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Subject: Amazing times

Posted by: DrBoboLo
Date: Dec 15 18

Wow! I've just seen Eyhung post a time of 18 seconds for a 15-question quiz on Classical Music. That has to be close to an all-time record - simply awesome. (I thought I was doing OK with a time of 47 seconds, but I see now that this was sleeping on the job!)

Has anyone else seen sub-20 second times for 15-question quizzes?

4 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Never actually seen it, but there's no reason it can't be done. I've often seen 12 seconds or so on 10 question piece of cake which is the same pace.

Reply #1. Dec 20 18, 6:37 PM
Obviously it's very impressive and makes me feel good about coming in faster than him/her in a different hourly the other day myself.

Reply #2. Dec 20 18, 6:38 PM
I'm not suggesting anything untoward. I'm just in awe - as someone who has never broken 20 seconds even in the easiest 10-question quizzes!

Reply #3. Dec 20 18, 7:25 PM
I know you weren't, I realised after my first post that it could be taken that I was suggesting that you had suggested that but I wasn't. confused yet? :)

They are phenomenal times, it is quite remarkable. I am certain that I could break 20 seconds on a 15 question quiz but it would have to go perfectly. Often I get a string of questions that I can answer at a rate of about a question per second but the longer the quiz goes on the higher the chance of getting a more verbose question that isn't easy to read at a glance.

I've not gone under 13 seconds in piece of cake yet. I think my best fifteen question quiz was twenty two seconds.

Reply #4. Dec 21 18, 4:52 AM

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