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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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little lady
That is funny because our cat's mother is also called Grizabella after the heroine of Cats.Our cat is Called Midnight,even though she is pure white. My very special daughter named her.

Reply #201. Oct 08 12, 8:35 AM

player avatar
I'm feeling pretty tired...I woke up a little earlier than I wanted too. It doesn't help that I have work today for 10 long hours. That's where I'm typing this from. I'm starting hour 2 on a 10 hour shift in a videogame store. Luckily I have a computer in front of me and funtrivia to stave off boredom. Expect me to be logged on all day. Now, back to trivia!

Reply #202. Oct 08 12, 10:03 AM
mickeyp star
I'm feeling really tired today as well. The crows, seagulls and stellar jays get up way before I do and they make so much noise that it is impossible to sleep! Oh well. I guess it will be an early night for me.


Reply #203. Oct 08 12, 10:09 AM
bloodandsand star

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I have to share a story with you today as one of my challenges so I thought I'd go back to one of my most embarrassing moments....

Very early 1980s and yours truly was returning home after a holiday in the USA. At Kennedy airport the escalator was not working and the lifts were full to overflowing so I decided to climb the stationary escalator, carrying my cases. "Hold on" shouted a voice and I looked up to see an airport worker at the top of the escalator. Now in England, the term "Hold on" is often taken to mean "Wait a minute", so I waited. Unfortunately, he meant me to actually hold on to the handrail and he started up the escalator. I, along with my cases, collapsed in a not so merry heap at the bottom of the escalator. The poor man was devastated and I was mortified. Thankfully no damage was done other than to my somewhat bruised posterior and incredibly bruised ego :(

Reply #204. Oct 08 12, 11:36 AM
tigasrule star
Funny story :)

Reply #205. Oct 08 12, 12:09 PM
I once got arrested for obstruction of an officer. The sheriffs department had come looking for my wife (she had written a bad check). She was at the end of the driveway when they pulled in. I was at the top of the driveway. She spoke to the deputy and then walked into the house. I was standing there drinking a beer. After about 15 minutes the deputy asked me where “Donna” was. My wife’s name was Holly. I replied that there was no Donna living there and who they were looking for prolly had took off out the back door. They asked if I minded them searching my house. I replied “You got a freaking warrant…naw go ahead.” I allowed them to search my house looking for her. They looked in the closet which has access to the attic…but you need a chair to crawl up there and there was no chair there. Plus she had a broke leg at the time. I laughed at them. Then they went into the backyard and opened up a locked door to my barn…like she could get in there and lock the door behind her. I laughed at them again. Apparently they did not find my humor funny and handcuffed meand took me off to jail for “obstruction of an officer”!
I think they were too embarrassed to tell the sheriff that they allowed a 5 foot tall, 90 pound female suspect with a broke leg escape their clutches…so they blamed me!
It took the idiots over a year to drop the charges. I wanted to go to trial so bad to because I was gonna make a fool of the DA!

Reply #206. Oct 08 12, 12:44 PM
Jakeroo star

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When my grandfather died, there were two "limos" - one carrying the coffin and his two daughers with their husbands and the second limo was filled with "the cousins", me included. We had a female driver and although they are supposed to maintain a "stiff upper lip" and not initiate conversation, she couldn't help but laugh when my 8 year old cousin (male, had never been anywhere else "off the farm" and always impressed by vehicles of any sort) tapped her on the shoulder and said loudly "SO lady... just how fast can this baby GO??!!!" From then on the day was a lot less somber and we still talk about it now that we're all "grown-ups" : )

Reply #207. Oct 08 12, 1:26 PM
paper_aero star

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I've never thought the area I live in to be rough but a few years ago my dog (we only had one at the time took a different view).
We caught her one night heading towards the fron door carrying a sharp knife pirate style between her teeth.

Ever since then I have been able to say "It's so tough where I live, even the dogs carry knives for protection"

Reply #208. Oct 08 12, 2:22 PM
Radain star

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The first car we bought after we married was a seven year-old Mark III Ford Cortina, It was great to drive, but developed many faults. The 'best' of these was when the nylon thread on the gear stick assembly wore out. The first time the gear stick came away in my hand was a bit alarming, until I worked out that it was fairly easy to replace. As it wore out further, it became more a sort of 'plug and play' and it was a bit of a party trick in the end to hand the gear stick over to unsuspecting passengers for them to look after until I needed to change gear again. They don't make cars quite like that anymore - perhaps just as well.

Reply #209. Oct 08 12, 3:53 PM
steelman86 star

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It has been a good day. I drove to my brothers house and visited with him for a couple of hours, winterized my house this afternoon and now it's time to get ready to watch Thursday night fottball.

Reply #210. Oct 08 12, 5:57 PM
JaneofGaunt star
From an email today....

Difference between complete and finish

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between the two words. In a recently held linguistic competition held in London, England attended by the best in the world Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese man from Bachelors Adventure was the clear winner with a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes. Here is his answer which made him receive an invitation to dine with Queen afterwards who decided to call him after the contest. He won a trip to travel the world in style and a case of 25 year old Eldorado rum for his answer.

His final question was this.... How to explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand.Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED . Here is his astute answer .... when you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. And when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!

Reply #211. Oct 08 12, 9:20 PM
JaneofGaunt star
Queen Elizabeth II, of course - no edit button - sigh!

Reply #212. Oct 08 12, 9:22 PM
mehaul star
I bought a 10 speed bicycle 20 years ago for $15 at an alcohol rehab center (they raised funds by selling donated items in a giant flea market/garage sale). The tires were flat and the front rim was slightly warped. I straightened that out and since have bought replacement tires to such an extent that I have easily spent five times my initial investment. The ride has treated me so nicely through the years that I treated it to new brake and gear cables last year. I wanted red and all the bike guys could get was black. I said okay, let them install the cables, then I hand painted them with red enamel! They look super against the bike's metallic brown frame.

Reply #213. Oct 09 12, 2:56 AM
kstyle53 star

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I am lucky and blessed to be the uncle to two young nieces and a young nephew. One day I got to babysit my niece when she was about three years old and I was asking her questions to see how she comprehended simple questions- for example what the weather was like. I ended up asking her why I was her uncle, trying to get her to say because I'm her mother's brother. She told me I'm her uncle because I take great care of her. It's still the best (even if inadvertent) compliment I've ever gotten.

Reply #214. Oct 09 12, 4:01 AM
books407 star
When we first moved to this neighborhood, we had a neighbor who was developmentally disabled. She kept dumping her trash in our backyard. We told her several times to stop. She would stop for a few days, then start again. We called our local police -- a one man force -- and told him the problem. He came and inspected and when told who was doing it, shook his head sadly and said he didn't know how we would get her to stop. One day I was standing at my kitchen sink, peeling potatoes for supper. I saw her cross our backyard with her trash can. I immediately ran out and said "Mary (not her real name)You have to stop putting your trash in our yard." She looked at me fearfully and said she would stop. She ran back to her house. I looked in hand and I was holding the knife I had been peeling potatoes with. She never put trash in our yard again!

Reply #215. Oct 09 12, 5:41 AM
She planted the seed and waited. After a while rain came down from the sky, pelting her skin, chilling her. She shivered but didn't leave, not yet.

The sun came out, warming the soil, driving the cold from her bones. She waited. Clouds scudded by overhead, in a hurry for some reason. The moon rose, stars wheeled, and then the sun rose again.

She didn't just wait, of course. She prayed, she sang, she read the old stories, the myths and the legends. On the seventh day she snoozed under a cloudless sky, waking only briefly when a dragonfly happened to touch down on her nose. She observed its cathedral-window wings, irridescent with refracted sunlight, and drowsed once more after it left her.

Rain, sun, moon, stars: she endured them all. The seedling broke the soil with a questing green curlicue, looking for all the world like a question mark in the Old Tongue. She sat on it and waited more: days, months, decades.

A boy came along and asked her why she'd climbed to the top of the tree.

"I didn't," she said.

Reply #216. Oct 09 12, 6:08 AM
Alba66 star
My story is wonderful because I found reciprocal true love that has lasted now for 28 years. I hope lots more people can know the same happiness. Alba

Reply #217. Oct 09 12, 6:15 AM
Cece1952 star

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Today I am going to put out my Halloween decorations - mostly little figurines trick-or-treating at a big haunted house that howls to the rhythm of blinking lights. I love Halloween!

Reply #218. Oct 09 12, 6:24 AM
postcards2go star

player avatar
Upon Awakening...

Darkness is over,
I must decide -
Do I reach for you,
Stretch for you,
Or do I let you go,
Back into your own little world,
To leave us both
With nothing?

postie - 1980

Reply #219. Oct 09 12, 7:20 AM
prana star

player avatar
I am a breast cancer survivor and since this is breast cancer awareness month, I would recommend getting tested. I did and caught mine early. That mammogram could save your life.

Reply #220. Oct 09 12, 9:37 AM

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