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Subject: Please tell me why this still happens

Posted by: poetkah
Date: Nov 27 23

empty words is related to nonsensicality

empty words means "loud and confused and empty talk"
nonsensicality means "a message that seems to convey no meaning"
nones is related to canonical hour

nones means "the fifth of the seven canonical hours"
canonical hour means "(Roman Catholic Church) one of seven specified times for prayer"
superhighway is related to main road

superhighway means "a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic"
main road means "a major road for any form of motor transport"
demoralize is related to alter

You said: change

demoralize means "corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality"
alter means "cause to change"
belabor is related to work on

belabor means "to work at or to absurd length"
work on means "to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something"
poor fish is related to simpleton

poor fish means "a person who is not very bright"
simpleton means "a person lacking intelligence or common sense"
hemoglobinopathy is related to blood disease

hemoglobinopathy means "a blood disease characterized by the presence of abnormal hemoglobins in the blood"
blood disease means "a disease or disorder of the blood"
mildew is related to change

You said: alter

mildew means "become moldy"
change means "undergo a change"
coronion is related to craniometric point

coronion means "the craniometric point at the tip of the coronoid process of the mandible"
craniometric point means "a landmark on the skull from which craniometric measurements can be taken"
grapnel anchor is related to ground tackle

grapnel anchor means "a light anchor for small boats"
ground tackle means "a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving"
Look at the definition of change and alter

14 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
poetkah star
look at the definitions of change and alter

Reply #1. Nov 27 23, 9:22 AM
poetkah star
Never mind. I see the difference now. Still they seem close enough to being the same to be confusing.

Reply #2. Nov 27 23, 9:25 AM

player avatar
Where there are two possibilities, you may have to look at what type of word it is and pick the matching type, e.g. match a verb to a verb, noun to noun. Of course, that may not be immediately obvious; in your example, 'change' can be either a verb or a noun but in the context of the options given, it's looking for a noun - so the answer can't be 'alter'. Then there are the times when the match between question and answer is based on the third definition of the word in the question with the fourth definition of the word in the answer. It can be hard to spot the right answer at the best of times, in a timed game it can be very difficult - sometimes the only real option is 'pick one'.

Which is why I always groan when Mind Melt is a team game. :)

Reply #3. Nov 27 23, 10:04 AM
poetkah star
Thanks. I had realized the difference after I had posted this, but it does seem I've seen some even more confusing (both nouns or both verbs) with the exact same definitions. But I agree it is tougher when a timed team game.

Reply #4. Nov 27 23, 10:26 AM

player avatar
The problem is we really have only two options:

(1) Do a complex detection on possible overlap. This would most likely cause a lot of false positives (the system can't distinguish between "cause" or "make" as a generic part of a definition (enforce as "make someone obey rules") and an actual important part (brand as "visible identification of a make of product"). If it tried to avoid any duplications of keywords, it would most likely become a really easy game!

(2) Keep it as is, make sure it remains more about correctness than speed and accept the occasional issue like this.

I think (2) is the more interesting game, even if you may be facing a close or even impossible distinction every so many weeks. (Also any half-decent implementation of (1) would likely cause more issues during testing and tweaking than the current game setup in a year or more :P)

Reply #5. Nov 27 23, 1:29 PM
poetkah star
Yes, I agree. Best to stay with the status quo than to try to make changes or alterations (get it?!) that could ruin an otherwise really good game. Thanks

Reply #6. Nov 27 23, 4:58 PM
Chavs star

player avatar
I double agree. Better the devil you know! And as often as not the fine fine fine print can find a plausible reason for seemingly impossible matches. Sometimes it is just about grammar. I like the game, it's my favourite, and would hate it to get in trouble.

I'm hoping one day we get more than one a day, even if it's just an extra bonus one per week would be nice!

Reply #7. Nov 28 23, 5:54 AM
rupert774 star

player avatar
Chavs- yes it's my fave game as well- twice a day would be great!

Reply #8. Nov 29 23, 2:55 PM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
I had this question (below) AGAIN in Global Challenge yesterday. How does a disembodied question like this make it into Global Challenge or Expert or Fill Me In in the first place, and then stay there, even after complaints?

"Now, without looking back, (okay; if you must!), what word appears throughout the quiz in every answer or question?"

Reply #9. Feb 15 24, 12:08 AM

player avatar

Did you send a Correction Note?

Complaining on the boards isn't helpful in getting the issue fixed. A Correction Note will point an editor in the direction of the original quiz.

On the answer page, for each question, you can easily click to send a note: "I see an error - submit correction... " Just state in which game you encountered the question, and that it is not a stand alone question.

Reply #10. Feb 15 24, 1:06 PM

player avatar
That specific one is resisting all efforts to take it out of the games. I've personally done what I should do to remove it at least two dozen times, and Terry has tried repeatedly to find why it still appears. The poor author is in despair, as it's not even a little bit his fault, so be kind when you report it.

And give as much information as possible - eventually we'll track down the issue, but what game it was in, what time of day, etc, will help in this seemingly endless task.

Reply #11. Feb 15 24, 4:51 PM
CmdrK star

player avatar
Two dozen times? Why not just add the answer to the question, like:
""Now, without looking back, (okay; if you must!), what word appears throughout the quiz in every answer or question?" [Editor's note: this has been a problem question, so the answer is ___]

Reply #12. Feb 15 24, 5:09 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
Or better just add a real clue for the question so that it can be gotten if it turns up in GC play without just giving away the answer

Reply #13. Feb 15 24, 5:33 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Hmm I thought that question had been yanked. I’ll take another look.

Reply #14. Feb 16 24, 10:43 AM

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