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Honeymoon in Vegas Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Honeymoon in Vegas Quizzes, Trivia

Honeymoon in Vegas Trivia

Honeymoon in Vegas Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
  10 Question Honeymoon in Vegas Quiz    
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This is one of my favorite movies!
Average, 10 Qns, bcmeaks, Feb 22 06
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  Average Honeymoon in Vegas Trivia    
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 10 Qns
A quiz on "Honeymoon in Vegas". Here are some details and facts about this 1992 romantic comedy starring Nicolas Cage, Sarah Jessica Parker, and James Caan.
Average, 10 Qns, jlp937, Feb 22 06
730 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What famous person did Mr. Tomashefsky tell Jack that his wife, Millie, was having an affair with?

From Quiz "Honeymoon in Vegas"

Honeymoon in Vegas Trivia Questions

1. What does Betsy do for a living?

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Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Teacher

She teaches 2nd grade. You see her at the school talking to a parent at the beginning of the movie, and it is mentioned a couple of other times as the movie goes on. Sarah Jessica Parker plays Betsy.

2. One of Jack's clients, Mr. Thomasevski, thinks his wife is having an affair with a professional boxer. Who is the boxer?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Mike Tyson

This is a very funny part of the movie! Jack doesn't believe him. He shows up at Jack's office after the Vegas fiasco, and shows an obviously doctored picture! The picture shows his wife sitting next to a man with Mike Tyson's face taped over the man's real face.

3. What grade did Betsy teach in school?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: 2nd grade

Betsy loved to teach and read.

4. Jack's friend, Sally, is the local bookie in town. What else does Sally do for a living?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Dentist

You see him in his office a few times. Jack has to come up with the money to pay Tommy back, or Tommy gets to spend the weekend with Betsy. Jack calls Sally from Vegas asking him for a loan. Sally's patient and says that they have both heard of Tommy Korman! Betsy's response to that is "I'm glad I'm not shacked up with a small timer."

5. What famous person did Mr. Tomashefsky tell Jack that his wife, Millie, was having an affair with?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Mike Tyson

He didn't want to accept that fact that she was having an affair with Freddy Ramirez. All of his buddies from work were razzing him big time making him think it was Mike Tyson.

6. The movie is set in a Las Vegas hotel. Which hotel is it?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Ballys

Jack suggests that they fly to Vegas and get married right away. You see the hotel when they arrive, and you hear the name Ballys mentioned over the loud speaker while Betsy is in the pool.

7. How much money did Jack take in with him to the poker game with Tommy Corman?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: $500

Jack went in with $500 and came out $65,000 in the hole.

8. What "unbeatable" hand did Jack have in his poker game against Tommy?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Straight Flush

Betsy wants to know why Jack lost so much money in the poker game and Jack says "I had a straight's like..unbeatable." Betsy says, "like unbeatable is not unbeatable". Jack screams, "Hey, I know that now okay!" Jack screams a lot in this movie! Tommy fixed the game so that Jack's straight flush to the Jack is beaten by Tommy's straight flush to the queen.

9. What was Chief Orman's favorite musical?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: South Pacific

Chief's favorite is "South Pacific". If you will recall he serenaded Mahi Mahi and Jack with his own rendition of his favorite tune.

10. How much money did Jack lose in the poker game?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: $65,000

Tommy tries to convince Betsy that the debt was only $3,000 so that she will dump Jack and marry Tommy. The $65,000 amount is mentioned several times during the movie. Jack wants to pay the amount off over a period of a couple of years. Tommy says, "Do you think you are buying a (expletive) washer and dryer? You owe Tommy Korman $65,000!"

11. Which chapter of Flying Elvis' did Roy Bacon belong to?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Utah

Jack didn't realize what he was getting into when he got on that plane.

12. What activity did Tommy and Betsy do while in Hawaii?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Horseback riding

Betsy has Tommy take her to many activities in Hawaii. You see Betsy gracefully riding her horse with ease and Tommy is clearly struggling with his horse. They also go hiking and Tommy collapses at the top of the mountain.

13. What was the name of the loan shark that bailed Jack out from New York?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Sally Molars

Sally was not only a loan shark but a dentist. Hence the name Sally Molars.

14. Tommy, Betsy and Tommy's son go to see a volcano erupting. What is the name of the volcano?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Mt. Kilauea

While Tommy and Betsy are talking at the beach, Tommy's son asks them how far Mt. Kilauea is from their house. Tommy and Betsy go to watch the eruption with Tommy's son and his family. On the TV news, it is reported that Mt. Kilauea is erupting in Hawaii. Jack is watching the news, and sees Betsy bonding with Tommy's family on TV and gets on the first plane to Hawaii.

15. What did Jack's mother make him promise to her before she died?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: That he would never get married

She didn't want anyone to marry him because no one would love him like she did.

16. Tommy and Mahi Mahi visit Chief Orman instead of Tommy Korman in Hawaii. Chief Orman mentions his favorite stage show. What is the name of the show?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: South Pacific

Jack and Mahi are sitting in Chief Orman's shack. Jack is desperately trying to get to Betsy before she falls for Tommy, but Mahi insists they spend some time with Chief Orman first. Jack is trying to get information from Chief about Tommy Korman. Chief breaks out in song as poor Jack goes crazy!

17. What cleaning function was Jack's mother performing in the dreams that he had about her?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: vacuuming

He dreamed of her vacuumming naked. What a site!

18. Who pays the money to bail Jack out of prison in Hawaii?

From Quiz Honeymoon in Vegas

Answer: Sally

You see Mahi Mahi sitting on the car when he picks Jack up, but he places a call to Sally after he is arrested. Sally was the one who forked out the money.

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