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Agatha Christie Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
From the little grey cells of Hercule Poirot through the deceptively gentle Miss Marple to the adventures of Tommy and Tuppence, with pauses along the way for a number of diversions, you will find plenty here to satisfy your thirst for the works of "The Queen of Crime".
330 Agatha Christie quizzes and 4,620 Agatha Christie trivia questions.
  Which Christie Detective?    
Classification Quiz
 20 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote novels featuring Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Tommy and Tuppence Beresford. Which detective featured in the following books - or was it a non series character? This quiz does not cover TV/movie adaptations.
Average, 20 Qns, MariaVerde, Feb 18 25
MariaVerde gold member
Feb 18 25
156 plays
  Ordering Agatha Christie   popular trivia quiz  
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
Place these Agatha Christie novels from the earliest date of publication (US) to the last.
Easier, 10 Qns, nmerr, May 05 24
nmerr gold member
May 05 24
227 plays
An Agatha Christie Duology
  An Agatha Christie Duology   popular trivia quiz  
Fun Fill-It
 10 Qns
Fill in the Missing Nouns
We'll take a look at the opening lines of two of Agatha Christie's masterpieces, "And Then There Were None" and "Murder on the Orient Express". Fill in the missing nouns of these popular works.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, trident, Jun 29 24
Very Easy
trident editor
Jun 29 24
360 plays
  Agatha Christie: May The Best Detective Win   best quiz  
Collection Quiz
 12 Qns
Agatha Christie was dubbed the Queen of Crime because of her prolific crime novels written in the "Golden Age of Detective Fiction". Your job is to identify the Agatha Christie titles amongst this swirling cauldron of excellent crime novels.
Easier, 12 Qns, 1nn1, May 05 24
1nn1 gold member
May 05 24
722 plays
  Sorting Agatha Christie   best quiz  
Classification Quiz
 15 Qns
Can you tell your Poirot from your Miss Marple from your Tommy and Tuppence? Sort these books by which detective solves the case. Just to make it interesting, I've included some books where the mystery is solved by someone else - or by no one!
Average, 15 Qns, agony, Mar 29 22
agony editor
Mar 29 22
980 plays
  Christie Encyclopedia   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
How well do you know Agatha Christie's mysteries? Why not try my Christie Encyclopedia quiz (A-Z) and find out?
Average, 25 Qns, LindaC007, Sep 14 24
Sep 14 24
4870 plays
  Who Solved It?   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie's novels featured the sleuthing skills of Hercule Poirot, Jane Marple, and the Beresfords (among others). Can you identify the detective who was successful in each of these cases?
Easier, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Mar 11 19
looney_tunes editor
Mar 11 19
889 plays
  Poirot & Marple - What's Common?   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple are two of the most famous characters created by Agatha Christie. Though they never met in any of her novels, there are some striking similarities between them and the cases they solved. Caution: Spoilers
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Jun 05 14
zorba_scank gold member
3805 plays
  Agatha Christie's Opening Lines 2   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you select the correct title to go with each of the first lines? Each question gives the opening lines to a novel as well as other clues to help you.
Average, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Feb 24 05
MotherGoose editor
3802 plays
  Christie Tri-Bond editor best quiz   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give you three Agatha Christie novels and you try to pick what they have in common. Caution: SPOILERS.
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Mar 14 10
zorba_scank gold member
5032 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In "Cards on the Table", who makes their first appearance in a full length novel?

From Quiz "Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Two"

  An Answer To Their Prayers   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When murder occurs in an Agatha Christie book, often more than one person will benefit, not necessarily only the murderer. See what you know about these ten cases where murder was an answer to at least someone's prayer. * caution: will contain spoilers
Average, 10 Qns, James25, Jan 02 18
James25 gold member
726 plays
  The Plot, She Thickens   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
In contrast to the usual "opening lines" quiz, this quiz will describe the event at/near the beginning of an Agatha Christie book (not necessarily the first scene!) that sets the plot in motion. All you have to do is tell me the book. Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, PearlQ19, Mar 28 13
PearlQ19 gold member
997 plays
  About Christie Herself   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a more in-depth quiz about Agatha Christie.
Average, 10 Qns, minch, Jun 03 06
minch gold member
4949 plays
  Killer Advice   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten of Agatha Christie's murderers have decided to give advice on how not to get caught. Given the information, can you figure out who is giving the advice and from what novel they appeared? Spoilers (and red herrings) ahead.
Average, 10 Qns, Joepetz, Aug 19 17
Joepetz gold member
743 plays
  Clued in on Christie   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Christie's works continue to inspire writers, filmmakers, and even quiz authors. The 1st letter of the 1st nine answers will help you spell out the answer to the Q10. Caution: Spoilers
Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Apr 05 20
zorba_scank gold member
Apr 05 20
485 plays
  Christie Plots and Titles   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Go through the plot from the Agatha Christie novel and identify the name of the novel.
Average, 10 Qns, deepakmr, Jan 07 09
1731 plays
  Agatha Christie's Opening Lines   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you select the correct title to go with each of the first lines? Each question gives the opening lines to a novel as well as other clues to help you.
Average, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Oct 29 04
MotherGoose editor
2127 plays
  A Christie Common Bond   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Answer the first nine questions on different Christie novels and then guess the common bond. Caution: spoilers
Tough, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Feb 07 21
zorba_scank gold member
Feb 07 21
2226 plays
  Agatha Christie's Novels and Stories   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Devoted Christie readers only - this quiz is about most of Agatha's novels and short stories. Take care that this quiz doesn't spoil the ending of a novel you haven't read yet... Enjoy!
Tough, 25 Qns, PearlQ19, Sep 19 20
PearlQ19 gold member
Sep 19 20
2291 plays
  Agatha Christie - Closing lines   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie's novels are known for their dramatic climaxes. Can you identify the novel by reading its closing (last few) lines? No hints given and lots of spoilers! This quiz is inspired by Mother Goose's quiz on opening lines.
Average, 10 Qns, deepakmr, Oct 19 08
1472 plays
  Memorable Lines, Memorable Mysteries from Agatha C   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Christie fans will need no hints to guess the names of these well-known mysteries from the lines provided. For the uninitiated, a few gentle hints are provided.
Average, 10 Qns, Ruma, Feb 02 24
Feb 02 24
2595 plays
  Christie Victims A to Z (nearly!)   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over eighty novels. So there were also a lot of murders. This quiz deals with some of the victims, and the books they were in - full-length novels only. Warning...spoilers ahead. Enjoy!
Average, 25 Qns, JaneMarple, Jan 16 18
JaneMarple gold member
1582 plays
  They Messed Up, Big Time   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The murderers always falter at the end of Agatha Christie's novels. This quiz deals with ten murderers and the mistakes they made that ultimately led to their capture. CAUTION: CONTAINS SPOILERS
Average, 10 Qns, Joepetz, Apr 17 14
Joepetz gold member
648 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Four   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderer (or murderers) is obvious and sometimes well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1942 until 1950. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, May 27 20
JaneMarple gold member
May 27 20
628 plays
  Agatha Christie's Plays   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Agatha Christie's plays. It should be easy for a real Christie fan.
Tough, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Apr 09 04
MotherGoose editor
870 plays
  Clued up on Christie Mysteries?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Think you are familiar with all the stories of Agatha Christie? See how much you can remember by guessing the titles of these famous mysteries from the story description...
Easier, 10 Qns, ruma, Jan 03 17
3145 plays
  History of Agatha Christie's Works   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie has a reputation as one of the foremost crime novel writers of the twentieth century. How much do you know about her novels and the characters therein?
Average, 10 Qns, DavidGordon, Mar 25 24
Mar 25 24
609 plays
  Agatha Christie's Murderers   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about different murderers in Agatha Christie's books. I'll name a victim (and the title of a book) and you have to tell me who murdered that person.
Tough, 10 Qns, lotrpoirot427, Jan 03 17
1738 plays
  Available Agatha Christie Opening Lines   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I've read almost all of her books, but only ten of them in English. This is your standard opening lines quiz, with one catch: Books were not chosen for popularity but merely by availability on my bookshelf... Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, PearlQ19, May 16 11
PearlQ19 gold member
569 plays
  Whodunnit?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Do you remember whodunnit? This quiz is pretty simple, as long as you have read these Christie mysteries and remember who the murderer was.
Average, 15 Qns, raer, May 24 08
1811 plays
  When Miss Marple Met Poirot Part Two   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie never allowed her two most famous detectives to meet - until now! This quiz is a mixture of full length novels - five Miss Marples and five Hercule Poirots. Warning - spoilers ahead!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Jan 03 10
JaneMarple gold member
707 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Two   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderers are obvious and sometimes they are well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1931 until 1936. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Aug 30 09
JaneMarple gold member
537 plays
  The Mysteries of Christie    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Try to identify these ten Christie novels - NOT short stories - by the brief descriptions! Hope you enjoy my quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Dec 16 16
JaneMarple gold member
2219 plays
  "Christie Cluedo" Part Four   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a variation on the board game "Cluedo" (or "Clue",). I give you an Agatha Christie victim, you say where they were found dead. This quiz deals with the full-length books. Warning - major spoilers will be revealed!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Aug 31 07
JaneMarple gold member
975 plays
  When Miss Marple Met Hercule Poirot Part One   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Agatha Christie never allowed her two most famous detectives to meet - until now! This quiz is a mixture of full length novels - six Miss Marples and seven of Hercule Poirot's. Warning - spoilers ahead!
Average, 15 Qns, JaneMarple, Nov 24 09
JaneMarple gold member
632 plays
  Agatha Christie's Novels 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A simple quiz about the brilliant Agatha Christie and her novels. Warning: there may be spoilers.
Average, 10 Qns, secretsiren, Mar 04 16
376 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Seven   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Christie's full length novels, from 1970 until 1976. It also concerns some well known (and lesser well known) plays which were converted into novels. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Aug 16 10
JaneMarple gold member
499 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Three   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderers are obvious and sometimes they are well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1937 until 1941. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Sep 07 09
JaneMarple gold member
525 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Six    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderer (or murderers) are obvious and sometimes they are well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1959 until 1969. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Oct 19 09
JaneMarple gold member
473 plays
  "Christie Cluedo" Part One    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a variation of "Cluedo" (or "Clue", ). I give you an Agatha Christie victim, which book it is from and who committed the murder. You have to work out how the victim died. This quiz is based on full-length novels. Warning - major spoilers!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Jul 21 06
JaneMarple gold member
1249 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Five    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderer (or murderers) is obvious and sometimes they are well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1951 until 1958. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Apr 23 16
JaneMarple gold member
478 plays
  Agatha Christie's Assortment Part One   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie wrote over 80 books in all. Sometimes the murderer is obvious and sometimes they are well hidden. This quiz is about her early full length novels, from 1921 until 1930. Warning - spoilers may be revealed! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, JaneMarple, Aug 25 09
JaneMarple gold member
536 plays
  Agatha Christie's Novels   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Agatha Christie is known as the Queen of Mystery and Detective Fiction and she's my favourite author! See you much you know. SPOILERS inside!
Average, 10 Qns, snufalufagus, Mar 09 21
Mar 09 21
1462 plays
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Agatha Christie Trivia Questions

1. Which was the first novel published by Agatha Christie which also introduced one of her best known characters, Hercule Poirot?

From Quiz
Clued in on Christie

Answer: The Mysterious Affair at Styles

"The Mysterious Affair at Styles" was Agatha Christie's first published novel. It was published in the US in 1920 and in the UK in 1921. In the novel, Hercule Poirot is introduced as a Belgian seeking refuge in the UK after the Great War (as World War I was known before World Was II). Arthur Hastings, who later works with Poirot on numerous cases, also makes his debut in this novel. The plot centers on the death of Emily Inglethorp and Poirot's attempts to catch the killer.

2. Who shoots Philip Lombard in the novel 'And Then There Were None'?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Novels 1

Answer: Vera Claythorne

In one of Christie's most famous and intriguing works, Vera Claythorne is induced to shoot Philip Lombard in the final murder of the novel, as she believes he is responsible for the other deaths on the island. We as readers are led to believe that she is 'The' murderer without fully understanding how she's managed it all with clear cut alibis for some of the other deaths. Without the final chapter, I would never have guessed the ending!

3. Agatha Christie often used mirrors as plot devices in her novels, but the murderess from "After the Funeral" probably wished she had used the mirror more efficiently. Who is this killer who was later declared insane at trial?

From Quiz They Messed Up, Big Time

Answer: Miss Gilchrist

As part of her ploy, Miss Gilchrist impersonated Cora Lansquenet at the funeral of Cora's brother, Richard Abernethie. However, since she practiced turning her head in a mirror, Miss Gilchrist's impersonation was backwards. Another mistake she made was referring to a vase of flowers on the table that were only there before Miss Gilchrist arrived at Enderby Hall as herself.

4. Poirot arrives at a country house and witnesses a theatrical scene with a body lying next to a swimming pool, blood dripping into the water, and a woman standing above the body with a gun in her hand. Which novel is this?

From Quiz The Plot, She Thickens

Answer: The Hollow

Poirot is annoyed at first, thinking that the scene was staged specially for him to "honor his arrival" or some such nonsense. However, the body is very dead, and what seems to perfectly clear at the beginning turns out to be much more complex than he initially thought. "The Hollow" was first published in 1946. It is also known as "Murder After Hours."

5. In "The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side", for whom is the fete at Gossington Hall organised?

From Quiz When Miss Marple Met Poirot Part Two

Answer: St John's Ambulance Brigade

The title of the book is from Lord Tennyson's poem "The Lady of Shallot". Colonel Bantry is dead by the time this book begins, so Dolly Bantry sells Gossington Hall - the site for a murder in "The Body in the Library" - to the famous actress, Marina Gregg, and her film producer husband, Jason Rudd. Heather Babcock, a gushing villager, who was thrilled to meet Marina, drops dead during the fete. But why did Marina have a "frozen look" on her face?

6. In "The Murder at the Vicarage", where do Colonel Protheroe and his family live?

From Quiz When Miss Marple Met Hercule Poirot Part One

Answer: Old Hall

Gossington Hall will appear in other Miss Marple mysteries. Danemead is Miss Marple's own home, while The Manor is invented. This is Miss Marple's first appearance in a full length novel. Miss Marple lives in St Mary Mead. The local colonel is shot in the vicar's study and it is up to Miss Marple to solve the mystery.

7. In "Passenger to Frankfurt", what opera does Stafford Nye go to see?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Seven

Answer: Siegfried

Stafford Nye is flying from Frankfurt to London when a young woman persuades him to swap identities with her. Nye drinks drugged beer so she can take his cloak and passport. There is a rising tide of anarchy what has to be defeated before there is a resurgence of Nazi domination.

8. In "Cat among the Pigeons", what is the name of the school, run by Miss Bulstrode?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Six

Answer: Meadowbank

The story begins in Ramat, where there is government unrest. Bob Rawlinson, a pilot, tries to bring Prince Ali Yusef out of Ramat, but he fails when the plane crashes. Before making his escape, Bob held some jewels in his niece's tennis racquet. Then the teachers start being murdered at the well-known Meadowbank. Julia Upjohn finds the jewels in her best friend's tennis racquet, and asks for Poirot's help.

9. In "They Came to Baghdad", why was Victoria Jones sacked from her office job?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Five

Answer: Doing cruel impressions of her boss's wife

Victoria Jones falls in love with Edward Goring. Mrs Hamilton Clipp is travelling to Baghdad but has broken her arm. So Victoria becomes her nurse. There is going to be a secret meeting between the leaders of the Communist and the capitalist powers.

10. In "The Body in the Library", which hotel was Ruby Keene a dance hostess at?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Four

Answer: The Majestic

This is only the second full length novel to feature Miss Jane Marple. It takes place in St. Mary Mead and the surrounding area. Miss Marple helps her good friend, Dolly Bantry, when a dead body of a young woman is found in the library of Gossington Hall.

11. In "Dumb Witness", what was the name of Miss Emily Arundell's home?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Three

Answer: Littlegreen House

The novel is also known as "Poirot Loses a Client". Emily Arundell writes to Poirot, asking him to assist her. However, Poirot does not get the letter for over two months. By then, Miss Arundell is dead, presumably from a fall down the stairs. Miss Arundell's nieces and nephew were all in desperate need of money, but Miss Arundell left her considerable fortune to her companion. The "dumb witness" of the title is Miss Arundell's fox terrier, Bob.

12. In "The Sittaford Mystery", what sport did Major Burnaby and Captain Trevelyan do in their youth?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part Two

Answer: Skiing

Agatha incorporates the supernatural into this story. It takes place on a winter evening when, during some table-turning game, the spirits tell the gathering that Captain Trevelyan has been murdered. It is also known as "Murder at Hazelmere". The main detective is young Emily Trefusis, whose fiancé is suspected of murdering his uncle, the Captain.

13. In "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", what flowers had been planted, before the murder?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Assortment Part One

Answer: Begonias

"The Mysterious Affair at Styles" was Agatha Christie's first published work. It revolves around the mysterious death of Emily Inglethorp. Her second husband is suspected of poisoning her evening medicine. It is also Hercule Poirot's first case in England.

14. Agatha Christie wrote her novels and short stories for more than 50 years. What was the year her first crime novel was released?

From Quiz History of Agatha Christie's Works

Answer: 1920

This was the first novel in which a famous crime solver, who reappeared in later novels, was introduced to the readers.

15. "I have no pity for myself either. So let it be veronal. But I wish Hercule Poirot had never retired from work and come here to grow vegetable marrows."

From Quiz Agatha Christie - Closing lines

Answer: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' is one of the most famous novels of Agatha Christie, where Poirot retires to grow vegetable marrows but has to take up a case. Doctor Sheppard is a key character who assists Poirot throughout the novel. But at the end, in a stunning climax, it is revealed that Sheppard is the murderer. Poirot gives him an option to end it all or go to prison. Sheppard writes a last note and decides to kill himself by veronal (the same poison he used for one of his victim).

16. A family get together is in progress, when the master of the house is killed. Featuring a Spanish beauty, a bag of diamonds and a false moustache! Which is this Poirot mystery?

From Quiz Christie Plots and Titles

Answer: Hercule Poirot's Christmas

'Hercule Poirot's Christmas' was first published in 1938. This Hercule Poirot mystery features Simeon Lee, a nasty old man who invites his family for Christmas and then goes on to humiliate them one by one. A Spanish beauty Pilar, South African diamonds and a false moustache (which Poirot uses to crack the case) are key elements in this novel. The novel ends with the Superintendent in charge of the case being unmasked as the murderer.

17. Major Despard and Rhoda Dawes first met and fell in love in 'Cards on the Table'. In which later novel do they reappear as a married couple?

From Quiz A Christie Common Bond

Answer: The Pale Horse

Rhoda is the cousin of Mark Easterbrook, the principle narrator of 'The Pale Horse'. In this book, Major Despard has been promoted to the rank of Colonel. Two other earlier Christie characters also make an appearance - Mrs. Dane Calthrop from 'The Moving Finger' and Ariadne Oliver.

18. Apart from the fact that they all feature Hercule Poirot, what else do the novels 'Dead Man's Folly', 'Cards on the Table' and 'Mrs. McGinty's Dead' have in common?

From Quiz Christie Tri-Bond

Answer: They also feature Ariadne Oliver.

All the three novels also feature Ariadne Oliver. Poirot first met Ariadne in 'Cards on the Table'. This fictitious author was modeled on Christie herself.

19. A is for Roger Ackroyd. He appeared in 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd'. What was the name of the village, where Ackroyd lived?

From Quiz Christie Victims A to Z (nearly!)

Answer: Kings Abbot

Roger was stabbed. This is perhaps one of Poirot's most famous cases - discounting 'Murder on the Orient Express' and 'Death on the Nile'.

20. "Miss Jane Marple was sitting by her window. The window looked over her garden, once a source of pride to her. That was no longer so." The title of this novel comes from the poem "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Opening Lines 2

Answer: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side

According to a number of websites, part of this novel's plot parallels an incident in the life of the actress, Gene Tierney, who contracted rubella (German measles) during her pregnancy in 1943 and as a result gave birth to a daughter who was intellectually and physically handicapped. Gene Tierney did not know how she contracted rubella until years later, when she met a female fan who told her that, during the World War II, she was a Marine. Even though she was under quarantine for rubella, she had sneaked out in order to meet the actress. There is no firm evidence that Agatha Christie actually knew about this particular incident or that she based the novel on it.

21. "You do see, don't you, that she's got to be killed". Raymond and Carol Boynton are referring to their step-mother. In which novel is Mrs Boynton murdered by injection of digitoxin?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Opening Lines

Answer: Appointment with Death

Mrs Boynton is a former prison wardress with a sadistic streak who terrorises her unfortunate family. The character of Mrs Boynton was originally written for the novel "Death on the Nile".

22. Where was Paul Renauld found dead?

From Quiz "Christie Cluedo" Part Four

Answer: Golf course

Paul Renauld was the victim in "The Murder on the Links". The main detective is Hercule Poirot, helped by Captain Hastings. Hastings meets his wife in this book. It was first published in 1923.

23. Book - "The Secret Adversary". Murderer - Sir James Peel Edgerton. Victim - Rita Vandemeyer. How did the victim die?

From Quiz "Christie Cluedo" Part One

Answer: Chloral

This is Tommy and Tuppence Beresford's (although their names are Prudence Cowley and Thomas Beresford, they are married in later books) first adventure, and only Agatha Christie's second novel. They are looking for a secret draft that might send England into another war. It was first published in 1922. The murderer committed only one murder. The murderer later committed suicide by cyanide.

24. Who killed Mr. Morley in "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Murderers

Answer: Alastair Blunt

The wealthy banker Alastair Blunt is the killer. Miss Sainsbury Seale remembered that his wife was Gerda Grant, and not Rebecca Arnholt. She had to be silenced so it could not be proved that Blunt comitted bigamy. However, she mentioned to the blackmailer Mr. Amberiotis that his wife was named Gerda. He realized the truth, and blackmailed Blunt with this information. Amberiotis had to be killed as well. Mr. Blunt noticed in his dentist's appointment book that Amberiotis was going to have his first appointment with Morley on the same day he was going. So he decided to kill the dentist(Morley), impersonate him (Amberiotis had never met Morley before, remember), and administer a fatal dose of novocaine and adrenaline to Amberiotis.

25. The heroine is Anne Beddingfeld, who is seeking adventure. She witnesses a suspicious-looking "accidentical" death and decides to investigate.

From Quiz The Mysteries of Christie

Answer: The Man In The Brown Suit

This book was published in 1924. The master criminal is unmasked by Anne. Colonel Race appears in this novel and will reappear in three subsequent novels.

26. In the mystery "Death on the Nile", two people were responsible for the murders, but one of them was the real mastermind. Who was it?

From Quiz Whodunnit?

Answer: Jacqueline de Bellefort

Jacquie and Simon committed the crimes together, but as Jacquie confesses to Poirot, Simon could never have pulled it off by himself. This is one of the few crimes Poirot investigates that he genuinely feels sorry for the murderer. He truly likes Jacquie, and tries to get her to come to her senses early in the book before the crimes are even committed.

27. What is so special about the 'Murder on the Orient Express'?

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Novels and Stories

Answer: Poirot covers the real murderer(s)

One of the most famous novels. Poirot solves the mystery, but he doesn't make the solution public - he pretends not to know the murderer. It's a great reflection on what justice means...

28. When was Agatha Christie born?

From Quiz About Christie Herself

Answer: 1890

She was born in Torquay, Devon, England.

29. What are the names of the twin sisters in the novel 'Elephants Can Remember'? Their deaths are the focus of the investigation in the novel.

From Quiz Agatha Christie's Novels 1

Answer: Dolly and Molly

Dolly and Molly (Dorothea and Margaret Preston-Grey) are twin sisters who are both in love with the same man, General Ravenscroft. Molly marries him and Dolly eventually goes mad, harming children in several incidents in her life. In the novel General Ravenscroft and his wife are found shot to death side by side with no evidence as to which one of them was responsible. Mrs Oliver asks Poirot to help her solve the mystery over a decade after it happens - why did a seemingly happy couple commit suicide?

30. In which book did the murderer reveal himself or herself when they failed to realize that by crossing a bridge over rushing water, they inadvertently proved they were not afraid of heights? Hint: In this novel, the culprits are a husband and wife.

From Quiz They Messed Up, Big Time

Answer: Evil Under the Sun

Christine Redfern lied when she told Poirot she was afraid of heights. This seemed innocuous until the Belgian realized that someone must have climbed down a cliff to impersonate Arlena, and that person could not have a fear of heights.

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Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:47 AM
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