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Adopt Me!

Adopt Me!
You have achieved tier 0.
Tier 1 - adopt and upgrade 3 qualifying quizzes (28 players)
Tier 2 - adopt and upgrade 6 qualifying quizzes (21 players)
Tier 3 - adopt and upgrade 10 qualifying quizzes (22 players)
Tier 4 - adopt and upgrade 20 qualifying quizzes (9 players)
Tier 5 - adopt and upgrade 35 qualifying quizzes (5 players)
Tier 6 - adopt and upgrade 60 qualifying quizzes (2 players)
Tier 7 - adopt and upgrade 100 qualifying quizzes (2 players)
T7 Club : kyleisalive   rossian  
You have not yet completed this challenge.

Prestige reward per tier: 3 prestige

The Challenge:

 Have you ever been to an animal shelter and not been able to decide which of the cute little kittens, puppies, bunnies or other pets you wanted? Or, even better, decided that you'd rather give one of those older animals, possibly those with some issues and a bad past a second chance and forever home?

If you're in the second camp, you'll feel right at home in our Quiz Shelter because what you'll find there are not only the runts of the litter, but also some promising, but neglected poor quiz critters that just happened to not have seen love in a long time.

Whether you pick the first or the second kind - adopt them, pamper them back to health and then let them play with their younger brethren. And since it takes three to make a real family, that's the number of adopted quizzes you'll need.

Note: Please pick quizzes you think you can do a good job with.


 Awarded to a player who adopts and upgrades 3 qualifying quizzes.

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