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Melissa Etheridge Trivia Quizzes

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3 Melissa Etheridge quizzes and 30 Melissa Etheridge trivia questions.
  Everything About Melissa Etheridge   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I didn't see very many Melissa quizzes so I had to make one. This quiz will be about Melissa's personal life and her career. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, david079, Jan 21 09
290 plays
  Melissa Etheridge   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The following quiz covers the music of Melissa Etheridge, one of my favorite singers. I saw her live in 1999, and it was the best concert I've ever been to!
Difficult, 10 Qns, ravenskye, Oct 06 09
1321 plays
  Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Which word finishes this line from a Melissa Etheridge song?
Tough, 10 Qns, nicolekrocks, Oct 12 05
637 plays

Melissa Etheridge Trivia Questions

1. What is Melissa's birth date?

From Quiz
Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: 29 May 1961

Melissa was born, 29 May 1961, in Leavenworth, Kansas. She moved from Kansas to California in 1982 to try her hand at music, the rest is history.

2. "There's a fire in their kitchen, and the water's _______ feet high and rising." What word fills the gap?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Three & 3

From the song "My Beloved," from the "Breakdown" album. Melissa Etheridge was born on May 29, 1961.

3. 'What makes flesh and body hunger for another burning soul?' is a line from which Melissa Etheridge song?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Resist

'Resist' appears on Melissa's 'Yes I Am' album.

4. Finish this line: "I want it more than _______, I can taste it on my breath..."

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Truth

From the song "Angels Would Fall," from the "Breakdown" album. This song was released as a single and appears on Melissa's Greatest Hits album, "The Road Less Traveled."

5. What was the name of Melissa's second album?

From Quiz Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Brave And Crazy

Melissa's second album, "Brave and Crazy", was released in September of 1989. The album's three singles were "Let Me Go", "No Souvenirs", and "The Angels".

6. Which famous King appears in Melissa's song, 'Chrome Plated Heart'?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Midas

The line goes: 'Midas in my touch, Delilah in my hair...'

7. "You said you had that dream last night, of the ________ in your room." Which word fills the gap?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Stranger

From the song "Stronger Than Me," from the "Breakdown" album.

8. Which old-time movie actor appears in one of Melissa's songs?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Humphrey Bogart

In the song 'Watching You' from Melissa's first album: 'Anyway, Bogart's on in the windown down the street...'

9. Who did Melissa perform a Janis Joplin tribute with at the 2005 Grammy Awards?

From Quiz Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Joss Stone

Joss performed "Cry Baby" and they performed "Piece Of My Heart" together. Joss was a nominee that night for Best New Artist.

10. "Tell the _____ they'll just have to wait." Who 'just has to wait'?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Angels

From the song "This Moment," from the "Lucky" album.

11. What well known older singer is mentioned in one of Melissa's songs?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Perry Como

From 'I Really Like You' on the 'Your Little Secret' album: 'I'll find you that song by Perry Como you like to sing...'

12. What album did the song, "I Want to Come Over", originally appear on?

From Quiz Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Your Little Secret

The album was Melissa's fifth studio album and was released in 1995. The album also contained two other singles, "Your Little Secret" and "Nowhere to Go".

13. Complete: "I saw you through my blind ________."

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Intoxication

From the title track of the "Lucky" album, which is the only song from it to appear on Melissa's Greatest Hits.

14. What Shakespearean hero appears in one of Melissa's songs?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Romeo

From 'No Souvenirs' on the 'Brave and Crazy' album, the first line to the song is: 'Hello, hello...this is Romeo.'

15. Who was Melissa's life partner from 1988-2002?

From Quiz Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Julie Cypher

Melissa dated and lived with Julie Cypher for those 12 years before they drifted apart and announced their separation. Julie was married to actor, Lou Diamond Phillips, before meeting Melissa in 1987.

16. Finish this lyric: "Past the old graveyard, down _______ Road."

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Eisenhower

From the song "Meet Me In The Dark," from the "Lucky" album. Melissa was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 and performed at the 2005 Grammy Awards bald from chemotherapy.

17. What mythological male is mentioned in one of Melissa's songs?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Cupid

From 'The Angels' on 'Brave and Crazy': 'Oh, Cupid, you foolish boy...'

18. For what song did Melissa receive an Academy Award in 2006?

From Quiz Everything About Melissa Etheridge

Answer: I Need To Wake Up

Melissa received the Best Original Song Oscar for "I Need To Wake Up". The song was written and recorded for Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth".

19. Which album did Melissa dedicate 'To My Father With All My Love'?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Never Enough

20. "I'm free as a ______." What is she as free as?

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Fire

From the song "The Different," from the "Skin" album. Melissa has two children, son Beckett and daughter Bailey, with her former partner Julie Cypher.

21. Can you name one of the cities or states mentioned in Melissa's song called 'You Can Sleep While I Drive'? (Be sure to capitalize the words!)

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge

Answer: Tucson & Santa Fe & Nashville & Texas & New Orleans

We'll go through TUCSON, up to SANTA FE. And Barbara in NASHVILLE says we're welcome to stay. I'll buy you glasses in TEXAS, a hat from NEW ORLEANS...

22. Finish this lyric question: "Must I live my days in these ______ ways?"

From Quiz Melissa Etheridge Lyrics - Fill The Gap

Answer: Concrete

From the song "Testify," from the "Brave And Crazy" album.

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