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All Classes: Top Players in Class 46, Players Registered Around: 2019

My Class: Today - Yesterday - Cumulative

FunTrivia players are split into groups of players who signed up during approximately the same time. It allows for some friendly competition, and a chance to be involved in a special, smaller trivia community of your own. Only players playing within the past year are listed. Classes are re-balanced yearly to keep them active.
1. TurkishLizzy Grand Visionary [20c]20253387397519826590
2. DCW2 Grand Master [17d]14571576356615123755
3. GaryLXV Elder Master [17c]10481843051918303593
4. kingruins Senior Dean [16b]834192115129402876
5. kawaglia Philosopher [15a]825115202107902266
6. Fenwayfan60 Grand Sage [14e]8039923331002129
7. Zaraks2084 Senior Sage [14c]680812027216701931
8. twosheds Established Sage [14b]740816021515301924
9. groovylaboom Established Sage [14b]672845023613401887
10. tmc61 Sage [14a]1009396030410601815
11. Vavaldi_2 Sage [14a]807637020314201789
12. GeorgeMom Grand Scholar [13e]53591238914501684
13. RHavarti Senior Scholar [13c]6975960281001574
14. elfinga Scholar [13a]572291036617101400
15. Allons-y Scholar [13a]6914630235001389
16. desertbug Senior Maven [12d]45761804211801235
17. Sidd2 Advanced Maven [12c]3834299312313201160
18. apgreenwood Established Maven [12b]6002590209001068
19. Kytome Senior Adept [11d]482223017600881
20. Nevajo Senior Adept [11d]4572320133390861
21. ashe66 Senior Adept [11d]448231373950850
22. joseslaughter Advanced Adept [11c]3472480220310846
23. Alliebaba777 Advanced Adept [11c]3972940104340829
24. Guff52 Advanced Adept [11c]3612870671140829
25. littleet Adept [11a]4361590271080730
26. Wils23 Adept [11a]458115014500718
27. eaglerare Adept [11a]43222205900713
28. usafwaf_73 Senior Prodigy [10d]374181055460656
29. Jrema Senior Prodigy [10d]40615009202650
30. Cinderella62 Advanced Prodigy [10c]357190084170648
31. Alva7591 Advanced Prodigy [10c]380160027720639
32. Cubpower16 Advanced Prodigy [10c]45213804420636
33. pire8 Advanced Prodigy [10c]381730106630623
34. AuntieLulu1 Advanced Prodigy [10c]395117035720619
35. Useless2every1 Advanced Prodigy [10c]359153033710616
36. msdillo Established Prodigy [10b]305131011900555
37. retired-2 Prodigy [10a]41410601700537
38. prosecutor Prodigy [10a]3441710000515
39. Liza11 Prodigy [10a]30815704100506
40. Hogan05 Senior Challenger [9d]36610502800499
41. gdfella1 Senior Challenger [9d]19022301770491
42. b_douglas Senior Challenger [9d]25817804700483
43. TOMROCK39 Senior Challenger [9d]30986014580467
44. troj6243 Senior Challenger [9d]35757030182464
45. Kristinstuff Senior Challenger [9d]3171470000464
46. Stelvin Senior Challenger [9d]386740000460
47. CodysMum Advanced Challenger [9c]3657601600457
48. KingLouie1 Advanced Challenger [9c]21520700330455
49. NatP3 Advanced Challenger [9c]232119020670438
50. Bettinasulliva Advanced Challenger [9c]360660000426
51. Mightyhorse Advanced Challenger [9c]169209017260421
52. MontyQueef Established Challenger [9b]20119600170414
53. zartog Established Challenger [9b]2158309600394
54. DH007 Challenger [9a]327270000354
55. gipsy13 Challenger [9a]2406704500352
56. SariYeo Senior Contender [8d]235990100335
57. JFG88 Senior Contender [8d]17213400270333
58. Pepper25 Senior Contender [8d]2107502900314
59. DJNYL Senior Contender [8d]2246202500311
60. Hazmiguel Advanced Contender [8c]1311630800302
61. bradmu Advanced Contender [8c]1834207400299
62. Kittiwake Advanced Contender [8c]266200000286
63. jambro1 Established Contender [8b]1521180000270
64. sas3a Established Contender [8b]254110000265
65. doreen27 Established Contender [8b]12957045340265
66. mustangh2 Contender [8a]227220000249
67. jonop Contender [8a]149940500248
68. Carrots0324 Contender [8a]1181220600246
69. diver19 Contender [8a]22790000236
70. badee Contender [8a]1635401500232
71. ksorenson2 Contender [8a]1229300170232
72. Bullit1959 Contender [8a]130880300221
73. Zirkon Contender [8a]185350000220
74. heflyspitfires Senior Amateur [7c]188250060219
75. donbisto Senior Amateur [7c]205120000217
76. joepsdca Senior Amateur [7c]170430000213
77. Vlkry Senior Amateur [7c]166350000201
78. Frieday Advanced Amateur [7b]1255000200195
79. ljzaber Advanced Amateur [7b]146470100194
80. rehaire Advanced Amateur [7b]1332603300192
81. CM1509 Advanced Amateur [7b]161220100184
82. Cranebrook2749 Amateur [7a]154190000173
83. Refrye Amateur [7a]130270800165
84. Disey1 Senior Student [6c]118360300157
85. Ionared Senior Student [6c]134220000156
86. Grahoo Senior Student [6c]79720300154
87. Dave9468 Student 1st class [6b]1052201700144
88. gverdi40 Student 1st class [6b]883504160143
89. rachelhanus Student 1st class [6b]705902110142
90. Eckelmeister Student 1st class [6b]109290000138
91. BooIsBored Student 1st class [6b]98330200133
92. Lilyah Student 1st class [6b]110180400132
93. Lizzie3056 Student 2nd class [6a]113160000129
94. Hoofyhorse Student 2nd class [6a]103230010127
95. cyeomans Student 2nd class [6a]872218000127
96. Sandy200 Student 2nd class [6a]113120200127
97. Suesue2 Student 2nd class [6a]84330060123
98. Minimaude Student 2nd class [6a]99220000121
99. Jamiehmcw91 Student 2nd class [6a]782701150121
100. WillyJ1232 Student 2nd class [6a]102140000116