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Subject: One Direction or Justin Bieber

Posted by: QuizzyGirl10
Date: Oct 09 12

I prefer Justin Bieber. I know some people like One Direction more, so tell me which u like more.

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Cupra star

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I don't like either. Sorry.

Reply #1. Oct 15 12, 9:27 AM
superfan123 star

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One Direction... I used to like them. I never liked Justin Bieber. One Direction is probably better, in my opinion.

Reply #2. Oct 15 12, 3:42 PM
demurechicky star
I can't abide either and nor can my daughter and she is 17, not an oldy like me :)

Reply #3. Oct 15 12, 4:13 PM
They have different strengths. They both have a place and are both liked by their target audience. (I hope that doesn't make me sound interested.)

Why does there have to be a choice? Why can't people like the Beatles and the Stones?

Reply #4. Oct 15 12, 6:18 PM
"Why can't people like the Beatles and the Stones?"

A great question. One I've been asking since fetus-hood. Love em both...(Stones and Beatles, that is). Don't know a thing about One Direction, too old and too masculine for the Biebs.

Reply #5. Oct 15 12, 7:09 PM
boxjaw star

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Totally agree with you Lesley. I posted a couple of years ago on some thread that I was a closet Rolling Stones fan. I meant that. It was also meant sarcastically. What I think gets lost in it all is a true fan of music should appreciate the contemperaries of the bands they enjoy. It shouldn't in all seriousness be tit for tat. The Rolling Stones are in my book one of the best rock and roll bands ever. I thoroughly enjoy listening to them. I just prefer the Beatles. Rick and I could argue until the sun comes up about which band is better. After the fun of it he'd find nine Rolling Stones CDs in my collection.

As far as One Direction or Justin Bieber. Not a clue. Hopefully QuizzyGirl10, you and your friends can come to some kind of truce on the matter.

Reply #6. Oct 16 12, 7:40 AM
That's three of us - good start!

I've never understood this sort of competition. Perhaps it's an artificial rivalry, created by the media, to take our minds off important things. I mean really important things, like what Fearne Cotton is wearing while she's pregnant, and do we like Katy Perry's hat.

A few years ago, I wrote that I had pretty catholic tastes in music - Sinatra to Sedaka to Sibelius, but no rap, please: and someone told me that he had very catholic tastes in music too - he listened to the Spice Girls AND Take That! The future of music education is clearly in safe hands.

Reply #7. Oct 16 12, 9:03 AM
pmarney star

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Is there a third option PLEASE

Reply #8. Oct 16 12, 9:28 AM
boxjaw star

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That third option is yours pmarney. Always has been.

Reply #9. Oct 16 12, 10:06 AM
honeybee4 star
My 13 year old granddaughter is totally wrapped up in Justin Bieber. I am just too old to care for that genre.

Reply #10. Oct 16 12, 11:51 AM
SisterSeagull star

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I don't like Bieber, I don't like One Direction, I don't like any of the karaoke stars that have found success through the internet or through 'reality' shows (I can't use the word talent as there is none on display).

What I DO like are bands that write their own material, that earn their success the hard way by gigging and building a good solid fan base, bands that can actually play their own instruments and are not full of their own self-importance.

Oh... I lied... I do like Biber - Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, the original and best Biber.

Reply #11. Oct 16 12, 1:32 PM

Reply #12. Oct 16 12, 9:30 PM
boxjaw star

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Lennon-McCartney! :^)

Reply #13. Oct 17 12, 7:23 AM

Reply #14. Oct 17 12, 11:30 AM
No, they were songwriters, not performers. Sorry, I don't know what came over me.
*reaches for smelling salts*

Reply #15. Oct 17 12, 11:31 AM
LOL Lesley. Any votes for that great Alice in Chains team of Staley/Morphine? Haha j/k. Cantrell wrote most of their stuff and I absolutely love it.

Reply #16. Oct 17 12, 11:41 AM
They've got my vote! :D

Reply #17. Oct 17 12, 11:59 AM
boxjaw star

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Reply #18. Oct 17 12, 12:11 PM
And that is their best song! IMO

Here's one from Cracker that I think fits this thread well.

Reply #19. Oct 17 12, 1:58 PM
Bernard, I loved the Beatles before I could speak, literally. My eldest sister was a huge fan (almost old enough to be one of the screamers at the early concerts) and I soaked up what she was listening to very early on. Lennon and McCartney (George too!) taught me the English language. By the time I was five I knew almost every Beatles song by heart. What I didn't know was that, by that time (1973 or 74), the Beatles had been broken up for a few years. No one had the heart to tell me, I guess. One day I found my sister's "McCartney" album in her collection and asked her where the rest of the Beatles were. That's when I found out the bad news. I think I cried for hours. LOL

Reply #20. Oct 18 12, 9:50 AM

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