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Subject: Minor Strategies!

Posted by: ankitankurddit
Date: Feb 13 24

I get many questions about strategies to make myself more adept at different parts of this site, but those questions might not be suitable for the "Minor Issues" or "Suggestions" threads on our Feedback forum. I have created one thread seeking your advice for strategies on 24-hour badge upgrades, and your suggestions really helped me. I am now just a few steps away from completing all tier 3 upgrades. I also upgraded a few other quiz-taking badges that you all suggested me to do alongside this journey. So, thank you all very much!

I wanted to seek your advice on improving my quiz-taking in the following three categories - Video Games, Music, and People. However, instead of creating a separate thread for that, I thought I would make a thread for "Minor Strategies" so others can also ask each other strategy questions in this thread if they have any. Moreover, if I need your help with strategies for anything else in the future, I can ask it in this thread itself instead of creating any subsequent threads.

TL;DR - I created this thread so that we can ask each other questions about minor strategies for any badges we seek.

20 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
Improve My VG/Music/People Trivia?

Hello, My Quizzes Per Hour (QPH) metric is about 120 (as one quiz takes about 30 seconds) for 15 categories (my double positive, positive, and neutral categories) with an accuracy of 67 to 69 percent. I also read II (Interesting Information) of all the questions that I was initially curious about before answering. However, I feel tired if I continuously get bad scores on a few quizzes. I think I lose motivation to take more quizzes at that time. As I am working on upgrading my 24-hour badges, losing motivation for more than a few hours means losing my success on a particular 24-hour badge upgrade that day. So, is there any way to sustain my motivation in such circumstances (when I score poorly on a few quizzes continuously)?

I thank you all for your suggestions on different things throughout my time here. With some motivation and guidance, I should be able to pull through, at least for the 15 categories as mentioned above.

Out of the remaining five categories, I think I have a plan for two categories - Religion and Celebrities. However, the last three categories are super challenging for me. These three categories are - Video Games, Music, and People.

So, any thoughts on how can I prepare to get better at taking Video Games, Music, and People quizzes?

Video Games - I have started to watch a few movies based on video games, but that is not enough for the quizzes in the video games category. I do not have a console or a powerful computer. My computer cannot even handle more than three open browser windows, so it will not allow me to play a video game. So, how can I learn more about video games?

Music - I love watching movies and TV shows. They are one of my top passive interests. Also, I have an eidetic memory, so these two are my double positive (++) categories. I love music, but I only follow the soundtracks of movies and TV shows I watch! So, how can I learn more about the music category?

People - I find this category very difficult. How can I learn more about people that would help me to do well in this category?

I am on the silver path (tier 3 upgrades) of the 24-hour badges. I have completed 14 of them till now. I have saved my two ++ categories (Movies and TV) to be taken at the last to end on a high note. I have also reserved one + category (Entertainment) to be done at the right time. And, then, there were three! I think I can do Celebrities! And, then, there were two! And that leaves - People and Music.

This is my fourth attempt to complete Music. Also, earlier, I made about two to three attempts on people. So, as you can see, I am stuck!

Today's attempt at Music will be unsuccessful. So, someday, I will have to make a fifth attempt to finish the Music tier 3 upgrade. That is why I thought about reaching out to the trivia community here to get your suggestions about what I can do to be better at quiz-taking in Music, People, and Video Games.

On a final note, I know an easy way out for me is to just get the 24-hour upgrades on 17 categories that I am comfortable with. However, I want to get myself out of my comfort zone. I want to give my very best in the three categories I struggle with before deciding to stay only in my comfort zone. That is why I am here!

Reply #1. Feb 13 24, 6:55 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
I like the idea of this thread.

I don't know your personal situation and so I don't know if gold membership is feasible for you, but for me personally the only way I could motivate myself to do the 24hrs badges was to simultaneously do the scavengers with them.( Do all the Geography quizzes present in any of the scavengers until I hit an upgrade, then switch to History, and so on.) That way you feel like you are actually working towards something, the endless grind otherwise is a bit much for me.

Reply #2. Feb 13 24, 6:59 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
Endurance is also a nice badge to stack with it - though the scavenger/24hrs/endurance stack is a little insane as you're not going to be doing easy quizzes in the subcategories you're great at. i'm honestly not sure how i managed to get endurance up to t4, and i have less than 0 interest in pushing it further.

Reply #3. Feb 13 24, 7:06 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
oh my bad i thought you weren't a gold member.

Reply #4. Feb 13 24, 10:33 PM
andymuenz star

player avatar
I just upgraded video games to tier 4 yesterday. What I did was to play in HTML mode and take advantage of getting 3 hints. This reduced 3 of the questions to 50/50. Then just quickly guess on everything and hope to get at least 25% right so I get credit. Sometimes I'd get lucky and get 7 or 8 out of 10. Do this a whole bunch of times.

Note that some formats are better than others. Match quizzes are particularly bad when randomly guessing. Order quizzes are good since they take your best possible result.

Reply #5. Feb 14 24, 5:46 AM

player avatar
High ranks can take advantage of "Guru Meditation" if looking for inspiration for a 24 hour upgrade. Playing your daily dose is 50 answers - and probably in a subcategory you'd not immediately have considered. That's 1/8 of the way to a T2 or 1/12 to a T3 - not a game-breaker, but still considerable.

Reply #6. Feb 14 24, 6:29 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Yes. I noticed that yesterday and have played my first day of it today. Looks interesting.

Reply #7. Feb 15 24, 6:06 PM
Jennifer5 star

player avatar
I'm enjoying this one. It has a wide range of categories, some that I haven't explored before, and at 50 questions it isn't too taxing on a busy day!

Reply #8. Feb 18 24, 9:10 AM
andymuenz star

player avatar
The following strategy is somewhat time zone dependent and is probably not useful for those whose sleep cycle corresponds with the middle of the Fun Trivia day.

Another strategy for the 24 hour badges, especially the higher tiers, is to start your day doing as many other things (such as team games, daily challenges, etc.) that you are planning on doing prior to starting the 24 hour badge. Then get as many as you can towards the 24 hour badge before you go to sleep. Then when you wake up the next day, reverse this so that you finish the upgrade and then play other things with the rest of your day.

You may need to interrupt to play things like the Global Challenge but you should be able to primarily focus on the 24 hour topic.

Reply #9. Feb 21 24, 12:57 PM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
@rahul0 - Oh, yes! I am currently a gold member. It is a tough time right now, but I predicted this six months back, so I had gotten a one-year FT membership back then. Yay, I got one prediction right! :) Also, thank you for your suggestions. I was able to collect one scavenger worth seven prestige with the 24-hour upgrades recently. Endurance is one of my favs. I think I will go for Endurance when I am working on one of the upgrades on my ++ categories, including For Children. I cannot imagine picking up Endurance while doing my -- categories! :)

Reply #10. Feb 27 24, 4:35 PM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
@andymuenz - Thank you for your suggestions. I was initially trying to balance the one-at-a-time mode with the single-page (HTML) mode. However, after reading your message, I found that the HTML mode is indeed better than the one-at-a-time mode for my weaker categories. So, I played all Music quizzes in the HTML mode by effectively using the three hints and making my best guesses. It really helped. So, I will play my next tiers on my -- categories using the HTML mode. Also, I am kind of a digital nomad, and even while traveling, I work across different time zones. So, it is tough for me to sense what time zone I am currently in. However, in my current time cycle, I am doing exactly what you suggested in your second message. That is how I am mixing my 24-hour quiz playing with playing hourlies and dailies for my team and myself.

Reply #11. Feb 27 24, 4:36 PM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
@WesleyCrusher - Oh, "Guru Meditation" sounds like a cool badge. I will look forward to gaining access to it sometime in the future. Thank you for all the recent new badges and upgrades. This past year has been my most active year here on FT because of all these upgrades. Also, Evi had pictures of both "Guru Meditation" and "Frankenstein" (that too with a diamond) in his last Halloween images. So, if I put faith in Evi's prophetic power, I think that at least two new badges might come out sometime in the future - something about peddling a quiz and finalizing an answer (unless that is what you get when you play the Ascension Quest)! :)

Reply #12. Feb 27 24, 4:39 PM
Rowena8482 star

player avatar
With a category you just don't know much about (for me video games or celebs) I use the html format, and find a sub category with as many quizzes as possible in it.
By taking a bit of time with the ones rated easy, I often find info that helps answer Qs in the others on the same subject.
Lots of questions, while not actually directly being identical, use the same few pieces of information, so reading the interesting info on the first few can really help.

Reply #13. Mar 07 24, 2:26 AM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
This makes sense to me, so I will definitely do this when I do my next 24-hour badge upgrade. I was doing a lil bit like this, but it did not strike to me to find sub-categories with more no of quizzes to do this. So, thanks for this suggestion!

Reply #14. Mar 10 24, 9:21 AM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
Hello, I came across some suggestions on how to rate quizzes on our chat board, one of which was to give an "Excellent" rating sparingly. However, I find myself giving away mainly "Excellent" ratings. If I have to rate any lower, I am unsure of what to look for. If a quiz has many questions missing Interesting Information (II), or if it contains questions that are not independent, like "take this answer from question 8 and use it in question 9," it suggests that the quiz could be improved by adding II and removing dependent questions. In such cases, I would rate the quiz as "Good." Nonetheless, I am still unsure of what criteria to use to rate a quiz as "Average," "Poor," or "Very Poor."

If there are any specific guidelines for rating quizzes, please let me know, and I will be happy to follow them. I especially had to ask this because I am going to take hundreds of quizzes in the next two months or so to earn my 24-hour badge upgrades (I have to go from tier 4 to 7). After a long break after completing my tier 3 journey, I am starting my tier 4 journey today. Therefore, I want to be streamlined with any rules or guidelines that you have about this.

Reply #15. Mar 11 24, 3:21 PM
Rowena8482 star

player avatar
I don't think there are any actual rules about eating as such.
I've always just gone with how much I enjoyed playing the quiz.
So an ordinary straightforward, some II, nothing too "out there" or ridiculously annoying, with no debatable or ambiguous answers is baseline average.
Something fun, or with really well researched and written questions and info, where I learn something, and enjoy doing it will be excellent, regardless of my actual score.
In between those is good.
I only rate lower if something really irks me - ambiguity, lack of or sloppy research etc.
I never use my own score as a factor though, especially with "having" to play some quizzes I wouldn't necessarily choose, in pursuit of a badge for example. It's not fair to penalise someone's hard work that way.

Reply #16. Mar 11 24, 8:33 PM
Rowena8482 star

player avatar
Eating? Rating! :-)

Reply #17. Mar 11 24, 8:34 PM
andymuenz star

player avatar
I tend to give a lot of Goods and Averages. For me, there has to be something special to make Excellent.

For Poor and Very Poor, there are usually three things that can trigger those ratings. If over half the questions have no interesting information I'll usually rate Very Poor. If more than one but not more than half, I'll rate Poor.

If there are fill in the blank questions with difficult to spell or uncommon words I'll downgrade the rating. In other words, I don't like quizzes where I know the answer but just get it wrong because I don't know how to spell the answer. This is especially true of names in a fill in the blank. (Of course, if the quiz is in a spelling category, that's fine.)

Finally, I will downgrade if it has questions with phrases like "this is an easy one" on it and I get those wrong. That seems like it's trying to make me feel stupid if I don't know it.

Of course, these are my opinions so others should feel free to rate quizzes as they see fit.

Reply #18. Mar 12 24, 11:03 AM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
@Rowena8482 and @andymuenz, Thank you for your detailed thoughts. They help me better understand how to rate quizzes here. I will gradually streamline my own ratings to be more normalized. I realize that my ratings are currently a bit on the higher end of the spectrum, but I do not want to suddenly start downgrading my rating patterns without fully understanding them. I will read more into what you both shared, and I will start the streamlining process soon. Thanks once again for your help!

Reply #19. Mar 17 24, 6:59 PM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
Hello, I'm a bit stuck on my 24-hour badge upgrade journey (on my last weak category in the tier 4 path). I'll be pleased to hear your thoughts on which one out of the following two options would you suggest to me in the given situation:

**Option 1: Focus on Strengths**

* Pause 24-hour upgrades on weaker categories for now.
* Focus on upgrades in only strong categories.
* Work on Endurance, I'm the Biggest Fan, and Quiz List Claimer badges.
* Once strong categories reach tier 7, play more quizzes in those categories to potentially improve hourly/daily scores.

**Option 2: Push Through All Categories**

* Continue strict tier 4, 5, and 6 upgrades across all 24-hour badges, including weaker categories, and upgrade the Quiz Around the Clock badge a few times.
* Focus on Endurance and other badges after completing tier 4-6 upgrades for all 24-hour badges.

**My Progress and Goals**

Thanks to all the helpful suggestions on this thread, I've managed to make a significant leap from 12b to 14e in the last few months! I collected so many other badges alongside my 24-hour badge upgrade journey, as you all pointed out to me on this chat board. The perks beyond 15a are undeniably enticing, but with May being a crucial month for my career, finding the right balance is paramount to me. Somehow, I think that the tier 4+ upgrades in my weaker categories would potentially take more time than getting upgrades on the Endurance badge. That is why I am considering completing my stronger categories' 24-hour upgrades and going for the Endurance and other badges. Your support and advice have been invaluable in this journey. Thanks again!

FT motivates me to excel in my non-FT life, including work and study, and it also keeps me happy. That's why I'm here! :)

Reply #20. May 03 24, 7:00 PM

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