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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Aussiedrongo star
The first time the Daily Challenges request me to come here and I don't have anything to say. Maybe a terrible joke will suffice.

Q. What's the difference between an elephant and a biscuit?

A. Ever tried dipping an elephant in your cup of tea?

Reply #241. Oct 10 12, 11:55 AM
My doctor told me to take more exercise and walk 10 miles a day. Been doing it for a week now and I'm 70 miles from home.

Reply #242. Oct 10 12, 12:05 PM
hello what i did today is play quizs on funtrivia went outside to watch my brother and my sister son play football and then watch tv and then went to play with my two dogs ty

Reply #243. Oct 10 12, 1:47 PM
gpm97457 star
After playing a quiz to get the easy point. I came to so I can get the medium points for the daily challenges. Watching Revolution while I am typing this in.

Reply #244. Oct 10 12, 2:17 PM
Nicott star

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In South Africa we have some amazing getaways. Whole it is great to experience as many as possible, it is also wonderful to revisit special places. This year we are at Lindani Lodge, a private game farm. It is my fourth visit and it is always special.

Reply #245. Oct 10 12, 2:44 PM
Iceman61 star
I have won Who's the Expert a few times. My very first win was Serial Killers. I get a charge out of that because I have a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and now teach high school special education and social studies. I suppose I should be able to pick out some serial killers in the student population. My sense of humor keeps me going!

Reply #246. Oct 10 12, 4:33 PM
debbitts star

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I had a weird thing happen a couple of days ago--I went to play our team's private tournament and it was gone. It is back now, and I am very glad of that, but I still wonder what happened!

Reply #247. Oct 10 12, 7:11 PM
Barbarini star

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My husband and I had applied to adopt our second child. It seemed like an age had passed from the time we were approved (it was only a year but it seemed like an eon!) and I was getting tired of the waiting. I said to him one morning that I thought we should just throw in the towel and move on. Our lives seemed to be on hold waiting for the day when a new wee'un would come into our lives. He suggested we talk about it when I got home from work that night. As soon as I arrived at work that morning, the phone rang. It was our social worker telling me there was a little girl for us. How's that for forcing Fate's hand? :-) Amazing!

Reply #248. Oct 10 12, 7:41 PM
Daaanieeel star
I don't have a lot to say, I'm not a very interesting person. I've recently discovered some very good and little-known bands, so my life at the moment has pretty much been filled up listening to music. And I like it that way. :) On holidays at the moment, so enjoying it while it lasts. That's about all really.

Reply #249. Oct 11 12, 12:22 AM
suzi_greer star
A friend needs to find a home soon or she will be homeless. As of today, she is waiting for the inspection of a home she's selected and if all goes well with the bank, she'll be able to move soon. Please pray for her. I've had my fingers crossed for a month now. They're getting kind of sore. Gosh I hope she gets her new home soon.

Reply #250. Oct 11 12, 12:52 AM
My son has gone away for a week and I am sure I have driven the cat mad with my pointless conversation.

Reply #251. Oct 11 12, 1:40 AM
Just a few select people in fun trivia knw that I'm deaf. Now - the entire site knows. If they read this!

Reply #252. Oct 11 12, 3:28 AM
It's amazing, the things I'll do in pursuit of FT recognition. I rarely if ever post to the boards, whether for my team, or otherwise. Yet here I am, just because ot's part of the Daily Challenge. Go figure.

Reply #253. Oct 11 12, 6:23 AM
Squisher star
The Tale of the Cursed Cressida:

My dad is an amazing guy, but sometimes he lacks common sense. If you put the two of us together serious predicaments can occur (although, worse has happened between him and my brother).

Many years ago my dad fell in love with this used Toyota Cressida. It had all the bells and whistles, but the dealer did tell him that it had once been stolen and been in an accident. He bought it anyway.

A few months later, my dad, brother and I took a weekend ski trip to the mountains. On our way back home it was dark and snowy and I was the one driving on the winding roads. My dad and brother were sleeping. Then my dad woke up and told me to pull over so we could switch drivers. As I attempted to pull over, the car started fishtailing. We did a 180, careened over the embankment, and then rolled into the ditch on the opposite side of the road. The car was upside down, just like in the movies.

Needless to say, the car was totalled with the roof smashed down. A trucker picked us up and took us to the nearest town. We had the car towed, and miraculously it started the next day. My dad actually drove it home. We got a lot of stares on the highway -- smashed-in roof, winshield completely cracked and bashed in. It should have been a write-off, but my dad insisted that it be fixed. An autobody shop actually complied.

A few years later I got a temporary job out of town and my dad let me borrow the Cressida. I discovered that it was still running smoothly when the cops clocked me at 147 in a 100 km/h zone on the highway.

Then, I had a bad case of judgment. Reaaally bad -- maybe it's a genetic thing. I would park the car in the bowels of a really contorted parkade. It was tricky maneouvering the car in and out every day. One day as I was leaving work, my boyfriend had gone and backed out of the stall for me. I told him to move over so I could drive home, but he insisted on driving. Although he didn't have his licence, I begrudgingly let him take the wheel. We ended up stuck around a bend in the parkade, with the wheels wedged over some concrete curbing. I tried to reverse the car out, and ended up denting and scraping one side of the car. A line-up formed behind us, and then another guy offered to jump in the car and get us out. Wrecked the car again.

I tried to get it fixed behind my dad's back. I took it around for estimates, and out of sheer coincidence, ended up at the same autobody shop that had revived it from the dead years ago. The guy took one look at it and his eyes popped out of his head. I heard him utter, "I don't believe it!".

The boyfriend nor I could afford to pay for the damage, so I had to swallow my pride and tell my dad that I was the one driving the car at the time. He had it fixed.

The car ended up back in my dad's hands before long. The final straw came when he left home for work one day. As he walked out the door to the driveway where he parked the car, it was gone. Someone had stolen it! The cursed Cressida had come full circle.

I feel sorry for the person he sold it to.

Reply #254. Oct 11 12, 10:35 AM
This one time at band camp.... okay... I never really did band camp at all. However, I used to sing in a high school choir. During a group concert, the previous choir (who happened to be an athletic rival to our school) consisted of 100 people, and took up the entire stage. However, our choir was all of 7 people. So... yeah, we looked pretty pathetic in going after them, although we tried to look as big as possible, and space away from each other... even though it didn't really help in the end.

Reply #255. Oct 11 12, 2:17 PM
Joybaby star

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I don't think I have ever been here before which proves I will do almost anything to complete a challenge.Yes,I am a Fun Trivia addict.

Reply #256. Oct 11 12, 2:50 PM
Qmel star

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Construction is always interesting...and I am living though it right now. Well the sewer system needs an upgrade, and there is a nice big hole in the middle of my street, but at least it's easy to avoid...just don't go out at night without a flashlight.

Reply #257. Oct 11 12, 4:42 PM
Back in February of 2002, when the Winter Olympics were being held in Salt Lake City, my family and I braved the crowds and went to downtown Salt Lake City on a Saturday, since we live only about 45 minutes north of Salt Lake City.

Mitt Romney, who was heading up the Salt Lake City Olympics, quickly walked right by me. It was only after he had passed by, that I recognized who he was. He looked like he was in a hurry to go somewhere specific, unlike my wife and I who were trying to manage two very young kids and trying to take in a little bit of the Olympics spirit.

Reply #258. Oct 11 12, 9:10 PM
Jodisull star

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Well, I'm practically bald headed now. You see every time I try for the Triathlete Badge and miss getting 2750 points, I pull a strand of hair out. I'm hoping the badge happens soon because I just had my bangs died pink and I really want to keep them!

Reply #259. Oct 11 12, 11:49 PM
James25 star

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One of the fun things I experienced while staying at a hotel in Riga was that they had a teddy bear in your room to welcome you. He was called Valdo and made sure travellers were not lonely.

Reply #260. Oct 12 12, 2:05 AM

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