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All Classes: Top Players in Class 11, Players Registered Around: 2007

My Class: Today - Yesterday - Cumulative

FunTrivia players are split into groups of players who signed up during approximately the same time. It allows for some friendly competition, and a chance to be involved in a special, smaller trivia community of your own. Only players playing within the past year are listed. Classes are re-balanced yearly to keep them active.
1. maninmidohio Eminent Mystic [21e]359936095787832208465
2. Dagny1 Grand Mystic [21c]25114046987330707746
3. postcards2go Eminent Visionary [20e]22083625683332206994
4. misstified Eminent Visionary [20e]1694359340990130526904
5. daisygirl20 Exalted Visionary [20d]23633220986825426716
6. ghosttowner Exalted Visionary [20d]1987349622870130206714
7. Lottie1001 Elder Visionary [20b]17423269406591194196221
8. donkeehote Grand Guru [19c]16252682074121605264
9. OldManJack Exalted Virtuoso [18d]1420232315041131424620
10. mungojerry Grand Virtuoso [18c]18761960051210704455
11. Chavs Grand Virtuoso [18c]10672589102485165104418
12. Brnate Elder Virtuoso [18b]22521250051412824146
13. pattycake26 Elder Virtuoso [18b]14451914351726504144
14. AyatollahK Virtuoso [18a]115322249326028304013
15. Lucia-pazza Virtuoso [18a]149616811851629204003
16. haydenspapa Exalted Master [17e]15941642048318103900
17. H53 Exalted Master [17e]118817677862620203861
18. frend1 Grand Master [17d]11431898035730803706
19. DotSnoopyFan Elder Master [17c]115218672425421703514
20. royhinkleyjr Senior Master [17b]12021726031021803456
21. JohnFair Master [17a]15451140111483023281
22. drwinsac Exalted Dean [16e]13091177043718903112
23. JRooowe Grand Dean [16d]1069122215034726523055
24. jaknginger Elder Dean [16c]74216463676614402965
25. glendathecat Elder Dean [16c]9361440349023102956
26. Cliff_Clavin Senior Dean [16b]9471317027131422851
27. Iceman61 Exalted Philosopher [15e]11441222458320022696
28. mikey40uf Exalted Philosopher [15e]1186129692116402676
29. gluckk Grand Philosopher [15d]1167947032813202574
30. tom_1 Elder Philosopher [15c]9561088913126502449
31. suomy Elder Philosopher [15c]568112359333120102447
32. AlanT Senior Philosopher [15b]7261085041214922374
33. SCCoaster Philosopher [15a]1120617029621302246
34. smpdit Established Sage [14b]5369761893015901890
35. robdehaan Established Sage [14b]815693022415401886
36. mdew Established Sage [14b]828754010016221846
37. quiz-mania Sage [14a]110750501545901825
38. lordingtar Elder Scholar [13d]560891512413101657
39. Traveller1982 Elder Scholar [13d]535822421479921647
40. raybies7000 Senior Scholar [13c]86858001411401576
41. cdecrj Senior Scholar [13c]678494020714301522
42. HeavensArrow Established Scholar [13b]590611391326101433
43. arcturas Scholar [13a]6434746926001392
44. ebanks120 Grand Maven [12e]551467171665201307
45. Lssah Senior Maven [12d]7033621410701213
46. qoolgal Advanced Maven [12c]5744360018901199
47. REDVIKING57 Advanced Maven [12c]6294036013001168
48. USS_Palladin Advanced Maven [12c]46755001812701162
49. KimYvette Advanced Maven [12c]50150702410801140
50. longtaitai Advanced Maven [12c]66746805001140
51. woodtick314 Advanced Maven [12c]6344313184501131
52. jabbo Established Maven [12b]6033090192001104
53. poohfaber Established Maven [12b]896121065001082
54. Korrigan35 Established Maven [12b]495289010118501070
55. valleyaggie Established Maven [12b]36639902463901050
56. Chinook1 Maven [12a]42424002738301020
57. danthonyjr Grand Adept [11e]419439337370935
58. hovenaut Grand Adept [11e]39844900620909
59. djl14rip Senior Adept [11d]5942660000860
60. mikelincs Senior Adept [11d]5073330490853
61. kdjohn53 Senior Adept [11d]772790000851
62. SteveDave79 Advanced Adept [11c]268393083692815
63. albettjr Established Adept [11b]483143016902797
64. Kimbatigger Established Adept [11b]470197049560772
65. faatjaak Established Adept [11b]403250046530752
66. wdurst Adept [11a]3401270292500746
67. posset Adept [11a]5611520060719
68. midnitelamp Adept [11a]41926802100708
69. tiger437 Adept [11a]2981950165480706
70. gajona Advanced Prodigy [10c]323227631570644
71. Melni Advanced Prodigy [10c]34023801630642
72. Silver_Knight Advanced Prodigy [10c]259306150550635
73. contr999 Advanced Prodigy [10c]420114069290632
74. auqasun Advanced Prodigy [10c]317179051280629
75. sandmanpete Advanced Prodigy [10c]38620130350625
76. SingingM Established Prodigy [10b]41513000540599
77. yourdreamer Established Prodigy [10b]280212315820592
78. steve838 Established Prodigy [10b]480730090562
79. coachwc Prodigy [10a]427800030510
80. treefinger Prodigy [10a]2061964219430506
81. BelfastPete Prodigy [10a]3421630000505
82. bajagary Prodigy [10a]408843070502
83. Oakleigh53 Senior Challenger [9d]35113300120496
84. mapa1ns Senior Challenger [9d]403840000487
85. homer72 Senior Challenger [9d]3351440000479
86. ryanknight Senior Challenger [9d]23320100350469
87. nick65 Advanced Challenger [9c]415360042457
88. gillez Advanced Challenger [9c]20019060520448
89. clydene Advanced Challenger [9c]3554502702429
90. mervster Advanced Challenger [9c]19118202510426
91. Tawiskaro Established Challenger [9b]25312906120400
92. weejacs Challenger [9a]307600000367
93. PJL Challenger [9a]2217560640366
94. viverridae Challenger [9a]19113103600358
95. xyster Challenger [9a]2528700140353
96. bigjoe123 Challenger [9a]243920060341
97. molly-moo Senior Contender [8d]1761470000323
98. rider24 Advanced Contender [8c]227740000301
99. bevadel Advanced Contender [8c]214760350298
100. philthychops Established Contender [8b]1629000200272