my first cup of coffee...trying to mentally prepare myself for the houseful of puppies that I know will arrive some time this is fun but exhausting...most of my puppies become guide dogs, so it is worth the effort:)

Reply #134. Oct 03 12, 5:51 AM
Christinap star

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A few years ago we went to a Nostalgia 1960s concert. One of the featured people was Brian Hyland. We took an LP sleeve with us to get signed. On the front was a photo of him holding a guitar. He took one look at the record sleeve and said "Wow, that's amazing, I'm still using that guitar with the very same strap on it". Called one of the roadies over, who ran off and came back a couple of minutes later with a guitar case. Opened it up and there was the guitar with the strap, exactly as in the photo - just 40 years older. He put it on a posed for a couple of photos, so I have the signed record sleeve plus a photo of him with the same instrument some years later. I wonder if modern guitar straps last that long.

Reply #135. Oct 03 12, 7:05 AM
hello i don't watch to much tv show but i can tell you the movies i like.twilight,rush hour,tooth fairy,anaconda,flicka,ice age thanks

Reply #136. Oct 03 12, 8:01 AM

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At the moment I sound like a dog. Which means that my coughing sound like the barking of a member of the canine.
Due to this I am spending more time in front of this computer -cause I bark the most when I am moving. What a wonderful excuse for laziness!

Reply #137. Oct 03 12, 10:59 AM
Today I'm sad. As I grow older I realize the wisdom of my parents, but I also understand my children better

Reply #138. Oct 03 12, 12:28 PM
I wish they all could be California girls. But I have never been to California so I can only assume what the woman are like. I wish the laws were relaxed and tolerated like in Holland. I have never lived or visited Holland so I can only imagine.I wish I was 17 again and swinging with no problems. Since I canot go back in time I can only reminisce. Since I have to deal with local girls, and state laws as they are and being 17 only happens once I can only live vicariously through the internet and wish to find a Genie in a bottle.

Reply #139. Oct 03 12, 2:18 PM
2arcane4words star

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I recently attended a dinner party where one of the guests was an Englishman, recently arrived in Canada. One of the vegetables was a large bowl of mashed squash. The man asked me, "WHAT is that!" "It's squash," I innocently replied. "I know it's squashed," he retorted, " but squashed WHAT!"

Reply #140. Oct 03 12, 2:23 PM

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