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Teens' Triple Treat (23) Crossword Puzzle

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[I] Approachability; [II] Comprehensibility; [III] Understandability. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword has three separate clues. In this series, the words and phrases are carefully chosen for their ACCESSIBILITY. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. [I] Attract [II] Lure [III] Tempt
      4. [I] Bachelor girl [II] Old maid [III] Little old lady from Pasadena
      9. [I] One whom Bugs bugs [II] Fudd who hunts "wabbits" [III] Fictional Gantry
      10. [I] Crimea, for one [II] Map projection? [III] Word from the Latin for "almost" + "island"
      11. [I] Court report [II] Proof [III] Affidavit
      12. [I] Kick out [II] Boot [III] Cough up
      13. [I] Insignificant [II] Imperceptible [III] Infinitesimal
      17. [I] Trick [II] Hoax [III] Gag (All: 9,4)
      19. [I] One way to be taken [II] By surprise [III] Rearward
      21. [I] Things left out [II] Oversights [III] They may be intentional
      23. [I] Amazing [II] Unexpected [III] Scary or wondrous
      24. [I] Rider's handful [II] Means of control [III] They hold your horses
      25. [I] Count [II] List in detail [III] Proficient in arithmetic, say
      26. [I] Position [II] Prestige [III] Place in society


      1. [I] Charged [II] Exciting [III] Type of guitar
      2. [I] Record temporal data [II] Email attachment? [III] Part of many a digital photo (All: 9 or 4-5)
      3. [I] Welsh dog breed [II] Short-legged dog [III] Literally, "dwarf dog"
      5. [I] Close-fisted [II] Parsimonious [III] Extremely economical (All: 5-8)
      6. [I] Without words [II] Pictorial [III] Unspoken (All: 9 or 3-6)
      7. [I] Soundly defeat [II] Heavy knock [III] Dull sound
      8. [I] Indeed [II] "Is that right?" [III] "It's true!"
      10. [I] Motion picture screener [II] Cinema worker [III] Film focuser
      14. [I] Joker [II] Mischief maker [III] "Gotcha!" crier
      15. [I] Financial expert [II] One who advocates frugality [III] Expert in production and distribution
      16. [I] Population profiles [II] Events for enumerators [III] Big counting jobs
      18. [I] Cereal fruit [II] French for "grape" [III] Trail mix morsel
      20. [I] Frighten [II] Eye-opener? [III] Burglar's bane
      22. [I] Swagger [II] Sashay, say [III] Stride with pride