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Subject: Champ DivWinnerShouldn'tPlay Topic Again

Posted by: Seasrmar
Date: Sep 23 18

Hi. I would like everyone opinion on this.

I think Champions who won Champions Division for a topic should not play the topic again. What I mean is: Currently when a person wins their current level division for a topic, they get a notation on the profile and can play the Champion division of the topic. If they win in the Champion division, they get the notation on the profile and it counts toward Kings of Most Trade badge. They can still play the topic. However, I propose that Champions not play again. We get it, when you win the Champion Division, it's clear your the expert at the topic. But when you play, and often win in very short time, you preventing other from winning the badge.

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Tough luck!

The champions divisions were created so that we could keep playing hourly games that we like without bad feeling from other players that were effectively blocked from winning the basic badges.

Now, in expert, you are able to win the topics relatively easily. The champions division is where you have to take on everybody!

I will always play if I want to.

It irks me that some players would like to try to make me feel bad about beating them instead of just working hard to improve and gradually pick up the champions wins. Maybe not everybody is even capable of winning them?

Reply #1. Sep 23 18, 2:44 AM
Thank you for your opinion. I just hate it when you're few minutes from winning then than someone who already won it as Champion edge you by just one second.

Reply #2. Sep 23 18, 9:00 AM
postcards2go star

player avatar
Seasrmar, I have 4 Champions, out of 124 Experts... similar to(but not quite as good as) your 9 Champions, out of 130 Experts. I feel your pain.

However, I agree with N_L. Yes, it's frustrating, but I cannot expect to win everything. I also never check to see if I've won the Champion in a given subject. For me, with only four, it would be easy to have them memorized, but for those who have 10, or more, it would become tedious.

I keep playing, and hope for serendipity :-D

Reply #3. Sep 23 18, 9:20 AM
“Thank you for your opinion. I just hate it when you're few minutes from winning then than someone who already won it as Champion edge you by just one second.”

That happens to me too but I don’t get mad just try, try and try again. I also didn’t mean to come across too harsh, sorry about that. This has been brought up several times so I just had a moment.

Keep at it. I’m sure you’ll win some more. :)

Reply #4. Sep 23 18, 9:42 AM

player avatar
Consider, too, that anyone going for the Expert Symposium badge (and upgrades), is likely going to want to play topics they feel they have a chance of scoring over 1400 in, including any they have already won as champions.

Reply #5. Sep 23 18, 9:58 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I have a couple of observations on this:

If I win an Expert game in the Championship Division, I generally *don't* play that game again because I do think that giving other people a chance is a decent think to do. I also never "swoop"; that is, I never play an Expert game (Championship Division or Regular) in the last few minutes. However, neither of these things are unethical to do - I just choose not to do them.

With regards to the Expert Symposium badge and its upgrades (and I'm all the way to Crown in that), the strategy for that is actually quite different from a normal Expert game. In a normal Expert game, you're trying to finish *first*, since only first place counts as a win. But in Symposium, your goal is *only* to score over 1400, not necessarily win, so when I was playing for that, I took my time and did not "push it". The result was I didn't have much of a chance of winning, but I did avoid mistakes and maximized my scores over 1400.

There are a few cases where I will play an Expert game in a category I've already won at Championship Division before. One is if I get the Expert Daily Challenge. All's Fair in Love and Expert games, in that situation. I could've won Astronomy five times before, but if I get the Challenge, I'm playing it again anyway (but I still won't swoop.) People will have at least half an hour to try to beat my 1472 in Astronomy at Championship Division if they can. Lotsa Luck with that! I may also do it with certain Epic Challenges or with attempts to upgrade my Everything badge, but those are very rare. And I haven't used my Expert mulligan in years.

Reply #6. Oct 04 18, 12:51 AM
What's it matter whether you play in the first five minutes of the hour or the last? Everyone has an hour to play, to win you still have to be top by the end of the hour. It's not like eBay where you can make an unbeatable bid in the last second without response, in FT you need to be good enough and fast enough to make your unbeatable score whenever it is done in the hour.

As for the mulligan, I love it. I use it every week. It gives me a chance to play a topic I am good at twice in an attempt to get the correct speed required to win it. Now, I don't have time to play 12 or more hourly games in a day, I can go weeks or longer without seeing a particular expert topic that I am trying to win so it's great that I can play it twice in a row to try to get that speed. Let's face it, we are often talking about 10, 20 or even 30+ players with 15 right. We are all great at the topics so speed is the only differential so I don't feel at all bad about having another go once a week.

Reply #7. Oct 04 18, 3:49 PM
strnog1 star

player avatar
As someone who plays the Expert Game more often than any other game (and I would guess I have slowed many people's quest for Expert Badges down), I would like to repeat that the reason there is a Champion's category is so that those of us who like to play these games can do so, without hopefully being made to feel like we're a bad guy for winning. I don't play for the most part to achieve new Champion wins, but to increase my champion rating. Really the only way to do that is by beating a number of other very fast people. My computer is not the fastest computer in the world so I don't have an innate advantage there. For me, it's a thrill going fast and being able to identify key words in questions to answer questions correctly.

So I don't feel bad when I've won against another player who has yet to have the Champion win. All that player has to do is to answer the questions quicker and they too will win. And they'll have the satisfaction of having earned it.

Best of luck to everyone!

Reply #8. Oct 04 18, 3:51 PM
And I think the decent thing to do is actually to provide everyone else with the competition that they deserve to have in order to feel the accomplishment of winning champions wins. To do any less is to do them a disservice, in my opinion.

I've said this before on the threads, if you see me leading an expert topic please play! I want you to play, I want to have come top of the pile over everyone possible, not just feel like I came too because some are sitting it out. So even if any of you think it is somehow decent to sit out, if you see me leading I implore you to try to top me.

Reply #9. Oct 04 18, 3:53 PM
I hear ya, Seasrmar. I was hoping to win just one more - just one! - Championship game to get the mini badge, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. The super swoopers come in in the last few minutes to add to their mega-stashes of wins. Oh well...

Reply #10. Nov 18 18, 1:45 PM
PS - spanishliz, thanks for the reminder! I think I will work on the Symposium upgrades instead.

Reply #11. Nov 18 18, 2:56 PM
satguru star

player avatar
We all have an annual rating to play for as well. You can't build that up without including your best subjects.

Reply #12. Dec 26 18, 6:00 PM
About that 'swoop' thing: I can only speak for myself but I'd never do it intentionally, it just so happens that I always play games in the same order every day (starting with GC) :) , so it kind of depends on the time I open FT. And yes, sometimes that means 'there is no record etc' lol. Does this happen to other people as well or is it just me? :/


Reply #13. Jan 05 19, 12:05 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
Never understood anyone that's gets upset by players playing late in the hour. Everyone gets the chance to play, doesn't matter when during the hour, highest score wins regardless of when played. It's not like eBay where you can swoop in and outbid, you actually need to score the highest score which means you deserve the win!

Reply #14. Jan 11 19, 7:51 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
There actually is an advantage to deliberately playing late: by looking at the current leader's scores, you can get a pretty good feel for whether you think that score is beatable by you or not. If you think it isn't, you don't play, but if you think it is, you play with extra urgency. Admittedly, rushing might cause you to make a mistake that will prevent you from beating out the high score, but if you rush and do play cleanly, you will probably win. If you had played earlier, your score probably would've been lower because you wouldn't have played with the same sense of urgency.

There is nothing unethical about "swooping". It *does* have a small advantage over playing earlier as I described. But I won't do it myself. In fact, if I already have a win in that category at Champion Division, I won't play it at all unless there is a Daily Challenge at stake. I don't much care for ELO rating. By late in the year, mine will be sitting close to 1800 anyway just from following the strategy I describe. I don't feel compelled to play Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, or any other of my top categories to pull up my ELO rating every time they show up in the rotation. Over the course of a full year, those ace categories of mine will show up often enough on days I get a Daily Challenge for Expert games for me to take advantage of it, and without swooping. Anyone that can beat my 1472 in Astronomy in the last five minutes of the game deserves to win. But it won't happen very often.

Reply #15. Jan 12 19, 12:09 AM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
I’ll admit the very small advantage you describe, but an experienced player has that advantage already because we all know which topics are easy and which are difficult so we would know which way to play it (quickly or more measures) to achieve a win.

So in a general topic like colours, for example, I would play it as fast as I can at the beginning of the hour knowing that someone will be winning it with a sub 30 second time, I don’t need to wait until the end of hour to see that someone has managed 15 correct in 28 seconds... and there are plenty of experienced players who have the same knowledge.

What’s the point in having an hour to play but some have in mind that playing in the last few minutes is taboo. Makes no sense to be. Play when you want folks, it confers such little advantage.

Reply #16. Jan 13 19, 9:42 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
No, sometimes I check games near the end of the hour and see the leader really hasn't done very well and say to myself I could beat that score if I cared to play. But I wouldn't have played earlier. Sometimes the best players just don't play certain games and the winner gets away with a mediocre score that a swooper easily could've beaten if they'd cared to. And I know they're out there because I've finished #2 many times with a mediocre score that was beaten in the last few minutes by a swooper who saw the opportunity and took it. They wouldn't have played early and they wouldn't have played late if a truly good score was up there. It was pure swooping, plain and simple. It is not true good players always push for maximum speed. In something like Colors, yes. But in the more obscure categories, I'm more interested in making sure I don't make stupid mistakes and get all the questions right than I am in speed.

Reply #17. Jan 13 19, 10:17 AM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
It must be so rare that it's not worth talking about. But I'll agree to differ.

That all being said, even if what you say happened every single hour it is perfectly acceptable. Everyone should feel free to play these games whenever they want. That's precisely why the champions divisions were introduced in the first place to avoid any hard feeling as the champions division would be where players could feel like they could play whenever they want and score as well as they possibly can without being sniped at by those who feel put out by their excellence.

I think I might start waiting until the last couple of minutes in my favourite topics (if I had time to do that!) just because I can.

Reply #18. Jan 13 19, 11:37 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Go for it! Doesn't bother me. The vast majority of my Expert games are in Champion Division nowadays anyway. I may only play categories I haven't won before on average about once a day.

Reply #19. Jan 13 19, 5:50 PM
BrainyJaney47 star

player avatar
I think there are certain topics a person REALLY likes to play and they should be allowed to play a topic as long as they want. I'm new here, and still am getting the hang of it. I win some and lose some. I like some topics better than others and wouldn't want to be told I couldn't play topics I win and enjoy. This site is called "Fun Trivia" after all.

Reply #20. Jan 21 19, 11:21 AM

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