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C. S. Lewis Trivia Quizzes

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Quizzes on the Narnia series of books will be found in Books for Kids. These quizzes deal with his writing for adults, both fiction and non-fiction.
13 quizzes and 135 trivia questions.
  Perelandra Posers    
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 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on the happenings and ideas found within C. S. Lewis' Perelandra, the second book in his Space Trilogy. The quiz is written for those who know the book pretty well.
Tough, 10 Qns, Neume, May 18 04
402 plays
  The Screwtape Letters   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
C. S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" are a collection of letters of advice from a senior to a junior devil. What do you remember about them?
Average, 10 Qns, ertrum, Apr 02 11
ertrum gold member
423 plays
  C. S. Lewis: Beyond Compare editor best quiz   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
C. S. Lewis has influenced Children's Literature, Science Fiction, English Literature, English Language, and Christian Apologetics. This quiz focuses on some of his lesser known writings.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Feb 10 10
tazman6619 gold member
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  He Walks Everywhere Incognito    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
C. S. Lewis wrote numerous books, including the well-loved Narnia Chronicles. He has many quotes attributed to him, of which these are a few. Complete the quote by matching the word to the blank. The book name has been provided to help.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Apr 21 19
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VegemiteKid gold member
Apr 21 19
363 plays
  C.S. Lewis Books   great trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
Name the C.S. Lewis book based on the clues given. This includes both fiction and nonfiction.
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  Other Popular Works of C.S. Lewis   great trivia quiz  
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C. S. Lewis wrote many books besides the "Chronicles of Narnia". This quiz will test your knowledge of some of his other popular writings.
Average, 10 Qns, ertrum, Mar 11 21
ertrum gold member
Mar 11 21
1715 plays
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Following on from my 'Out of the Silent Planet' quiz, this one is about the second book in C.S. Lewis's 'space' trilogy, 'Perelandra', published in 1942.
Average, 10 Qns, --xKIWIx--, Feb 17 19
Feb 17 19
644 plays
  That Hideous Strength: The Devil's In the Details    
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 10 Qns
The devil's in the details, so they say. This quiz covers specific details of Lewis's third novel in his Space trilogy, "That Hideous Strength". Only those that have read the work closely will fare well in these waters.
Average, 10 Qns, berenlazarus, Aug 14 22
Aug 14 22
278 plays
  'That Hideous Strength'    
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 10 Qns
Following on from my quizzes on "Out of the Silent Planet" and "Perelandra", one on the third book in C.S. Lewis's "space" trilogy - "That Hideous Strength", published in 1945.
Average, 10 Qns, --xKIWIx--, Jul 04 03
633 plays
  'Out of the Silent Planet'    
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 10 Qns
This one is all about the first book in CS Lewis's 'Space' trilogy - 'Out of the Silent Planet', published in 1938. A very intriguing book from a fantastic writer: try it! Enjoy the quiz, and good luck. :-)
Average, 10 Qns, --xKIWIx--, Jul 04 03
891 plays
trivia question Quick Question
When he first sees the Earth from the space ship, what does the main character think it is?

From Quiz "'Out of the Silent Planet'"

  Testing with Lewis    
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 10 Qns
Can you answer the questions about the books of C.S. Lewis? There is only one FITB.
Average, 10 Qns, pennie1478, Oct 04 19
pennie1478 gold member
Oct 04 19
234 plays
  Till We Have Faces    
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 10 Qns
Lewis's novel "Till We Have Faces" presents a common myth from a unique perspective, demonstrating the harmful powers of love.
Average, 10 Qns, regenbogen, Feb 17 10
224 plays
  "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis    
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The story of a man's tour of Heaven and its visitors' and inhabitants' view of it, compared to Hell.
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C. S. Lewis Trivia Questions

1. In C.S. Lewis's 1960 book, about how many loves did he write?

From Quiz
Testing with Lewis

Answer: Four

"The Four Loves" was written in 1960 during Lewis' marriage to Joy Gresham. She helped him write the book while she lived with cancer. C.S. Lewis covers the four types of love in this book: affection, friendship, romance, and unconditional love.

2. In his introduction to "The Screwtape Letters", Lewis says about devils that "They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a ________ or a ________ with the same delight." What words complete the sentence?

From Quiz The Screwtape Letters

Answer: materialist and magician

"There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight." "The Screwtape Letters" was first published as a serial in "The Guardian", an Anglican publication, starting in May, 1941. The book was published in 1942. A sort of sequel, "Screwtape Proposes a Toast" was published in 1959.

3. C.S. Lewis's novel is based upon the ancient Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche, told from a unique perspective. What is the relation of the narrator to Psyche?

From Quiz Till We Have Faces

Answer: Sister

Orual is Psyche's older sister. Although the sisters in Cupid and Psyche are cruel and jealous, Orual deeply and possessively loves her younger sister.

4. Though Lewis does not give the exact year that "That Hideous Strength" occur, from evidence with the text and Lewis's own preface you can certainly date the story to a specific era. During which decades is this story set?

From Quiz That Hideous Strength: The Devil's In the Details

Answer: 1940s or 1950s

By internal evidence on the story itself, "That Hideous Strength" takes place, as Lewis says "vaguely after the war", meaning World War II, so either in the late 1940s or the early 1950s. In the opening chapter of the novel, we learn that Canon Jewel, a minor character, was an old man before even the first war, meaning World War I, and though we are not given Canon Jewel's age, he is a very old man. We also know that both Jane and Mark Studdock are both young, and by the 1960s or 1970s they would be to old to have lived through World War II and stay true to the way Lewis characterizes their age. Lewis also states that Mrs. Dimble is from the 19th century. Also, Lewis states that the fellows of Bracton ceased wearing their nice wardrobes for economic reasons brought on during World War II and have not yet started the practice again.

5. What is the weather like at the bus stop?

From Quiz "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis

Answer: Rainy

It was raining at the bus stop, perhaps symbolic of God's mourning for the damned.

6. The narrator of this book takes a bus ride from hell to heaven.

From Quiz Other Popular Works of C.S. Lewis

Answer: The Great Divorce

In this book, Lewis dreams that he took a bus ride from hell to heaven. Heaven, in this book, is described as a place where everything is more real than on Earth -- Lewis could walk without bending the grass because he was insubstantial. There he meets George McDonald, one of his literary and Christian mentors.

7. This book was about his conversion to Christianity, not about his wife.

From Quiz C.S. Lewis Books

Answer: Surprised by Joy

Joy was his wife's name, but he wrote this book before meeting her.

8. On what planet does the story take place?

From Quiz 'That Hideous Strength'

Answer: Thulcandra (Earth)

In the first part of the trilogy, Elwin Ransom was kidnapped and transported to Malacandra, known to men as Mars. In the second he found himself on Perelandra, or Venus. The story of "That Hideous Strength" takes place on Earth... but becomes every bit as unworldly as its predecessors.

9. 'Perelandra' is the 'real' name of what planet in our solar system?

From Quiz 'Perelandra'

Answer: Venus

In the first book of the series, Ransom was transported to Malacandra - Mars - from Thulcandra, the 'silent planet', or Earth as we know it. Jupiter is alluded to as being called 'Glundandra', though none of the action of the continuing story takes place there. Venus takes centre stage in this second part of the trilogy, as the title planet.

10. What is the name of the 'main character' of the book, through whose eyes the majority of the action is seen?

From Quiz 'Out of the Silent Planet'

Answer: Ransom

'Elwin Ransom' is the name given to the character, although it transpires that this is a pseudonym. Weston and Devine are the two men who kidnap Ransom and take him to the planet Malacandra. Aslan is the Lion, from Lewis's 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' series.

11. Who was Screwtape in Lewis's 1942 classic, "The Screwtape Letters"?

From Quiz Testing with Lewis

Answer: Senior demon

"The Screwtape Letters" was written shortly after Lewis' book "The Problem of Pain". The book consisted of a series of letters written from a senior devil to his apprentice. An English newspaper, "The Guardian" paid Lewis $1500 for all thirty-one letters. "The Screwtape Letters" was published in 1942 and dedicated to C. S. Lewis' good friend, J.R.R. Tolkien. Mr. Tolkien was upset that Lewis dedicated the book to him because Tolkien didn't care for the book.

12. Screwtape is a senior devil who has retired from the field of tempting humans, and writes these letters to his nephew, a junior devil. What is his nephew's name?

From Quiz The Screwtape Letters

Answer: Wormwood

In his letters, Screwtape attempts to advise Wormwood how best to tempt the human he has been assigned to.

13. "First of all Orual loved me much, then the Fox came and she loved me little; and then the baby came and she loved me not at all." Which oft brushed-aside character uttered these words?

From Quiz Till We Have Faces

Answer: Redival

Orual often complains about her younger sister, who greatly annoys her. She considers Redival to be little more than a nuisance, and it is not until much later in her life that she realizes how hurt Redival was by the way Orual treated her.

14. Very early in the novel we are introduced to Curry, a principal of the Bracton "Progressive Element". What was Curry's area of scholarly learning?

From Quiz That Hideous Strength: The Devil's In the Details

Answer: Military history

When Lord Feverstone asks Curry what the N.I.C.E are really going to do, Curry goes on about the jobs and the money that the Institute will be bringing into Edgestow. James Busby, the Bursar, continually attributes economics rather than military history as Curry's main area of expertise. The main points of this scene in the novel are, first, that Curry and the Bracton Fellows who are so instrumental in bringing the Institute to Edgestow have no real idea of the Institute's true aims, and, secondly, to introduce the idea that the Institute is much more nefarious than it appears, and that it is Mark Studdock's job to disguise the truth about what the Institute means to do.

15. While approaching Ransom's cottage, Lewis is besieged by doubts and fears which cause him to think he is going insane. What is the cause of this occurance?

From Quiz Perelandra Posers

Answer: Bent eldila

The bent eldila (fallen angels) of our world do not want Lewis to reach the cottage and Ransom. They have gotten wind of what's happening, and wish to inhibit the process in any way possible.

16. This was Lewis's last novel. It is set in Glome, a country near Greece, and is a retelling of the myth of Psyche and Eros.

From Quiz Other Popular Works of C.S. Lewis

Answer: Till We Have Faces

Queen Orual of Glome is Psyche's sister, and tells the story from her point of view.

17. In the old "Chronicles of Narnia" book set, this title was placed first in the series. In most modern sets, however, it is placed second.

From Quiz C.S. Lewis Books

Answer: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

"The Magician's Nephew" is now placed first because it appears first from a chronological standpoint, though it was in fact written sometime after "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."

18. The sinister "N.I.C.E." plans world domination - for what does N.I.C.E. stand?

From Quiz 'That Hideous Strength'

Answer: National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments

The N.I.C.E. is - seemingly - under the direction of Lord Feverstone, familiar to readers of the first parts of the trilogy as Dick Devine, friend and devotee of Dr. Edward Weston, who met his fiery end in "Perelandra".

19. What three (human) characters from the first book in the series reappear in this, the second?

From Quiz 'Perelandra'

Answer: Ransom, Weston and Lewis

Elwin Ransom reappears as the 'hero' of the story, while Professor Edward Weston continues in his role as villain. C.S. Lewis, meanwhile, connects the first book with the second by journeying to revisit Ransom at the beginning of the novel; Ransom has told him that he, Ransom, must undertake a second interplanetary voyage under instructions from the 'eldila', planetary angels. After his return, Ransom relates his adventures to Lewis, and his story comprises the rest of the book. (Devine, Weston's accomplice in 'Out of the Silent Planet', does not return in 'Perelandra'; Harry was a minor character from 'Planet' who was indirectly responsible for Ransom's involvement in the entire saga.)

20. What is the name of the place (NOT the village, but the building) where the main character meets the two scientific men?

From Quiz 'Out of the Silent Planet'

Answer: The Rise

Ransom is on a walking-tour. The night before the story opens, he spent at Stoke Underwood before moving on to Much Nadderby, where he couldn't find an inn. He is on the way to the village of Sterk when events lead him to 'The Rise'... and his adventures begin.

21. When Screwtape refers to Satan, what does he call him?

From Quiz The Screwtape Letters

Answer: Our Father Below

Our Father Below is the head of the lowerarchy, including the secret police.

22. In the book "The Problem of Pain", C. S. Lewis has a chapter titled "Animal Pain", a chapter that clearly illustrates his love of animals. Which author's books HOPPED into his life as a child encouraging this love?

From Quiz C. S. Lewis: Beyond Compare

Answer: Beatrix Potter

Lewis was heavily influenced in his early childhood by the writings of Beatrix Potter and her anthropomorphic animals, chief among these is of course "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". Animals permeate his writings, most notably in "The Chronicles of Narnia". As mentioned in the question, he devotes a whole chapter in his book to the subject of animal pain as it relates to a just and loving God. This chapter is quite involved and even deals with whether or not animals go to heaven or have an afterlife.

23. Where is the Fox from?

From Quiz Till We Have Faces

Answer: Greece

Greece is often referred to as "the Greeklands," and the Fox was captured by the King. He became a tutor and a lifelong friend of Orual.

24. With what did the Teacher compare the size of Hell to, on Earth?

From Quiz "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis

Answer: A pebble

Since the bus had grown, obviously Hell is a small place. Since the souls fit in there, it can be concluded that the residents' souls' sizes have diminished by lack of God in their lives.

25. What is the name of the language Ransom learned on Mars, which he says may be called Old Solar?

From Quiz Perelandra Posers

Answer: Hressa-Hlab & hressa-hlab & hressa hlab

Ransom originally thought this was the language of Mars only, but discovered it to be the language of the entire solar system.

26. Doctor Elwin Ransom is kidnapped and taken to Mars in this the first book of Lewis's "Space Trilogy".

From Quiz Other Popular Works of C.S. Lewis

Answer: Out of the Silent Planet

The canals of Mars are inhabited, though the planet's surface is deserted. Lewis acknowledged his debt to H. G. Wells and other science fiction writers of the time in providing some of the tone and style of this book.

27. This novel was based on the myth of Cupid and Psyche.

From Quiz C.S. Lewis Books

Answer: 'Til We Have Faces

The novel examines the various meanings of love, a theme also picked up in Lewis' nonfiction work "The Four Loves."

28. Who is the "front man" for the N.I.C.E., the public face hiding its true agenda?

From Quiz 'That Hideous Strength'

Answer: Horace Jules

A famous novelist, Jules presents a far different image of the N.I.C.E. to a skeptical British public than its true purpose would!

29. What does Ransom immediately notice about much of the surface of Perelandra upon his arrival there?

From Quiz 'Perelandra'

Answer: It is mostly water

Ransom finds that the majority of the planet's surface is liquid, and that there are floating 'islands' around him, which are made up of some strange vegetation. He finds that the islands drift, sometimes closer and sometimes further apart, and that they rise and fall on the currents and waves so that the landscape continually changes. Far from being chilly, the planet is warm, and Ransom is naked because of the temperature. Later, Ransom learns that there is only one fixed island on the surface of the entire planet. This island becomes central to the development of the plot.

30. When he first sees the Earth from the space ship, what does the main character think it is?

From Quiz 'Out of the Silent Planet'

Answer: The Moon

Ransom thinks he's looking at the Moon, and wonders why he can't see the familiar 'face'. He is shocked when Weston informs him that they are 85,000 miles above the Earth.

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