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Fiddle Faddle #15 Crossword Puzzle

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A general puzzle covering many of the funtrivia categories. Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Average



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Ajar
      4. By the mouth
      7. A possibility
      8. Poet, Thomas ___
      9. To the same degree
      11. Place
      12. Recede
      14. Suppliment with great effort
      16. Era
      18. Spiritual being attendant upon God
      21. Honour
      23. Timepiece
      24. Soak in a liquid
      26. Watching closely
      29. Take advantage of
      30. Poem
      31. Fifth sign of the zodiac
      34. Mature adult male
      36. "___ have and ___ hold"(same word)
      38. Bobbin
      39. "___ never rains, ___ pours"(same word)
      40. Bird home
      41. Writing implements


      1. Coming from
      2. Flightless bird
      3. In no way
      4. Naturally occurring mineral
      5. Confederate soldier, Johnny ___ (inf)
      6. "___ Bamba"
      7. Notion
      10. Canary food
      11. Wooden laundry pin
      13. Sound a ewe makes
      15. Closed loops
      17. Impressive
      19. A lamb's mother
      20. One circuit of the racing track
      21. Highest card
      22. The intention underlying an action
      24. Tuxedo
      25. Moray
      27. Charged particle
      28. Gentleman (inf)
      32. The alphabetical letter between r and t
      33. Choose
      34. Wash the floor
      35. Lager
      37. Atop
      39. She ___, you are