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Your First Quizzes

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Prestige reward: 1 prestige
This challenge also awards 250 FunTrivia points.

The Challenge:

 Welcome to FunTrivia!

At FunTrivia we offer over 155,000 quizzes on all subjects and fields of human knowledge. Whether you like Harry Potter or Particle Physics (or both!), we have quizzes for you.

In this challenge, you must simply play 5 quizzes of your choice. When you are done, return here to complete this challenge and receive your reward!

Some suggested starting points: Popular Quizzes - Editor's Choice - Browse Categories

Or, enter the title of your favorite topic here:

examples: star wars, lost, harry potter, chemistry, australia


 Awarded to a player who plays 5 FunTrivia player-created quizzes. Make sure you check out the other new player challenges to see if you qualify for more awards!

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