Complete Clue List
1. Come about
4. Computer storage area OR stockpile
7. Cheats
8. "Command & Conquer" game genre (init.)
9. "Command & Conquer: 14D Alert" 1995 memorabilia: Dog ___ "Better 14D than dead" (sing.)
10. Competitor: early versions of "Command & Conquer" offered multi-____ options
13. Certain mined deposit: means of earning battlefield cash in "Command & Conquer" (sing.)
15. Combat
17. Colony member
19. Claims in 1997 that "C&C" was "probably the ____ biggest PC CD-ROM entertainment franchise to date"
22. Creepy cinema street
24. Comment after "Who's ready?" (1,2)
25. Coruscation measure? SI unit of luminous intensity
26. 5D (e.g. 13A) carried by specialised "harvester" ____ to refinery structures
27. "Command & Conquer" original ____ (music) was voted best video game soundtrack of 1996
1. Coming first (2,3)
2. Country in Asia, featuring in "Command & Conquer: Generals"
3. Critic's written opinion; "Command & Conquer" games have been highly rated
4. Cutscenes in "Command & Conquer" feature full-motion video with an ensemble ____ (actors)
5. Consignment
6. Come to pass
11. 10A games could be played via modem and ____ (PC linkup, init.)
12. "Command & Conquer" converts ____ material (e.g. 13A) into usable resources (shown as credits)
14. "Command & Conquer: ____ Alert" (1996), second game in the franchise
16. Cartridges, munition units OR plays in a turn-based game
17. Continental farewell
18. Conductor's concerns, players' paces, possibly with 27A (Ital.)
20. Con, deceive (3,2)
21. Cult "Brotherhood of Nod" is a quasi-____ (nation) revolutionary faction in "Command & Conquer"
23. Constructing a base in "Command & Conquer" uses mobile construction vehicles (init., plural)