Complete Clue List
1. Favorite summer activity
7. Unfortunately, the sun can sometimes ______ skin cancer
8. A summer health retreat
11. Maslow has a hierarchy of these
12. A noble gas
14. A pet that sleeps most of the summer
15. Fleshy prominence of the ear that might get burnt in summer
16. Everyone's favorite Munster
19. A very small unit of matter
20. Summer road rage
21. Moisten or soak
23. An unenlightened or ignorant person (like a caveman)
26. Momma might read this Jane Austen book at the pool
27. Nickname for U.S. army soldiers (initials)
28. Hot southerly winds of Egypt (pl.)
32. What you might test the water temperature with
34. A child online might care for this virtual animal
35. Scuba divers might get this if they come up too quickly: The ____
36. Not fast
1. Weather that makes summer great
2. Everyone's favorite summer-time treat
3. A polite way to address a woman courtesy of the French
4. Some people like this on their hotdogs
5. Present tense of the verb "to be"
6. Immediately following in line
8. Weight lifters on Venice Beach might perform this exercise
9. A springy children's toy stick for the outdoors
10. A person driven by instinctual appetites
13. A span of many years
17. Hermit or recluse
18. Maiden name
22. From 1851 to 1873 you might have used this coin to buy ice-cream (pl.)
24. Nudists in summer like to be this
25. Richard Nixon's vice-president
29. A sky goddess in Sumerian mythology
30. Latin name for the sun
31. Stock market launch (initials)
33. Opposite of off