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Subject: Team Heroes Poll

Posted by: Terry
Date: Sep 12 23

Currently Team Heroes uses Who's the Expert "general" topics. So, things that I think the general population has at least a hope of being able to know something about. My original thinking was that if I were playing I'd want to be able to have at least a fighting chance to score better than guessing nearly every day. Seeing "knitting" or "Medieval Literature" come up was not something I thought would generally help create a good team experience.

A number of people have recently requested that it be changed to also include the "Specialized" topics of Who's the Expert. This would great increase the variety in Team Heroes, but also make it so that some days you'd have absolutely no hope at being competitive due to niche topics popping up.

I personally don't care. My gut is to keep the status quo unless there is overwhelming support for change.

Take the poll! And feel free to passionately argue your case below ;)


34 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
Upstart3 star

player avatar
I quite like the idea of giving a random team the choice of subject occasionally.

Reply #21. Sep 12 23, 6:09 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I'm fine with Team Heroes as it is.

Reply #22. Sep 12 23, 9:51 PM
runaway_drive star

player avatar
I quite like the idea of a specialised Saturday or Sunday, maybe the number of heroes needed per team could be lowered on that day in case play numbers are down.

Also like the idea of letting teams throw in their own category from time to time, could lead to some good discussions and strategy!

Do have another idea of the creation of categories comprised of questions from a teams' team quizzes if they have authored a certain number (for example "The Internationals" Mix)? These could be thrown into the rotation, theoretically gives one team an advantage and levels the playing field for some of the smaller teams and incentivises more quiz creation. Could be cool if yours pops up.

Reply #23. Sep 12 23, 10:05 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Wacky Wednesday is what I’m going with as an experiment.

Good luck ;)

Reply #24. Sep 13 23, 12:07 AM
jogreen star

player avatar
I think we need to keep it as general as possible to encourage team members to play.

Reply #25. Sep 13 23, 3:35 AM
pusdoc star

player avatar
I’m generally in favor of leaving it as it was. If change is made, once a week seems fine. I like the idea of lowering the number required to score. I’m not crazy about giving teams an advantage by using their questions, even though my team has an enormous number of team quizzes. Letting the losing team in each league choose one topic periodically seems somewhat fair.

Reply #26. Sep 13 23, 5:31 AM

player avatar
With my experience of seeing my own questions in games and getting them wrong, I don’t know how much of an advantage it would be!

Reply #27. Sep 13 23, 6:32 AM

player avatar
Thank you for Wacky Wednesday, Terry! I didn't get a great score, but it was fun.

Reply #28. Sep 13 23, 7:30 AM
runaway_drive star

player avatar
Oh for sure I reckon I'd be terrible agony, but it would be interesting to see if the teams that wrote the questions actually get the advantage.

Reply #29. Sep 13 23, 12:01 PM
Qmel star

player avatar
Is it a possibility to feature topics in Team vs. Team corresponding with a holiday for the day the quiz falls on(for example, a Christmas topic on December 25)?

Reply #30. Sep 13 23, 5:34 PM

player avatar
Yes, that was just great today! I bet there were a handful of players who were so excited to see it, and their teams are cheering for them right now.

Reply #31. Sep 13 23, 7:06 PM
Creedy star

player avatar
If it ain't broke, don't fix it :)

Reply #32. Sep 13 23, 9:15 PM
CmdrK star

player avatar
I'm in favor of leaving it as is.

Reply #33. Sep 13 23, 9:22 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

I don't mind a challenge - having to play a topic I wouldn't normally hunt down has widened my knowledge and also surprised me of what I do Know!
I think Wacky Wednesday is a fun idea, and I knew more guitarists than I thought.

I read Stephen King's entire Dark Tower series to answer constant DT questions (and managed a bit of kudos before they were sidelined), so I'm happy with tweaks.

Thanks for the open forums, Terry.

Reply #34. Sep 14 23, 12:14 AM
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