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Subject: Relatives

Posted by: summer-hayze
Date: Jun 17 18

I married this girls brother. We have been married 40 years. You guessed it I'm an old babe. As we get older Things happen to our bodies, mine is my spine from the neck down are collapsing. Use a cane and a walker . T get to the nitty gritty, I over heard her say to my husband, "there's not a fuddle duddle, thing wrong with her. You shouldn't be driving her all over. (for treatments). was so mad that if i could have confronted her I would have tried to wrap my walker around her neck. She was gone by the time i got outside. So I composed a note to her. It goes as follows, before you judge my life, or past character. Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have travelled, live my sorrow,, my doubts my pain,my fear and my laughter. REMEMBER , every one has a story, when you've lived my life then and only then can you judge me. I add ed isn't frekin' frustrating when you're the only person who can see how manuiplative someone is and how every one else is blind to it.
Dealing with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall. The problem with some people is that they EXIST. I know this is probably not what you w ant in this board but I had to vent somewhere. My husband says I' too harsh.
I must add that fun trivia is one of the things I can do without discomfort and it keeps this old mind active.
So thanks to all of you for listening.

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summer-hayze star

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Jaz: You've probably heard this but I think it fits both of us.
I may be slightly broken, a little bruised and even permanently scarred.
But I still wake up every day with a tremendous will to fight.
I am a strong woman who refuses to be defeated.
When I read this I couldn't help thinking of you, and what you said in your first blog I read. I hope this doesn't offend you. But you seem to be a fighter to me

Reply #21. Jul 02 18, 8:33 AM

summer-hayze star

player avatar
Jaz: You've probably heard this but I think it fits both of us.
I may be slightly broken, a little bruised and even permanently scarred.
But I still wake up every day with a tremendous will to fight.
I am a strong woman who refuses to be defeated.
When I read this I couldn't help thinking of you, and what you said in your first blog I read. I hope this doesn't offend you. But you seem to be a fighter to me.

Reply #22. Jul 02 18, 8:37 AM

I definetly try to be. Fighting is the only thing to do, really. No other acceptable option.

Reply #23. Jul 02 18, 10:11 AM
sadwings star

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Actually, Polly, that isn't me in my avatar photo, but that's my bike. I loaned it to the guy in the photo so he could have photos made and try to look cool like he is a real biker. He is the singer of a successful rock band and I even loan him my bike so he can take it on tour with the band and ride it out onto the stage and all that. Now I have even forgotten the name of the band. Let's see......oh yeah, they call themselves Judas Priest. I don't like their music at all. Gives me a tummy ache because I can't handle it. Way too loud and aggressive. Anyway, I taught Rob how to sing and he has just kind of been my shadow ever since.

Oh, and there is just one more thing about the story I just told you - NOT! I was just kidding about that, Polly! Hee hee! Well, about some of it. The part about that being my bike and Priest's music giving me a tummy ache and me teaching Rob how to sing is all a bunch of baloney. The rest of it is true. The guy in the photo is Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Been a diehard fan of theirs for more than 40 years now, and it would take me a week to explain all the factors that are involved in making that so. For now, I will just say that I have always enjoyed wandering off the beaten path in life.

My blog is something that I basically wanted to be a tribute to the birth of rock and roll and to the very essence of its life and existence. It is a universal spirit. Buddy Holly was just one of many people who had a hand in the birth of rock music, but out of all the people on that list, Mr. Holly probably gets a little bit more of the credit and recognition, so I chose Mr. Holly to be in the title. I honestly don't know a great deal about the man, as he had already left us a few years before I was even born, which is actually no excuse to not be familiar with something or someone, but I do like his music, yeah. I like all kinds of music, just as there are kinds that I don't like, but I do like a wider variety than most people I have ever known, that's for sure.

Anyway, I will wrap this up for now. I can really yak up a storm when it comes to music, believe me! Since we are getting to know each other, how long have you been married and how did you guys meet?

Reply #24. Jul 02 18, 1:02 PM
summer-hayze star

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Kev: Thanks for the info. I love music too but, please forgive me, My taste runs to the Big Band era I'm giving my age away Glenn Miller is my favorite. I am also into the 50's Like Buddy Holly, Mamas and Papas. Don't suppose you ever heard of them. Boy I'm old.
My husband and I met in the hospital, I was a rehab nurse and it was his first day on the job as an orderly. We were married on the 25th of Feb. 40 years ago. I'm no lady not a girly girl, I'm a broad with the vocabulary of a well educated sailor. I have absolutely no desire to fit in. I have P.M.A. (Positive Mental Attitude) I'm positive I'm Mental, and I Know I have ATTITUDE!
I'll leave you on that note. Polly

Reply #25. Jul 03 18, 3:02 AM

That made me laugh, Polly. Think I could say the PMA bit about myself. As for music, like a variety, too, though instrumental pieces are my favorite (orchestral...) though 80s and 70s are second in there. Like some older stuff also... and some (selective) newer. Thats interesting about you and your husband. One of the more interesting "how they met" stories (and due to my family, I know quite a few). My current blog is sort of a rant (the name came to me while reading an article somewhere). Music is important to me, but I think books are more so (might be partly the fact I'm totally blind, so can read in the dark and all, least I used too... these days when I go to bed I have braces on my hands due to carpal tunnel). Everyone says I'm a chatterbox, so forgive me. I just can't help myself sometimes :-)

Reply #26. Jul 03 18, 6:40 AM
sadwings star

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Yeah, that PMA thing made me laugh as well, Polly. Kind of sounded like you were describing me. By the same token, you could say that I also have the vocabulary of a well educated sailor, especially since I actually was one at one time. Did a gig in the navy from '80 to '84.

That's really cool that you guys have been together 40 years. Much longer than most married couples last. My only marriage lasted 5 years from '85 to '90. By the way, I was 16 40 years ago, so I'm thinking you are probably not all that much older than myself.

Of course I have heard of The Mamas and the Papas. I don't see how anyone could not like their music. Fantastic harmony. That's the same reason I have always been a big Three Dog Night fan, but as I began to discover bands like Led Zeppelin and Nazareth and Priest and the harder stuff, I found that I got really intense adrenaline rushes from it that words just can't describe. Just made that way, I guess. But I have always felt that music is a universal language, no matter what kind it is. I should have mentioned Big Band in my blog description. You are always free to talk about that kind of music or any other kind, or really about just anything at all on my blog, as well as posting links to some of your favorite stuff on there. There are tons and tons of music links all throughout that thing, so please feel free. Music has always been very fascinating to me since I was a small child, and every last song that was ever made before 1970 is good, quality stuff in my opinion. It is very ironic because I feel that the 70's was the most creative decade in music that the world has ever seen, at least as far as rock music, but it was also the same decade when people began releasing stuff that was absolutely horrible.

Reply #27. Jul 03 18, 11:12 AM
sadwings star

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Yeah, Polly, speaking of age, I would be willing to place a small wager that the heavy metal maniac in my avatar photo is quite possibly older than you are. He was born in August of 1950, and that cat is still touring and recording his loud, obnoxious music to this very day. How's that for crazy, ay?

By the way, one of the greatest rock bands the world has ever seen is from Canada. They call themselves Rush. I'm sure you remember Buddy Rich, well, the drummer for Rush makes Mr. Rich kind of look like a clown, which I know he was not, of course. If you would like, whenever you have the time, just Google Neil Peart drum solos and a bunch of them will pop up. No screaming guitars or vocals, just drums, but this guy's drum kit makes every drum set that Buddy Rich ever played on look like some kind of little kid's toy.

Reply #28. Jul 03 18, 11:40 AM
summer-hayze star

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Kev sorry I haven't got back to you in a while have been laid up. They say a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures for anything. It ain't true. I'm at that delusional age where I think everyone my age looks older than I do.
Old age ain't no place for sissies. I'm doing nothing, because I started it yesterday and I wasn't finished, and I'm no quitter.
Enough crap about me what's up with you? I haven't heard the drummer you told me about, I intend to right after I finish here. I hope your life has a little more action than mine, If so I 'd love to hear about it. I was a bad influence in my younger days- but I had a Hell of a lot of fun. Polly

Reply #29. Jul 11 18, 1:26 AM

summer-hayze star

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Dear Jaz; Sorry I haven't got around to talking to you as I told Kev I've been laid up for a while. I know what you are going through with the carpal tunnel business. I had surgery on both wrists a couple of months apart. If you are having your surgery now good luck . I didn't realize you were blind. I worked for a lady (no she was an old broad) who was blind it was amazing the things she could do including firing me. But that's another story. I have to admit I was a wild child. If you want I'll tell you about some of my escapades.I'll tell you right now i never needed bail money.
Write when you feel up to it. Love Polly

Reply #30. Jul 11 18, 1:46 AM

sadwings star

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Wish I could tell you about how action-packed my life is, Polly, but I would be telling some mighty tall tales. At the same time, there is really no way for me to go into any honest details about what my life is really like without it sounding like I was complaining and feeling sorry for myself, which couldn't be further from the truth. I live a very quiet, very modest life and I don't have much at all in the way of material things, but I am quite happy and content, mainly because of certain things I believe that are of a spiritual nature. No, I am not a religious person, I guess you could just say that I have a deep spiritual connection with life.

Anyway, like yourself, I've had some pretty wild times and I guess I'm pretty lucky that I never got into more trouble than I did, but those days are all long behind me now. Life is full of some kind of change in one way or another from beginning to end, and acceptance and gratitude are the two main keys we need to have in order for us to be truly happy and content with life. At least that's how it turned out with me. I'm not a preacher or a philosopher, I'm just a regular, down-to-earth guy in most ways who tries to learn from his mistakes and tries to better himself.

Other than all of that, I do have a pretty wild and crazy sense of humor and I just basically like to have laughs and good times with people just like most people. I have what seems to me to be some pretty serious ironies about myself. A great example of that would be that I was born with a pretty creative imagination, yet I don't believe in ghosts, as in the spirits of dead people who have come back to the human realm to haunt and cause mischief. I don't believe in intelligent alien life anywhere in the universe, and every last ounce of "proof" that there is such that I have ever seen in my entire life has been nothing but a pathetic joke. I don't believe in reincarnation, I don't believe people evolved from apes or pond scum or anything else, and I don't believe we are all here by some freakish cosmic accident. Show me one other person on the face of the earth who feels just exactly the same way about every bit of that right down to the last letter, and I'll probably have to change my pants! :-p

Reply #31. Jul 12 18, 7:26 AM
sadwings star

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I also don't believe in all the Bigfeets than people have seen running around and have shaken hands with and blah blah. I mean, please.

Reply #32. Jul 12 18, 2:33 PM
mpkitty star

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Polly. I hope to see you at the Buddy Holly board,I think you would fit right in As Kev, says, it's about everything, and Buddy Holly hardly ever makes a personal appearance...sometimes. though!

Reply #33. Jul 12 18, 7:06 PM
sadwings star

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Yeah, Polly, come on over to the Buddy blog and have fun with us.

Reply #34. Jul 12 18, 8:31 PM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Be right there! Kev

Reply #35. Jul 13 18, 9:58 AM

Polly, Im always MIA when not at home. I can't take advantage of that wi-fi and other advanced technological stuff some/many people take for granted. My surgery (complete hysterectomy... I mentioned that in my old blog, made a new one after I got home from rehab) was on the 10th. Insurance wanted me to move on the next day; I couldn't do much of anything... completely weak. They seemed to be saying, "We don't want to pay for her to be in the hospital yet, but neither do we want to finalize details so she can go to rehab." So, still there Friday morning; finally moved over Friday afternoon. Got signed out Sunday (went for a haircut/trim and dinner at subway). She urged me to see if they would discharge me at the end of the week, and I did indeed go home Friday the 20th. Just had time to make my new FT virtual blog, and that was about it. Now... visiting nurses, physical and occupational therapy, and appointments. Was also a wild child; for years, I blamed the abuse I went through for all the crazy stuff I did. Nearly wound up in jail at one point (at least), and got sent home from numerous camps/programs to provide me with training. I have a weird (dry mostly... and sarcastic) sense of humor. Nobody really understands, and then I feel bad. Would love to see you on my new blog (We Are They). By the by, am also a spiritual person. Sometimes, on my blog, other personalities/parts sign their names; if not, it's because we don't know who we are at that time. As always, nice talking to you. ~Jaz

Reply #36. Jul 25 18, 12:46 PM
scorpion1960 star

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Oh Polly....are you my secret sister? LOL! I have a sister in law from hell. I want to witch slap (with a "B") her. I have NEVER seen her happy in the forty years I've had the displeasure of knowing her. My poor brother is a basket case.

Reply #37. Aug 04 18, 11:37 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
It is very sad when people are like that. I'm sorry that you have to deal with things like that, Scorpion. Being a happy, cheerful person with life in general is a choice, no matter what the circumstances of one's life happen to be. No matter how rough things are, there are always brighter days ahead and one just simply has to play out the hand that they have been dealt. Nobody stays in the same deep, dark, gloomy rut from the day they are born until the day they die.

Reply #38. Aug 05 18, 8:36 AM
Just saying:

If a person feels like nothing they get is anything but "a bad hand," that impacts the way they see the world. Such people cannot find hope because they have never known it. One can only pick oneself up again if he or she feels at least that small glimmer of hope. Those whose lives seem like one sadness after another, one tragedy after another, one dark cloud after another, lose the will to keep fighting because they have never known that hope.

Conversely, yes, there are those who knew hope at one time, then were knocked down repeatedly. That, to me, is very sad... when such individuals decide that hope is never coming because they have not felt it for years. They then become locked in the past, in those remembered "good days."

My hope philosophy (from college days) states, "Hope will find a way to shine through the darkness." (It is this philosophy which makes us as a multiple system the Hope System. There are days, especially lately due to "off the charts" pain, we question that hope. But we have another saying:) "No matter how bleak, no matter how dim, hope is always there to shine against the darkness" (thing is, only for those who look for it. Even though it is there regardless, only those who look for that light will find it)

One of our original compositions is even called "Hope will find a way" (piano composition).

"We all have our good days, and our bad onnes"

Such words are some of those we cling to during hard times (though we fell hard and "forgot" while waiting for that complete hysterectomy. Ya know... that whole thing about physical and mental health being connected... aOne doesn't truly understand that until one haws experienced it firsthand. We didn't truly "get" it until days after returning home from rehab.)

Reply #39. Aug 05 18, 12:32 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
There are a lot of things I would like to say in response to some of the things you just mentioned, Jaz, but I can't do it without probably getting into trouble because it is all connected to religious matters, so it is unfortunately in my best interest to just walk away from it all and keep it to myself. Maybe some day you will see the same light that I have seen almost all of my life.

Reply #40. Aug 05 18, 7:52 PM

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