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It's "D" Lightful Crossword Puzzle

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All five letter words begin and end in "D." All other words, except for two fillers, have a "D."
Author: lowtechmaster - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Stunned
      4. Fooled
      7. Oriental sash
      8. Went first
      9. Female dear
      10. Faked out
      12. Was overly fond
      14. Saw socially
      16. Had the courage
      18. Ate
      20. Slept
      21. Baby goat
      23. Morning moisture
      24. Netherlands commune
      25. Tree nymph
      26. Shot craps


      1. Meted out
      2. Last letter in England
      3. Covered with a rounded top
      4. Plunged downward
      5. Something to write on
      6. Fear
      10. Removed from text
      11. Killer of Goliath
      13. Harem room
      15. Scottish uncle
      16. Built a wall to stop floods
      17. Gave drugs to
      18. Made wet with liquid
      19. Prospered
      22. Not wet
      23. Savage or Holliday