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Three Letter Words, Most with F, G, and/or H Crossword Puzzle

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All answers have three letters. Most words have F and/or G and/or H.
Author: lowtechmaster - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. A dandy
      3. Jump on one foot
      5. Strike out
      7. Sense of self
      8. British toilet
      9. Witch
      11. Not a gal
      13. Obtained
      15. Old English letter
      17. Government housing agency (Abbr.)
      19. Major US auto company (Abbr.)
      21. Stringed instrument (Abbr.)
      22. Tear
      23. Children's game
      25. Small round mark
      27. Hawaiian fish
      29. Slang for a female leg
      31. Left after a fire
      33. Poetic word for unclose
      35. Something to write on
      36. Not on
      37. Swine
      38. Payable
      39. Dress in fancy clothes


      1. Expression of disgust
      2. Cribbage marker
      3. Pig
      4. Thickness or layer of material
      5. Very heavy mist
      6. Negative
      10. Back on a boat
      12. Word expressing distaste
      14. Unit of electrical resistance
      15. Young newt
      16. Embrace
      17. Nourished
      18. Product of creative skill
      19. Indication of student performance (Abbr.)
      20. 22nd Greek letter
      24. Muslim commander
      26. Expression of surprise (Plural)
      28. Slang term for in the know
      29. Space
      30. Measure of fuel consumption (Abbr.)
      31. Increase
      32. Garden tool
      33. Poetic form of often
      34. Ovum