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Teens' Triple Treat (22) Crossword Puzzle

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[I] Selected; [II] Singled out; [III] Special person: ____ one. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword has three separate clues. In this series, the words and phrases are carefully CHOSEN for their accessibility. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. [I] Deprived [II] Forlorn [III] Suffering a loss
      4. [I] Encroached [II] Had an effect [III] Touched on
      10. [I] Sherwood Forest figure [II] Legendary benefactor [III] Little John's pal (All: 5,4)
      11. [I] Brainstorms [II] Notions [III] "Don't get any funny ____!"
      12. [I] Playground problem [II] Canned beef [III] "Well, ____ for you!"
      13. [I] Certain digger [II] Klondike hopeful [III] One in a rush? (All: 9 or 4,5)
      14. [I] Nightclub [II] Dinner-and-a-show venue [III] Musical set at the Kit Kat Club
      16. [I] Rescuer [II] Messiah [III] Knight in shining armour (All: U.S. spelling)
      19. [I] Hosted [II] Ran the show [III] Made some introductions
      21. [I] Large amounts [II] Books in a set [III] Sound levels
      23. [I] Crossroads features [II] Directional aids [III] Guidance givers
      25. [I] Dusk to dawn [II] Dark time [III] When most people retire
      27. [I] Serengeti scavenger [II] "Laughing" animal [III] Carrion consumer
      28. [I] Complex [II] Complicated [III] Puzzling
      29. [I] Floor [II] Flabbergast [III] Flummox
      30. [I] Calm [II] Collected [III] Composed


      1. [I] Dramatic fashion look [II] One way to ride [III] Sans saddle
      2. [I] Revolting one? [II] Riot [III] Rise up
      3. [I] Light-hearted [II] Without a care in the world [III] Enjoy supermarket samples? (All: 5-4)
      5. [I] Interferes [II] Sticks one's nose in [III] Acts the buttinsky
      6. [I] Expression [II] Figure of speech [III] "Eat crow" or "talk turkey"
      7. [I] Performer's waiting area [II] Backstage place [III] Concert musicians relax here (All: 9 or 5,4)
      8. [I] Long for [II] Really fancy [III] It's often burning
      9. [I] Couldn't remember [II] Had a memory lapse [III] Drew a blank
      15. [I] "Help yourself!" [II] "Go right ahead!" [III] "By all means!" (All: 2,2,5)
      17. [I] Word following "Be my" [II] Patron of the hearts? [III] Token of affection
      18. [I] So to speak [II] In a manner of speaking [III] Seemingly (All: 2,2,4)
      20. [I] Brush aside [II] Let go [III] Send away
      21. [I] Calls on [II] Social chitchats [III] Guests' sojourns
      22. [I] Inhaler target [II] Respiratory concern [III] Bronchial ailment
      24. [I] Jumbo shrimp [II] Seafood serving [III] Cocktail tidbit
      26. [I] Nibble [II] Chew the greenery [III] Browse