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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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dcpddc478 star

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I'm a military brat and have been in every state in the U.S. except Hawaii...been to Canada and Mexico numerous times...Visited The Bahamas once and am saving up for a tour of Europe...I love to travel and meet new people:)

Reply #81. Sep 29 12, 8:52 AM
griller star

player avatar
My second grandson was born September 11 He was 3 pounds one ounce. He is coming home yoday. I'm so excited!

Reply #82. Sep 29 12, 12:26 PM
honeybee4 star
Congratulations Griller. He is going to be a whopper if he keeps gaining weight that fast.

Reply #83. Sep 29 12, 1:35 PM
bottle_rocket star

player avatar
Put a man having a heart attack on the road to recovery a few minutes ago. Feels good.

Reply #84. Sep 29 12, 8:34 PM
wyambezi star
This morning I watched a film from my daughter's first Christmas. It was fun seeing her learn to tear paper and ribbon from a box. Once the box was exposed she would get up and walk away because she didn't understand that the box needed opening in order to actually see the gift. Now 25 years later I've just learned of a good deed she did for someone yesterday, an extremely thoughtful act. So I'm ending a nostalgic day feeling like a very proud and grateful parent. It's been a 'life is good' day.

Reply #85. Sep 29 12, 10:06 PM
Midget40 star

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I attended a family dinner for my neices 18th birthday last night. it just so happened that all of the family was actually in the same city for once and all available - a very rare occurrence.

My family involves 4 brothers, 5 sisters, 3 sister-in-laws, 5 brother-in-laws, 12 nephews, 7 nieces & one great-nephew.

My eldest niece also received a wedding proposal while we were all there.

A very nice family occasion.

Reply #86. Sep 30 12, 12:19 AM
Cupra star

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I'm watching ET once again. It always reminds me of my two Sons when they were younger. ET had just come out on Video and we had watched it the night before, however next evening on my husband's return home from work the boys waited for their Dad to walk through the door. They were, however, VERY surprised and screamed when the living room door opened and in walked ET!! My husband had bought an ET mask and walked into the room on his knees wearing the mask and covered in a blanket saying "ET phone home" and pointing at the boys. They ran around the room screaming their heads off until my husband stood up taking the mask off. They still talk and laugh about it now. It was so funny at the time.

Reply #87. Sep 30 12, 7:35 AM
Illini43 star

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It is Sunday! Time for the Chiacgo Bears to play. Ooops, they don't play till Monday night against the Dallas Cowboys. Now I have the rest of the day to catch up on things or maybe watch another game I would have usually not watched.

Reply #88. Sep 30 12, 10:49 AM
lifetraveller star

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Thinking about the challenge, on a sunny day in the UK I decided that life was too quiet but it is Sunday. A quote caught my eye on the English as I toasted the crumpets and slurped the wine during afternoon nosh:

'The English can be explained by their Anglo-Saxon heritage and the influence of the Methodists. But I would prefer to explain them in terms of tea, roast beef and rain. A people is first what it eats, drinks and gets pelted with' Pierre Daninos. (Major Thompson and I)1957.

Glad the rain held off.

Reply #89. Sep 30 12, 12:42 PM
misstified star

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Had an unexpectedly good day yesterday. I was 'volunteered' to go to a conference and did not really want to go.

However, it turned out to be very interesting and I met a number of nice people.

Reply #90. Sep 30 12, 1:15 PM
astir star

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I just had the best birthday ever. My son, who lives in America, visited me bringing his wife & my darling grandaughter. I hadn't seen them for 2 years so there were many cuddles & kisses. The house seems very empty now.

Reply #91. Sep 30 12, 2:21 PM
suitcasemurphy star
Am having an absolute ball playing the drums in the band 'DidJital'. Just played at our 3rd festival in 6 weeks yesterday, and once again the punters couldn't resist the urge to get up and dance. Check us out on FB, Cheers!

Reply #92. Sep 30 12, 3:15 PM
gkaz4 star
I was born in 1980.
My grandmother in 1930.
My mother in 1960.
My sister in 1990.

I guess we like keeping counting our years simple :))

Reply #93. Sep 30 12, 4:03 PM
I enjoy playing all sorts of trivia. Especially Are you smarter than a 5th grader.

Reply #94. Sep 30 12, 5:19 PM
I just came back from an Amtrak trip. 2 and 1/2 days on a train. A real experience. Someone found a propane tank with wires attached, about 5 ft. from the rails. We were held up for two and a half hours. Did you know there is a layover in San Antoine? For every Texas Eagle trip, going to LA.from Chicago or Chicago to LA. It was a nice trip and I will do it again. The conductors, stewards and other crew were helpful, informative and concerened with all of the happy travelers, even us irritated smokers.

Reply #95. Sep 30 12, 7:13 PM
Matthew_07 star

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I just received a beautiful postcard with German quote on it, which translates roughly as "The streets of life might often be bumpy, but it's also colorful and filled with wonderful moments at the same time." Well said. :)

Reply #96. Oct 01 12, 12:04 AM
As a single mother, money is in short supply. At the moment it is almost non-existent due mainly to car related problems.

Over the last two months I have had two punctures, ruining two tyres, two parking tickets through no fault of my own and the front brake shoes disintegrating so badly that the shoes and discs had to be replaced.

Three sets of twos. Whatever next?

Reply #97. Oct 01 12, 12:38 AM
LauraMcC star

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I've just had a great weekend, which involved helping to tidy out the house, and going shopping in Perth (the nearest "big" town for some much needed essentials. I was going to go clay pigeon shooting on Sunday, but it was cancelled because of the rain, so I went for a walk instead. Ironically, the sun came out as soon as the shooting was cancelled!

Reply #98. Oct 01 12, 12:45 AM
I was given the unique opportunity of serving as a Non Commissioned Officer in charge of Check Point Charlie and Bravo in Berlin, Germany. I had the privileged of working with the French gendarmes and British Royal Military Police. My many experiences while there will always be forever in my memory.

Reply #99. Oct 01 12, 12:57 AM
Recently I have been watching Beavis and Butt - Head alot. The jokes are so well timed and funny. The fact that this show is about two awkward and crude 15 year olds still intrigues me. I grew up in the 1990's and this is the most strangest of nostalgia from my teenage years. The show to me never gets old and the jokes seem even funnier although the show was cancelled in 1997. If only I were in 9th grade again all the sillyness would be current again.

Reply #100. Oct 01 12, 2:17 AM

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