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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Cupra star

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A friend and I went to a Thai restaurant were it was a set menu and serve yourself. We had a drink at our table first before going up to the counter where the food was set out. I asked my friend to ask the waitress, who was dressed beautifully in traditional costume, what the soup of the day was. So off goes my friend. A few minutes later she comes back and says to me "She said that the soup is Marsaloom" I looked at her strangely. "Marsaloom" I asked my friend. "What's that"? So off we go to find out. I smiled at the waitress then lifted the lid off the pot which held the soup and burst out laughing. Turning to my friend I said "Mushroom, you idiot. She said mushroom, not marsaloom" Obviously my friend couldn't understand the waitress's accent.

Reply #21. Sep 05 12, 8:47 AM
kaddarsgirl star

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Short story today. My mom didn't have to go into work today so we got to spend the entire day together. It was really nice because it doesn't happen all that often. It was nice just to be us girls today. We spent the entire day in pajamas :D

Reply #22. Sep 07 12, 9:42 PM
Mariamir star
Hmmm, what to say? With the summer over, we're all back home from various vacations, and my entire family all here in Beijing.

Nothing eventful, other than we ( to be precise, I) have finally bought all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and plan to watch them.

Reply #23. Sep 08 12, 12:12 AM
Nothing really to say this weekend... Just chilling out on my laptop and can't wait to just enjoy the weekend and relax. Maybe I'll have some fun, too ;)

Reply #24. Sep 08 12, 6:45 AM
I'm in Nola....New Orleans, Louisiana. Partied last night with my brother and nephew on Bourbon Street. This city is fantastic and doing well after seven years after Katrina. We'll be taking it a little easier tonight so we'll be fresh for the game tomorrow when the Redskins annihilate the Saints!

Reply #25. Sep 08 12, 8:06 AM
Today was my first day of school.

Reply #26. Sep 08 12, 11:26 AM
Hope you enjoyed it! (:

Reply #27. Sep 08 12, 1:28 PM
I live in Mauritius and I work in the administration of a sugar milling company. Yesterday afternoon I received phone call from a factory administrator telling me "Hiyori call the fire station quickly there's fire in the factory" he was panicking and very nervous. I lift my head and saw dark smoke coming from the factory's roof window, I too started panicking. Immediately i call the nearest fire station asking them almost begging them to come quick. After that, panic-striken I was going to and fro waiting for the firemen. Nearly 20 mins passed when we learnt from the factory adminstrator that they've been able to extinguish the fire themselves but till now the firemen haven't arrived yet. The firemen came after another 15 mins, late as it seems but thank God, no one was injured.

This is my story. Just to say things can happen at the unexpected moment but fortunately no one got hurt.

Reply #28. Sep 10 12, 4:41 AM
kaddarsgirl star

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Brother came home with his girlfriend for dinner tonight. His girl's birthday is Thursday, but since they were coming to dinner tonight, we threw her a surprise party with her favorite meal, cake and ice cream, and a small gift we picked up. It was nice to see them, especially my brother, who's away at college, and who we don't get to see very often. The cake was good too :)

Reply #29. Sep 10 12, 9:18 PM
tezza1551 star
What an awesome weekend ! Both Western Australian Football teams got through their elimination finals and into a semi's high time that cup came to WA for a visit again.. maybe this time clad in purple, white & green ribbons ! Go the Freo Dockers !

Reply #30. Sep 10 12, 9:43 PM
Aussiedrongo star
^...Anyone but Collingwood!!

Reply #31. Sep 11 12, 10:58 PM
tezza1551 star
Exactly, Aussie !! Blasted collywobbles lol

Reply #32. Sep 12 12, 2:53 AM
Mommakat star

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I saw a sticker on a car at the supermarket car park which read "I barrack for The Dockers, and whoever is playing Collingwood" Thought that would amuse Aussiedrongo and Tezza LOL

Reply #33. Sep 12 12, 4:31 AM
tigasrule star
I'm just curious, what challenge would that be? (The one sending you here to share your story, that is)

Reply #34. Sep 12 12, 8:00 AM
kaddarsgirl star

player avatar
It's a new game that we are Beta testing right now. It will be released to everyone in the upcoming weeks. You'll know it when you see it.

Reply #35. Sep 12 12, 8:50 AM
My dad gave me a beautiful blue graphite fishing pole and a new casting reel (the good kind with a push button) for my 19th birthday. We were camping at the time. It was too late to go to the lake so I got a stick and tied it to the line as a weight and practiced casting. As I was reeling my line in, a shadow swooped out of the trees and next thing I knew my line was being pulled out! I tugged back and fought a bit and got the stick back. My Dad laughed because in all his years of fishing, he had never caught a night hawk!

Reply #36. Sep 13 12, 4:04 PM
flopsymopsy star

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Once upon a time, in a land not far from this one - well, okay, it was this one, what do you want? Time travel? - there were some itsy bitsy bunny rabbits playing in the park. A magic princess (look, this is my story, I can be magic if I want!) (and a princess) was trying to play a game in an office overlooking the park but the game needed her to enter a "username". "Oh what username shall I have?" she cried, and looked out of the window to find inspiration. And there she saw the bunny rabbits, turned back to her computer and typed "flopsymopsy", and thus a legend was born.

Well, okay, maybe not a legend. And maybe if I'd ever read any Beatrix Potter I would have known that Flopsy and Mopsy are two different rabbits but I hadn't so I didn't so sue me. ;)

Reply #37. Sep 18 12, 10:14 AM
at last english exams are over

Reply #38. Sep 21 12, 4:43 AM
On the 22nd December,1966,when I was fourteen years old,I had the privilege of seeing Jimi Hendrix at the Gaumont theatre in Southampton,uk.
It was a strangely mixed bill. The Walker Brothers were headlining and the other acts were Engelbert Humperdink and Cat Stevens.
If I had known at the time that Hendrix would be dead a short time later I would have realised how lucky I was to see him live. Although it was a lifetime ago (45 years to be precise!) I can still remember it quite well.

Reply #39. Sep 24 12, 1:42 PM
sb22705 star

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My husband & I attended a business conferance last week. Towards the close of the event, we were told that a number of the exibitors that were there were sick. Needless to say, the night before we flew out to come home my husband came down with a sore throat, cough, etc. I am a bit irked that people would go to an event where they would spread a sickness to so many other people. This conferance had about 300 people. That's my grump.

Reply #40. Sep 24 12, 2:33 PM

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